2024-08-30 |
jwst_1276.pmap |
operational |
Delivering new MIRI pars-detector1pipeline, pars-outlierdetectionstep, pars-image2pipeline and pars-spec2pipeline rmaps to resolve matching ambiguity errors we are seeing in the pipeline. Currently these rmaps have entries with TSOVISIT=TRUE, that have equal weight cases with other entries with TSOVISIT=N/A. These cases are being resolved by setting any case of TSOVISIT=N/A to TSOVISIT=FALSE, so that all TSO data have only the option of using the TSO specific files.
Deleting two NIRSpec dark and superbias reference files for G395M because they were delivered with a substrt1 matching to other gratings and are now being used with those incorrect gratings. Once removed from the active rmaps, these files will ultimately be marked as bad and should not be used with any data. |
2024-08-27 |
jwst_1274.pmap |
archived |
Affected data - MIRI, all modes, pars-darkcurrentstep, pars-extract1dstep, pars-spec2pipeline, pars-spec3pipeline, and extract1d reference files. NIRCam, non-TSO modes, pars-detector1pipeline reference file.
A new NIRCam pars-detector1pipeline reference file turns off the persistence correction step of the pipeline. New imaps for all instruments that include entries for pars-nscleanstep and pars-spectralleakstep set to NA were delivered to avoid the Unknown reference type log error message seen in the pipeline. Initial rmaps for pars-darkcurrentstep were delivered for all instruments, and an initial pars-darkcurrentstep reference file was delivered for MIRI to introduce the new average_dark_current parameter. The initial rmap and reference file for pars-extract1dstep was delivered for MIRI, which adds in the specification of ifu auto-centroiding, and also enables use of the new IFU covariance parameter that helps make ERR estimates reported by the pipeline in 1d extracted spectra for MIRI MRS more reliable. New MIRI pars-spec2pipeline, pars-spec3pipeline, and extract1d reference files were delivered, which set use source position back on in extract1D for spec2 and off in spec3 to fix LRS extracting spectra at fixed slit locations regardless of dither pattern. New system_calver file for JWST DMS Build 11.0 that covers jwst versions 1.15.0 and 1.15.1. For more details on each delivery, access the CRDS webpage and select Context History, all contexts. |
2024-08-16 |
jwst_1263.pmap |
archived |
The MIRI MRS Photometric calibration reference files reflect an updated approach to the photometric calibration that scales the calibration against O9V star 10Lac to the average normalization of 10 different standard stars of type O,A, and G. The updated set of MIRI Dark files apply to all data, for all three detectors, readout modes and subarrays, excluding the coronagraphic subarrays MASK1065, MASK1140 and MASKLYOT, still dummy files, due to too few dark observations available. The new MIRO photom files are being delivered from a new wavelength calibration, aperture correction and photometric correction for LRS slitless, and a new aperture correction and photometric correction for the LRS slit. The new NIRISS WFSS F150W specwcs files with improved spatial-dependent trace characterization. The new NIRCAM mask reference files contain updated bad pixel masks for all NIRCam detectors. |
2024-08-13 |
jwst_1258.pmap |
archived |
Update to the NIRSpec dark and superbias rmaps to add GRATING as a selection criteria. For nirspec subarray superbiases and darks, the location of the subarray can move depending on which grating is in place. The pipeline handles this by using the x and y starts to select the appropriate reference file for the data. Adding GRATING as a selection criteria makes it easier to identify which file goes with which subarray.
The pipeline developers plan to remove the parameters nhigh and nlow from the outlier detection code, but they first need to be removed from the parameter reference files. This delivery of MIRI outlier detection parameter reference files removes the parameters nhigh and nlow from the reference files. The values of scale are also being updated to 1.0 0.8 from the previous values of 0.5 0.4, as this gave better results when tested on MIRI calibration data. This change will affect MIRI imager, coronagraphic and LRS slit data. |