JWST Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS)


All Contexts

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Delivery Date Context Status Description
2024-10-15 jwst_1298.pmap latest New system_calver file for jwst software version 1.16.0, which corresponds to DMS Build 11.1. This file contains the new pinned context for Build 11.1, jwst_1298.pmap, to be used for processing and reprocessing of all JWST data upon installation of jwst version 1.16.0 into operations.
2024-10-11 jwst_1297.pmap archived This delivery provides new NIRSpec FS and MOS parameter reference files for the outlier detection step to set improved default outlier detection parameters. The improved parameters are needed to avoid clipping source signal in high signal to noise point source targets with the improved spectral resampling in JWST software version 1.16.0. The NIRSpec Team recommends users to reprocess the affected MOS/FS data to see the improvements reflected in their final data products.
2024-09-27 jwst_1296.pmap archived Delivering a new pmap with NIRISS imap updates, which changes the photom rmap entry to the most recently delivered one, created in jwst_1982.pmap. This will activate this new NIRISS photom file, which encompasses changes to the photometric calibration that has been revised based upon analysis of the cycle 1 and commissioning photometric observations. There have been changes in the resulting mean scaling factors because of the charge migration step in the pipeline and because of having more observations from a number of photometric standards. The standard star used in commissioning, LDS 748B, is found to be an outlier in the scaling values for the longer wavelength NIRISS filters compared to all the other stars that were observed.
2024-09-26 jwst_1295.pmap archived New system_calver file for jwst software version 1.16.0, which corresponds to DMS Build 11.1.
2024-09-26 jwst_1294.pmap archived Delivering a new pmap that includes a new MIRI imap to activate the specwcs rmap that has the updated selection criteria for specwcs file 0009. We are including this rmap with the build 11.1 deliveries so that this update will make it in for build 11.1 reprocessing.
2024-09-25 jwst_1293.pmap archived A new MIRI specwcs rmap is being delivered with updates to specwcs file 0009, because this file was previously delivered with an incorrect keyword. The subarray keyword was set to FULL, rather than SLITLESSPRISM, which means that the data was not using the correct wavelength file, resulting in incorrect results. File 0006 was meant to be replaced by 0009 at the previous delivery, so 0006 has also been deleted from the rmap. With the correct subarray selection criteria in place for file 0009, all SLITLESSPRISM data can be processed with Build 11.0 software.
2024-09-24 jwst_1292.pmap archived New system_calver file for jwst software version 1.16.0, which corresponds to DMS Build 11.1.
2024-09-24 jwst_1291.pmap archived A bug was found in the previous NIRISS pastasoss rmaps that used the wrong selector for exposure type, causing the file selection for this reference type to fail. A new pastasoss rmap is being delivered to correct this.
2024-09-23 jwst_1290.pmap bad New system_calver file for jwst software version 1.16.0, which corresponds to DMS Build 11.1.
2024-09-23 jwst_1289.pmap bad Delivering a new NIRISS pastasoss rmap with a new entry to catch all files not matched by the other entries, pointing to no file. Also fixing a bug with the EXP_TYPE selection criteria, in which EXP_TYPE for the existing reference file was pointing to UNDEFINED, when it should have been NIS_SOSS.
2024-09-20 jwst_1288.pmap bad New system_calver file for jwst software version 1.16.0, which corresponds to DMS Build 11.1.
2024-09-20 jwst_1287.pmap bad The NIRSpec FS and BOTS F Flats have been updated to accompany improvements to the JWST pipeline spectral resampling for NIRSpec data in JWST pipeline versions above v1.15.x. The pipeline changes require updated flux calibrations that are provided by these F Flat reference files. Any NIRSpec FS and BOTS data processed with JWST pipeline versions above v1.15.x should use these new reference files. Using previous F Flat reference files with pipeline versions newer than 1.15.x will produce flux calibrations that are systematically low by up to 5 percent.
2024-09-20 jwst_1286.pmap bad The NIRSpec MOS FFlat reference files have been updated to accompany improvements to the JWST pipeline spectral resampling for NIRSpec data in JWST pipeline versions older than 1.15.0. The pipeline changes require updated flux calibrations that are provided by these FFlat reference files. Any NIRSpec MOS data processed with JWST pipeline versions older than 1.15.0 should use these new reference files. Using previous FFlat reference files with pipeline versions newer than 1.15.0 will produce flux calibrations that are systematically low by up to 5 percent
2024-09-20 jwst_1285.pmap bad This delivery is of the NIRISS SOSS mode pastasoss reference file, which will improve the optimal spectral extraction algorithm for SOSS data by accounting for the trace tilt as a function of the NIRISS pupil wheel position. The old algorithm unreliably performs a fit for the trace position but this new reference file uses calibrated on-sky data to accurately predict the trace location.
2024-09-20 jwst_1284.pmap archived Update to pmap containing imap updates for FGS, MIRI, NIRCam and NIRSpec that include the new reference file type pastasoss. All these imaps will have this reference type set to N/A, because the pastasoss reference file only applied to NIRISS.
2024-09-20 jwst_1283.pmap archived Delivering the first pastasoss rmap for NIRISS to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pastasoss reference file deliveries.
2024-09-18 jwst_1282.pmap archived The photometric calibration has been revised based upon analysis of the cycle 1 and commissioning photometric observations. There have been changes in the resulting mean scaling factors because of the charge migration step in the pipeline and because of having more observations from a number of photometric standards. The standard star used in commissioning, LDS 748B, is found to be an outlier in the scaling values for the longer wavelength NIRISS filters compared to all the other stars that were observed.
2024-09-10 jwst_1281.pmap archived Deleting jwst_niriss_trapdensity_0001.fits and jwst_niriss_persat_0001.fits because these are pedigree=DUMMY files that are not applied to any data, and lack DQ and DQ_DEF columns in their data extension as their successors have.
2024-09-09 jwst_1280.pmap archived The NIRCam flat rmap has been updated to use the existing imaging flat field reference files for grism data. Only longwave, detector=NRCALONG or NRCBLONG, medium and wide filter, FILTER=F250M, F277W, F300M, F322W2, F335M, F356W, F360M, F410M, F430M, F444W, F460M, F480M and PUPIL=CLEAR, selection are affected.
2024-09-09 jwst_1279.pmap archived This delivery of NIRSpec FS and BOTS observing modes pathlosses contains the pathloss values derived from data obtained in Cycles 1 and 2 at predefined dither positions for slits S200A1 and S200A2, while the previous pathloss reference file was based on a model. For slits S400A1 and S1600A1 the pathloss values are set to unity so no pathlosses are applied, since they are of the same order of magnitude as the uncertainty in the flux calibration. The NIRSpec team encourages users with observations that use the S200A1 and S200A2 fixed slits to reprocess their data.
2024-09-09 jwst_1278.pmap archived A new set of MIRI Imager photom and apcorr files have been created. These include entries for all the imaging and coronagraphic bands. Both files have been updated based on the analysis of the cycle 1 and 2 absflux observations and associated commissioning observations. The previous files were based on cycle 1 and Commissioning observations. The analysis is documented in a paper submitted to the AAS journals, and soon to be posted to arXiv. For both files, they are similar to the previous delivery with updated values and the points noted below. The apcorr reference file has new entries for the imaging FND filter and the four coronagraphic filters. The rest of the entries have been updated for the updated analysis. The photom reference file has new entries for the FND filter. All of the imaging filters have updated entries that include, for the first time, the measured dependence on subarray. The coronagraphic filters include new entries to support FULL frame coronagraphic observations in addition to the usual coronagraphic subarrays, which are assumed to be the same as the individual coronagraphic subarrays.
2024-09-06 jwst_1277.pmap archived This delivery is of new MIRI MRS bad pixel reference files for Spring 2024. New bad pixel reference files are delivered roughly every six months. Shallow observations, defined as FASTR1 data with NGROUPS less than 50, use the least aggressive bad-warm pixel masking, medium-depth observations, defined as FASTR1 data with NGROUPS greater than or equal to 50, use a slightly more aggressive flagging, and deep observations, defined as all SLOWR1 data, use the most aggressive flagging thresholds. This hybrid scheme is designed to help flag known bad pixels at the level actually required by different science cases. Each of the new bad pixel masks is based upon a thresholding analysis of multiple deep MRS background sky observations. MIRI MRS data taken after May 14, 2024 should be reprocessed with these new bad pixel masks.
2024-08-29 jwst_1276.pmap archived Deleting two NIRSpec dark and superbias reference files for G395M because they were delivered with a substrt1 matching to other gratings and are now being used with those incorrect gratings. Once removed from the active rmaps, these files will ultimately be marked as bad and should not be used with any data.
2024-08-28 jwst_1275.pmap archived Delivering new MIRI pars-detector1pipeline, pars-outlierdetectionstep, pars-image2pipeline and pars-spec2pipeline rmaps to resolve matching ambiguity errors we are seeing in the pipeline. Currently these rmaps have entries with TSOVISIT=TRUE, that have equal weight cases with other entries with TSOVISIT=N/A. These cases are being resolved by setting any case of TSOVISIT=N/A to TSOVISIT=FALSE, so that all TSO data have only the option of using the TSO specific files.
2024-08-27 jwst_1274.pmap archived New system_calver file for JWST DMS Build 11.0 that covers jwst versions 1.15.0 and 1.15.1.
2024-08-27 jwst_1273.pmap archived LRS is presently extracting spectra at fixed slit locations regardless of dither pattern. As a result, extractions are negative, zero, etc when the dither does not match this pixel position. We fixed this by setting use source position back on in extract1D for spec2 but off in spec3. We also have turned pixel replace back on in spec3 for LRS slit.
2024-08-27 jwst_1272.pmap archived The MIRI spec3 parameter reference file update removes kernel parameters for the outlier detection step, which are already in outlier detection parameter reference files, and for extraction region auto-centroiding, which has been moved to the extract1d parameter reference file. The MIRI extract1d parameter reference file update adds in the specification of ifu auto-centroiding, and also enables use of the new IFU covariance parameter that helps make ERR estimates reported by the pipeline in 1d extracted spectra for MIRI MRS more reliable.
2024-08-27 jwst_1271.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-extract1dstep rmap for MIRI to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-extract1dstep file deliveries.
2024-08-27 jwst_1270.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-darkcurrentstep rmap for NIRSpec to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-darkcurrentstep file deliveries.
2024-08-27 jwst_1269.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-darkcurrentstep rmap for NIRISS to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-darkcurrentstep file deliveries.
2024-08-27 jwst_1268.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-darkcurrentstep rmap for NIRCam to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-darkcurrentstep file deliveries.
2024-08-27 jwst_1267.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of the MIRI pars-darkcurrentstep reference file that will be used in the dark current subtraction step to introduce the new average_dark_current parameter. This enables calculation of the Poisson noise on the average dark current which makes the ERR values reported by the pipeline in rate files more reliable.
2024-08-27 jwst_1266.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-darkcurrentstep rmap for MIRI to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-darkcurrentstep file deliveries.
2024-08-27 jwst_1265.pmap archived Delivering an updated pmap with new imaps for all instruments, which include entries for pars-nscleanstep and pars-spectralleakstep set to NA. This update will avoid the Unknown reference type log error message seen in the pipeline.
2024-08-26 jwst_1264.pmap archived This updated detector1pipeline parameter reference file turns off the persistence correction step of the pipeline. Currently, the persistence correction step does not subtract any signal, and the resulting output trapsfilled fits files contain a value of zero for all pixels. By skipping the persistence correction step and not producing the trapsfilled file, we save some processing time and disk space. Once the persistence-related reference files are updated such that a persistence subtraction is possible, we will update this file again to turn the step back on.
2024-08-15 jwst_1263.pmap archived These new mask reference files contain updated bad pixel masks for all NIRCam detectors. These masks are a significant update from the previous mask files. We used multiple algorithms to search for bad pixels, and worked on input files that had not been corrected for interpixel capacitance, IPC. This means that in some cases, neighbors of bad pixels are also flagged as bad due to IPC. Beyond this effect, the population of bad pixels has increased in the time since the previous bad pixel masks were created. As a result, many more pixels are flagged as bad in these new mask files compared to the older masks.
2024-08-15 jwst_1262.pmap archived This delivery includes new NIRISS WFSS F150W specwcs files with improved spatial-dependent trace characterization. The extent and curvature of a grism spectrum, or trace, is dependent upon the position of the source on the detector. This spatial dependence has now been incorporated into these specwcs files. These updates provide more accurate predictions of the locations of WFSS spectra, which is required for robust 2D and 1D extraction. For GR150R, the residuals of all 1st order trace locations- for sources spanning the entire detector- improve from 1.7 p/m 0.5 pixels to -0.5 p/m 0.4 pixels. The GR150R trace shape is a strong function of source X location, and for the most affected sources on the edges of the detector, residuals improve from 1.2 p/m 0.1 pixels to -0.2 p/m 0.3 pixels. For GR150C, the residuals of all 1st order trace locations- for sources spanning the entire detector- improve from 1.3 p/m 0.3 pixels to 0.3 p/m 0.3 pixels. The GR150C trace shape is a function of both source X and Y location, and for the most affected sources on the edges of the detector, residuals improve from 1.4 p/m 0.3 pixels to 0.3 p/m 0.3 pixels. Quoted errors are 1 sigma of the residuals.
2024-08-15 jwst_1261.pmap archived We are delivering a new wavelength calibration, aperture correction and photometric correction for LRS slitless, and a new aperture correction and photometric correction for the LRS slit. The aperture correction for both slit and slitless is contained in one file, so this delivery involves four new files. The slitless wavelength calibration includes shifts to the blue of about 180 nm at 5 um, 80 nm at 6 um, decreasing to close to 0 at about 8 um. Smaller shifts are required in the 12 to 14 um range. This change to the wavelength calibration requires an update to the aperture correction and photometric correction, and we have taken the opportunity to improve the aperture correction using an empirical PSF from Cycle 2 calibration observations. The aperture correction for the slit incorporates the same improvement, and the photometric correction for the slit utilizes that update while also correcting for fixed pattern noise in the previous photometric calibration.
2024-08-15 jwst_1260.pmap archived This updated set of MIRI Dark files apply to all data, for all three detectors, readout modes and subarrays, excluding the coronagraphic subarrays MASK1065, MASK1140 and MASKLYOT, still dummy files, due to too few dark observations available. These new files cover all the flight data taken since April 1, 2022, and correct several artifacts present in the previous darks. These new files do not include the reference pixel correction, which was not the case in the last versions. Improvements for faint sources have been observed and MIRI data should be reprocessed with these new files. The reference pixel correction should be skipped when using these new darks, and updated parameter reference files for calwebb_detector1 that skip the reference pixel step are also being delivered.
2024-08-13 jwst_1259.pmap archived This delivery updates the MIRI MRS Photometric calibration reference files. These changes reflect an updated approach to the photometric calibration that scales the calibration against O9V star 10Lac to the average normalization of 10 different standard stars of type O,A, and G. The primary effect of this update is to make all calibrations brighter by 2 percent at short wavelengths increasing to 5 percent at long wavelengths.This will apply to all MIRI MRS data.
2024-08-12 jwst_1258.pmap archived Update to the NIRSpec dark and superbias rmaps to add GRATING as a selection criteria. For nirspec subarray superbiases and darks, the location of the subarray can move depending on which grating is in place. The pipeline handles this by using the x and y starts to select the appropriate reference file for the data. Adding GRATING as a selection criteria makes it easier to identify which file goes with which subarray.
2024-08-12 jwst_1257.pmap archived The pipeline developers plan to remove the parameters nhigh and nlow from the outlier detection code, but they first need to be removed from the parameter reference files. This delivery of MIRI outlier detection parameter reference files removes the parameters nhigh and nlow from the reference files. The values of scale are also being updated to 1.0 0.8 from the previous values of 0.5 0.4, as this gave better results when tested on MIRI calibration data. This change will affect MIRI imager, coronagraphic and LRS slit data.
2024-07-25 jwst_1256.pmap archived These MIRI gain files were generated to reflect the most recent analysis of the gain values for all MIRI detector configurations. Any changes will be minimal and no data needs to be specially reprocessed.
2024-07-24 jwst_1255.pmap archived NIRISS, imaging, tweakreg step parameter files. These new files change the SEPARATION parameter to avoid an error in the version 1.15 data reduction pipeline. The value has been made larger than the THRESHOLD parameter as is required.
2024-07-22 jwst_1254.pmap archived NIRISS, AMI mode, charge migration step parameter reference files. The signal threshold has been revised for each AMI filter according to Goudfrooij et al. 2024 PASP, 136, 014503 in order to minimize the effects of charge migration on calibrated data. Data from program 1509 with NRM pupil and F480M filter at AMI primary dither position 1 were used to derive the new signal limits.
2024-07-12 jwst_1253.pmap archived Modifications were made to the high resolution gratings G235H G395H G140H and PRISM IFU SFLAT reference files with the goal of improving the quality of the science data. Noise levels on the edges of the IFU slices have been decreased by flagging pixels with unreliable flat field data as ones, and pixels with no flat field data and low throughput values are now set as DO NOT USE or NaNs. The NIRSpec Team recommends users to reprocess the affected IFU data to see the improvements reflected in their final data cubes.
2024-07-05 jwst_1252.pmap archived Affected data - NIRSpec, Fixed Slit and MOS observing modes, pars-resamplespecstep reference file. This new NIRSpec resamplespecstep parameter reference file updates default parameters for the JWST NIRSpec spectral resampling step. Exposure time weights are now used in place of inverse variance weights. The fill value for missing data is now explicitly set to NaN.
2024-07-05 jwst_1251.pmap archived Affected data - NIRISS, imaging modes, pars-resamplestep reference file. For the NIRISS imaging mode, the parameters previously stored in the drizpars file are now transferred to this new resample parameter file. This is the initial delivery of the new parameter file, with identical parameters as the drizpars file with the exception of now setting weight_type to ivm. fillval=INDEF was removed so the new default of fillval=NaN would be used. pixfrac=1.0 and kernel=square were removed since those are default pipeline values. weight_type=ivm was left as is since weight_type=exptime is the pipeline default.
2024-07-05 jwst_1250.pmap archived Affected data - NIRCam, imaging modes containing more than four exposures, pars-resamplestep reference file. This is an initial resample parameter reference file for NIRCam, to replace the previously used drizpars reference file. This file contains only keywords that have values which differ from the default values in the pipeline code. With this file, in combination with the pipeline default values, the resample step will be called with the same parameter values that are present in the drizpars reference file, with the exception of cases where 4 or more images are being resampled together. In that case, the drizpar reference file specified a pixfrac value of 0.8, while the default value in the pipeline code is 1.0.
2024-07-05 jwst_1249.pmap archived Affected data - MIRI, imaging and MRS modes, pars-resamplestep and pars-resamplespecstep reference files. These MIRI resample and resamplespec step parameter reference files are being delivered in support of JP-2682 to remove use of drizpars reference files and move to using parameter reference files for each instrument and mode.
2024-07-05 jwst_1248.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-resamplespecstep rmap for NIRSpec to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-resamplespecstep reference file deliveries.
2024-07-05 jwst_1247.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-resamplestep rmap for NIRISS to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-resamplestep reference file deliveries.
2024-07-05 jwst_1246.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-resamplestep rmap for NIRCam to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-resamplestep reference file deliveries.
2024-07-05 jwst_1245.pmap archived Delivering the first pars-resamplestep and pars-resamplespecstep rmaps for MIRI to initialize these new reference types and prepare for subsequent pars-resamplestep and pars-resamplespecstep reference file deliveries.
2024-07-03 jwst_1244.pmap archived This delivery includes new NIRISS WFSS F115W specwcs files with improved trace characterization. The extent and curvature of a grism spectrum, or trace, is dependent upon the position of the source on the detector. This spatial dependence has now been incorporated into these specwcs files. These updates provide more accurate predictions of the locations of WFSS spectra, which is required for robust 2D and 1D extraction. For GR150R, the residuals of all 1st order trace locations- for sources spanning the detector- improve from 0.7 plus/minus 0.2 pixels to -0.3 p/m 0.3. The GR150R trace shape is a strong function of source X location, and for the most affected sources on the edges of the detector, residuals improve from 0.7 p/m 0.1 to 0.0 p/m 0.1. For GR150C, the residuals of all 1st order trace locations- for sources spanning the detector- improve from 1.1 p/m 0.2 pixels to 0.1 p/m 0.2. The GR150C trace shape is a function of both source X and Y location, and for the most affected sources on the edges of the detector, residuals improve from 1.1 p/m 0.1 to 0.0 p/m 0.1. Quoted errors are 1 sigma of the residuals.
2024-07-03 jwst_1243.pmap archived Modifications were made to the medium resolution grating G395M G235M G140M IFU SFALT reference files with the goal of improving the quality of the science data. Bullseye artifacts in the original SFLAT files have been identified and smoothed over via interpolation methods. Noise levels on the edges of the IFU slices have been decreased by flagging pixels with unreliable flat field data as ones, and pixels with no flat field data and low throughput values are now set as DO NOT USE or NaNs.
2024-06-27 jwst_1242.pmap archived The NIRSpec cubepar reference file for IFU science data has been updated to modify the minimum wavelength used for cube building for the G140M F070LP and G140H F070LP grating filter combinations. The previous values extended past the wavelength range that falls on the NIRSpec detectors and resulted in many empty frames in the IFU cubes that were produced in cube building. The updated values restrict the cube building to wavelengths that fully fall on the detector. Affected data are NIRSpec IFU data taken with G140M F070LP and G140H F070LP grating filter combinations.
2024-06-12 jwst_1241.pmap archived NIRISS, imaging mode, pars-tweakregstep files. As of JWST pipeline version 1.14.0, equivalent to DMS build 10.2, IRAFStarFinder is now an option for the starfind parameter in tweakreg. IRAFStarFinder has been shown to provide significantly better centering for NIRISS data than the default option, which is DAOStarFinder, so we wish to make IRAFStarFinder the default for NIRISS data. These parameter reference files accomplish that.
2024-06-12 jwst_1240.pmap archived New system_calver file for JWST DMS Build 10.2
2024-06-12 jwst_1239.pmap archived Activating two NIRCam photom reference files that were previously delivered, jwst_nircam_photom_0162.fits and jwst_nircam_photom_0163.fits, because these reference files are designed to only be used with jwst pipeline version 1.14.0 and later. Earlier versions of the pipeline assumed the flux calibration values in the reference file contained values of MJy per steradian per pixel. In that case, the dispersion factor of roughly 10 Angstroms per pixel had to be included in the photmjsr values in the photom reference file. Starting with version 1.14.0, the pipeline assumes the values in the photom reference file are in units of MJy per steradian per Angstrom. Therefore, we have removed the dispersion factor from the flux cal values in these reference files. When working with older versions of the pipeline, the older reference files jwst_nircam_photom_0129.fits and jwst_nircam_photom_0130.fits should be used. Anyone using these reference files with a pipeline version prior to 1.14.0, or using the previous reference files with pipeline version 1.14.0 or later will have a flux calibration that is wrong by a factor of roughly 10.
2024-06-10 jwst_1238.pmap archived This delivery updates MIRI MRS flatfield and photometric calibration reference files. Flatfield updates make changes to the Channel 1A flatfield incorporating recovered flux information from standard stars dithered around the field of view, and broadly change the error arrays for all flatfields to more accurately reflect the true flatfield uncertainty. Photometric calibration updates include a revised model of the time-dependent count rate loss taking into account the latest six months of monitoring observations, corresponding updates to the Channel 4 photometric calibration vectors, and an adjustment to the Channel 1A photometric calibration vector given the updated flatfield. The effective net flux change at the most-affected wavelengths and dates is typically about 1 percent.
2024-06-05 jwst_1237.pmap archived During an investigation of a pipeline bug, it was discovered that the header value in MIRI AREA and PHOTOM files for PIXAR_SR is wrong by about 0.6 percent. Updates to the header keywords for PIXAR_SR and PIXAR_A2 needed to be made for resampling to give correct results in the stage 3 imaging pipeline. No other updates were made to these files. Users who had noticed large percentages of their image3 output files being rejected in outlier_rejection may wish to reprocess their data through calwebb_image2 and calwebb_image3 with these updated reference files. This data will also be reprocessed in MAST once the next build is installed.
2024-05-29 jwst_1236.pmap archived This NIRSpec msaoper delivery to CRDS is to ensure that the pipeline accurately accounts for the contamination resulting from failed open shutters. This delivery is concurrent with the delivery to the PRD. It contains the new to the PRD not CRDS failed open shutter at Q4, Col 303, Row 86, the transient failed open shutter removed from Q1, Col 117, Row 29, plus many other shutter status changes between failed closed to normal and vice versa. Users with MOS or IFU mode data taken after February, 7, 2024 are encouraged to reprocess their own data.
2024-05-23 jwst_1235.pmap archived This is a delivery of an updated IPC reference file for MIRI. This reference file addresses the issue in CRDS-790. The previous file contained the IPC model which works with a deconvolution algorithm. The pipeline IPC step actually performs a convolution algorithm using a deconvolution kernel. The new file contains the converted kernel and has been tested against the pipeline for correctness. There is no need to reprocess any data, as the IPC step is turned off by default. This reference file is being made available to those who would like to test the IPC step.
2024-05-21 jwst_1234.pmap archived NIRSpec files jwst_nirspec_dark_0431.fits and jwst_nirspec_superbias_0455.fits are being deleted from the active rmaps because they do not have the snowball correction applied. NIRSpec mask files 0065, 0066, 0068, 0069, and 0070 are also being deleted from the active rmap because of either the incorrect detector keyword value of NRS1 instead of NRS2 was used, see JWNRS-189, or the incorrect useafter date was used. New NIRSpec mask files have since been delivered to replace these files.
2024-05-21 jwst_1233.pmap archived The bad pixel mask reference files for NIRSpec detectors NRS1 and NRS2, covering all data taken after March 1st, 2023 for Traditional Detector Readout Mode and after April 1st, 2023 for IRS2 Detector Readout Mode were incorrectly generated. The snowball correction was not applied to the dark data from which the hot pixel population is determined, leading to many pixels affected by snowball events being inadvertently flagged as hot. These updated and corrected files fix those problems and use the latest version of the hot pixel masks. Users are encouraged to manually reprocess any affected data starting with stage 1 of the JWST pipeline in order to make use of the updated files.
2024-05-17 jwst_1232.pmap archived These reference files are designed to be used with jwst pipeline version 1.14.0 and later. Earlier versions of the pipeline assumed the flux calibration values in the reference file contained values of MJy per steradian per pixel. In that case, the dispersion factor of roughly 10 Angstroms per pixel had to be included in the photmjsr values in the photom reference file. Starting with version 1.14.0, the pipeline assumes the values in the photom reference file are in units of MJy per steradian per Angstrom. Therefore, we have removed the dispersion factor from the flux cal values in these reference files. When working with older versions of the pipeline, the older reference files jwst_nircam_photom_0129.fits and jwst_nircam_photom_0130.fits should be used. Anyone using these reference files with a pipeline version prior to 1.14.0, or using the previous reference files with pipeline version 1.14.0 or later will have a flux calibration that is wrong by a factor of roughly 10.
2024-05-15 jwst_1231.pmap archived Delivering a new NIRISS pars-tweakregstep rmap to reactivate the reference files that were prematurely replaced during the last pars-tweakregstep delivery. The previous new files that were incompatible with the current version of the pipeline software were deleted from the rmap, but the old files were never replaced. Once DMS build 10.2 is installed next week into operations, the new reference files will again be delivered for users to utilize.
2024-05-06 jwst_1230.pmap archived These pars-tweakregstep files were delivered to OPS before the build and software version necessary for these files was available, i.e. build 10.2 and software v1.14.0.
2024-05-02 jwst_1229.pmap archived NIRISS, imaging mode, pars-tweakregstep files. As of JWST pipeline version 1.14.0, equivalent to DMS build 10.2, IRAFStarFinder is now an option for the starfind parameter in tweakreg. IRAFStarFinder has been shown to provide significantly better centering for NIRISS data than the default option, which is DAOStarFinder, so we wish to make IRAFStarFinder the default for NIRISS data. These parameter reference files accomplish that.
2024-04-29 jwst_1228.pmap archived This delivery includes new NIRISS WFSS F200W specwcs files with improved trace characterization. The extent and curvature of a grism spectrum, or trace, is dependent upon the position of the source on the detector. This spatial dependence has now been incorporated into these specwcs files. These updates provide more accurate predictions of the locations of WFSS spectra, which is required for robust 2D and 1D extraction. For GR150R, the residuals of all 1st order trace locations- for sources spanning the detector- improve from 1.6 plus/minus 0.9 pixels to -0.2 p/m 0.5. The GR150R trace shape is a strong function of source X location, and for the most affected sources on the edges of the detector, residuals improve from 2.6 p/m 0.7 to -0.6 p/m 0.4. For GR150C, the residuals of all 1st order trace locations- for sources spanning the detector- improve from 1.7 p/m 0.7 pixels to 0.3 p/m 0.3. The GR150C trace shape is a function of both source X and Y location, and for the most affected sources on the edges of the detector, residuals improve from 2.4 p/m 0.5 to 0.1 p/m 0.1. Quoted errors are 1 sigma of the residuals.
2024-04-25 jwst_1227.pmap archived In May 2023, a new failed open shutter appeared in the NIRSpec Micro Shutter Assembly quadrant Q4 located at column 303, row 86. This was missed in previous CRDS deliveries. To mend this issue, the NIRSpec team is delivering two new MSA Shutter Operability Files which include the missing failed open shutter for different USEAFTER dates. These files are being delivered to CRDS to ensure that the pipeline accurately accounts for the contamination resulting from the missed failed open shutter during processing. The affected data are all the NIRSpec observations taken with IFU and MSA observing modes after May 16th 2023.
2024-04-25 jwst_1226.pmap archived New NIRSpec darks and superbiases were delivered for the affected data and were created from on orbit data taken during cycle 2. Time dependent changes in the instrument require new epochs of dark and superbias reference files be delivered to better calibrate all NIRSpec science data taken at these dates. Users with data taken after the useafter dates are encouraged to reprocess their data. Affected data are NRS with subarray SUBS200A1 and G395M and useafter of 2 Oct 2023 or SUBS400A1 and any grating but G395M and useafter of 22 Nov 2023
2024-04-03 jwst_1225.pmap archived These NIRSpec dark and superbias files are being deleted from the rmap, because they have the wrong USEAFTER date of 2023-02-15. New dark and superbias files with the correct USEAFTER dates have since been delivered.
2024-04-03 jwst_1224.pmap archived Affected data are NIRSpec NRS1 and NRS2 full frame traditional readout data with useafter March 1, 2023 and NRS1 and NRS2 IRS2 readout data with useafter April 1, 2023 Updated NIRSpec dark and superbias reference files were delivered for the affected data. These new files were created from on orbit data taken during Cycle 1 under PID 1484 using snowball removal.
2024-03-29 jwst_1223.pmap archived Affected data - NIRISS, AMI, throughput reference files. These files contain throughput data for the four NIRISS AMI filters at a more finely sampled wavelength interval than the previous throughput files. The throughput values were derived from the ETC/Pandeia throughput files provided by Kevin Volk. The throughput combines the telescope and internal optics throughputs, filter response, the detector quantum efficiency, and the photon yield. The throughput is then normalized to unity.
2024-03-29 jwst_1222.pmap archived Affected modes - NIRISS, AMI modes, NRM reference file. This is the first delivery of the new NRM reference file. It is being delivered to avoid introducing a WebbPSF data file dependency with the AMI processing changes to be made in pipeline build 10.2. This file contains a numerical model of the seven hole pupil mask that enables AMI mode. More details of its creation and validation are in JWST-STScI-007417.
2024-03-29 jwst_1221.pmap archived Delivering the first NIRISS NRM rmap to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent NRM file deliveries.
2024-03-29 jwst_1220.pmap archived Affected modes - MIRI, all modes, pars-emicorrstep reference files. These emicorr parameter reference files are the first parameter reference files for the emicorr step, and will control which data uses the emicorr step and which data skips the step, based on the readout pattern. The code for the emicorr step will be part of the build 10.1 install, but this file will control the usage as of build 10.2 installation.
2024-03-29 jwst_1219.pmap archived Delivering the first MIRI pars-emicorrstep rmap to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-emicorrstep file deliveries.
2024-03-29 jwst_1218.pmap archived Updated pmap containing imap changes for FGS, MIRI, NIRCam, NIRISS and NIRSpec which include the new reference file types NRM and PARS-EMICORRSTEP, along with entries for PARS-PIXELREPLACESTEP and ABVEGAOFFSET for NIRSpec only.
2024-03-22 jwst_1217.pmap archived This delivery corrects an erroneous FFLAT file for MOS G235H that caused up to 300 percent flux errors for wavelengths longer than 2.25 microns.
2024-03-21 jwst_1216.pmap archived A mistake was found in the previous MIRI emicorr reference file for the BRIGHTSKY subarray. The values for frame and row clocks were incorrect for the BRIGHTSKY subarray, and have been corrected in the updated file. This reference file will be needed for a proper correction to the BRIGHTSKY data, and the data for that subarray should be reprocessed.
2024-03-13 jwst_1215.pmap archived The NIRSpec Multi Object Spectroscopy MOS PATHLOSS file has been updated. This new version 3.0.0 is an updated modeled version of the MOS PATHLOSS reference file using the updated Webb PSF with data obtained during commissioning under proposal PID 01133. The comparison of the pathloss values between version 1.0.0 and version 3.0.0 shows an improvement and they seem to be closer to the data derived pathloss values.
2024-03-12 jwst_1214.pmap archived Affected data is NIRSpec full frame data taken between 15 Feb 2023 and 1 Apr 2023 for the NRS1 detector and after 15 Feb 2023 for the NRS2 detector. An error was found in the previous delivery of 2 nirspec full frame masks covering all readout patterns, where the detector keyword had been set to NRS1 instead of NRS2. This caused both NRS1 and NRS2 to not have the correct masks applied for certain time frames. This delivery corrects that error.
2024-03-08 jwst_1213.pmap archived The NIRSpec Multi Object Spectroscopy MOS EXTRACT1D table has been updated to change the default extractwidth parameter for NIRSpec MOS from the old value of 8 pixels to a new value of 6 pixels. The larger 8 pixel extraction width led to too much overlap of the point source PSF when doing a standard 3 point nod subtraction and often resulted in less net signal and lower signal to noise than is found for a 6 pixel extraction width. The revised FFLAT reference files have been derived for the new smaller width. The affected data are all the NIRSpec observations obtained with the MOS observing mode. Users are advised to recalibrate all of their MOS data with these new reference files.
2024-03-08 jwst_1212.pmap archived NIRSpec Multi Object Spectroscopy MOS FFLAT reference files have been updated to account for the mis centering of the target used for the grating calibrations in observation 19 of PID 01128. This should ameliorate the reported 10 percent discrepancy between NIRSpec MOS grating and PRISM flux calibrations. All MOS FFLAT values for the NIRSpec gratings and PRISM have now also been updated to assume a 6 pixel extraction box size, rather than the 8 pixel size previously adopted. This calibration has also been defined for data reduced without pixel to pixel nod subtraction of the background, and instead is optimized for the use of a master background or for a bright source where no background subtraction is needed. The throughput differences between detectors NRS1 and NRS2, which have been corrected for in the new NRS2 SFLAT reference files, have been properly taken into account. The affected data are all the NIRSpec observations obtained with the MOS observing mode. Users are advised to recalibrate all of their MOS data with these new reference files.
2024-03-08 jwst_1211.pmap archived The NIRSpec Multi Object Spectroscopy MOS SFLAT detector NRS2 reference files FASTVARIATION extensions have been updated to correct for DFLAT errors in the relative NRS2 to NRS1 throughput. This change was achieved using MOS PRISM data of an external target, which revealed systematic errors in the relative sensitivity as a function of wavelength between the two detectors of up to 10 percent. Localized throughput variations of a few percent between locations on the same detector may remain even after this update. The affected data are all the NIRSpec observations obtained with the MOS observing mode. Users are advised to recalibrate all of their MOS data with these new reference files.
2024-02-28 jwst_1210.pmap archived New system_calver file for JWST Build 10.1.
2024-02-28 jwst_1209.pmap archived These photom reference files are being deleted because a new photom file of an updated format was delivered to replace these files. A time-dependent throughput issue was found for the MIRI Imager, as had previously been found for the MIRI MRS. As with the fix for the MIRI MRS, the MIRI team now has updated code that can go into the pipeline to use updated photom files with a correction based on MJD of the observation taken from the header and will not rely on a set of USEAFTER date specified photom files like we had in place for the workaround.
2024-02-28 jwst_1208.pmap archived A time-dependent throughput issue was found for the MIRI Imager, as had previously been found for the MIRI MRS. As with the fix for the MIRI MRS, the MIRI team now has updated code that can go into the pipeline to use updated photom files with a correction based on MJD of the observation taken from the header and will not rely on a set of USEAFTER date specified photom files like we currently have in place for the workaround. This MIRI Imager photom file contains an extra extension with the table of coefficients for the time dependent correction that will go into the pipeline code in build 10.1. This file should be delivered to OPS with the associated code update in build 10.1.
2024-02-28 jwst_1207.pmap archived The MIRI detector1 parameter reference files in this delivery will enable a new step, emicorr, to be run on all FASTR1 and SLOWR1 data once build 10.1 is delivered to operations and the new step is available. These reference files are to ensure the step runs for the appropriate readout patterns, and not for those for which the code is not properly set to run.
2024-02-28 jwst_1206.pmap archived A new MIRI pars-detector1pipeline rmap is being delivered with READPATT added as a selection criteria. The MIRI team needed to be able to use READPATT to specify when the emicorr step would be run, and are implementing this through the pars-detector1pipeline file so that it can be in place alongside the new emicorr reference file which will be installed with JWST DMS build 10.1.
2024-02-28 jwst_1205.pmap archived Affected data - MIRI, all modes, emicorr reference file. This is the initial delivery of the MIRI emicorr reference file, which implements a pipeline correction for the 390Hz or any other specified periodic EMI noise, such as 10Hz, in MIRI data. The calibration curves in this initial reference file use the correction algorithm itself working on a few in-flight example dark and science datasets. The code can return a self-phased wave which can be processed to produce high SN model waveforms for the reference file. Examples of how to create these waveforms are provided at the top of the original IDL routine, with further descriptions and examples provided in this ticket, JP-3248.
2024-02-28 jwst_1204.pmap archived Delivering the first MIRI EMICORR rmap to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent EMICORR file deliveries.
2024-02-28 jwst_1203.pmap archived Updated pmap containing imap changes for FGS, MIRI, NIRCam, NIRISS and NIRSpec which include the new reference file type EMICORR.
2024-02-22 jwst_1202.pmap archived Affected data is all nirspec data. This nirspec jumpstep pars file is being delivered to turn on snowball correction for build 10.1.
2024-02-21 jwst_1201.pmap archived These two jump step parameter files are being delivered to better control the use and parameters of the shower code in the jump step for MIRI Imaging data. The files will turn on the shower code for MIRI imaging data for filters F560W, F770W, F1000W, F1130W, F1280W and F1500W. The shower code will remain off for longer wavelength filters, as well as all coronagraphic and LRS data. Reprocessing of data should happen with build 10.1 installation into OPS.
2024-02-20 jwst_1200.pmap archived Affected data are NIRSpec subarray data taken with subs200a1 and g395m useafter May 10 2023, sub2048 and g235h useafter May 1 2023, sub2048 and g395h useafter June 30, 2022. These NIRSpec subarray superbias and dark files are being delivered to replace the previous delivered files that were found to have incorrect SUBSTRT2 keyword values. This affects the reference file selection in the pipeline. Users are encouraged to reprocess their data.
2024-02-20 jwst_1199.pmap archived Affected modes - All NIRCam modes. This parameter reference file for the jump step sets parameters to turn on snowball flagging for all modes. This will result in more complete flagging of snowball-affected pixels and better ramp-fitting results.
2024-02-16 jwst_1198.pmap archived The MIRI MRS does not have a good 3-group jump threshold. At the same time, the non-linearity correction is not perfect for sources that reach saturation. As a result, the centers of bright emission lines in 5-group data, from which groups 1 and 5 are always discarded, are frequently masked unnecessarily. Experimentation with data from PID 1523, MRS External Flat, targeting an extended nebula with very bright emission lines in all 12 MRS bands, indicates that setting the 3-group JUMP threshold to 100 suffices to fix this problem without introducing artifacts in the rest of the frame. This delivery provides a new parameter reference file for the JUMP step setting 3-group threshold to 100 in the case of all non-TSO MRS data. MRS data should be reprocessed as part of the next build delivery reprocessing.
2024-02-14 jwst_1197.pmap archived Affected modes - all NIRCam imaging data, including NRC_IMAGE and NRC_TSIMAGE data. These area reference files contain updated area maps, based on the recently updated distortion models for NIRCam imaging data. There is a one-to-one correspondence between these new area files and the distortion files jwst_nircam_distortion_0181.asdf through jwst_nircam_distortion_0316.asdf. The photom step of the stage 2 pipeline copies the pixel area map from the revelant area reference file into a separate extension of the science file, but that area map is not used during pipeline calibrations.
2024-02-14 jwst_1196.pmap archived Deleting several NIRCam AREA reference files from the rmap to prepare for upcoming delivery of replacement area files, that if delivered with the old files in place, would cause many equal weight errors. This is because each of the existing files corresponds to a list of several filters, while in the new delivery, we now have a single file per filter.
2024-02-12 jwst_1195.pmap archived Affected modes - all NIRCam imaging data, including NRC_IMAGE and NRC_TSIMAGE data. These distortion reference files contain improved distortion models for NIRCam imaging data. The distortion models were derived from cycle 1 data using a more accurate method over the previous models.
2024-02-12 jwst_1194.pmap archived Deleting several NIRCam distortion reference files from the rmap because they are causing equal weight special case errors when trying to deliver the replacement files.
2024-02-05 jwst_1193.pmap archived The previous, ground based version of the MIRI Imager area file is being updated with commissioning data to be the first delivered area file based on flight data. The previous file also was flipped around the y-axis from what it should have been, so this update corrects that issue. No data needs to be reprocessed due to this update.
2024-02-05 jwst_1192.pmap archived Previous rmap delivery had 4 files with the wrong USEAFTERs, which overwrote necessary files in the rmap. Added the 4 removed files back into the rmap, with USEAFTERs of 2023-01-01, and changed the incorrect files to have USEAFTERs of 2022-10-01. The filenames are listed in the JIRA ticket, CRDS-771.
2024-02-01 jwst_1191.pmap archived Affected data are NIRSpec NRS 1 full frame traditional and IRS2 readout data with useafter April 1, 2023 NRS2 full frame traditional and IRS2 readout data with useafter February 1, 2023 SUB2048 subarray NRS1 and NRS2 data with useafter May 1, 2023 SUBS200A1 subarray data with useafter May 10, 2023 New NIRSpec darks, biases and masks were delivered for the affected data and were created from on orbit data taken during cycle 1. Changes in the instrument require new epochs of dark, bias and mask reference files be delivered to better calibrate all nirspec science data taken at these dates.
2024-02-01 jwst_1190.pmap archived Affected data are the NIRSpec observations with exptype equal to NRS MSASPEC. The NIRSpec BARSHADOW files for the MSA observing mode are the first inflight delivery for this mode. Analysis of calibration data has shown that there is a dependency on grating in the barshadow correction. Users with data obtained during JWST/Cycle 1 of observations are encouraged to reprocess their data.
2024-01-31 jwst_1189.pmap archived A new NIRSpec barshadow rmap is being delivered that adds GRATING as a selection criteria. An analysis of calibration data has shown that there is a dependency on grating in the barshadow correction. NIRSpec barshadow reference files should now be selected on GRATING as a result.
2024-01-24 jwst_1188.pmap archived Affected modes - All NIRCam observations. These superbias reference files contain updated bias maps derived from cycle 1 and 2 data. In addition to updating the bias maps associated with all apertures, this delivery provides a separate reference file based on the number of amplifiers used to read out the data, for each aperture. This is not a significant change for most apertures, since FULL aperture data are always read out with 4 amplifiers, and almost all subarray apertures are read out with 1 amplifier. However, the SUBGRISM apertures can be read out using either 1 or 4 amplifiers. With this delivery, there are now separate reference files for those two cases. Previously a single reference file, derived from 4 amplifier data, was used for both the 1 and 4 amplifier cases.
2024-01-24 jwst_1187.pmap archived Affected modes - All NIRCam observations. These readnoise reference files contain updated readnoise maps derived from cycle 1 and 2 data. In addition to updating the readnoise maps associated with all apertures, this delivery provides a separate reference file based on the number of amplifiers used to read out the data, for each aperture. This is not a significant change for most apertures, since FULL aperture data are always read out with 4 amplifiers, and almost all subarray apertures are read out with 1 amplifier. However, the SUBGRISM apertures can be read out using either 1 or 4 amplifiers. With this delivery, there are now separate reference files for those two cases. Previously a single reference file, derived from 4 amplifier data, was used for both the 1 and 4 amplifier cases.
2024-01-24 jwst_1186.pmap archived Delivering new NIRCam readnoise and superbias rmaps that add NOUTPUTS as a selection criteria. This is to prepare for the delivery of new readnoise and superbias reference files that will now have NOUTPUTS values of 1 or 4, depending on the number of amplifiers used for read out.
2024-01-22 jwst_1185.pmap archived This delivery updates the MIRI MRS bad pixel reference files. New files are delivered corresponding to updates in the mask roughly every six months since commissioning, in addition to introducing new masks as a function of the depth of a given observation. Shallow observations defined as FASTR1 data with NGROUPS less than 50, use the least aggressive bad-warm pixel masking, medium-depth observations defined as FASTR1 data with NGROUPS greater than or equal to 50 use a slightly more aggressive flagging, and deep observations defined as all SLOWR1 data, use the most aggressive flagging thresholds. This hybrid scheme is designed to help flag known bad pixels at the level actually required by different science cases. Each of the new bad pixel masks is based upon a thresholding analysis of multiple deep MRS background sky observations. All MIRI MRS data should be reprocessed with these files, as this is a major update.
2024-01-22 jwst_1184.pmap archived A new MIRI bad pixel mask rmap is being delivered with READPATT and NGROUPS added as selection criteria. This update is to prepare for the delivery of MIRI bad pixel mask reference files that will depend upon both READPATT and NGROUPS in some range.
2024-01-09 jwst_1183.pmap archived Affects all full frame NIRCam observations using the ALONG or BLONG detectors, as well as all observations using the subarrays listed below . These updated dark current reference files were created from cycle 1 and 2 data and improve the signal-to-noise of the dark current measurement over the previous versions of the reference files. SUB160, SUB320 - B module only, SUB640, SUB64P, SUB160P, SUB400P, SUB320A335R, SUB320A430R, SUB320ALWB, SUB400X256ALWB, SUBGRISM64, SUBGRISM128, SUBGRISM256, SUB640A210R, SUB640ASWB
2024-01-09 jwst_1182.pmap archived A MIRI slitlessprism outlier detection step file, jwst_miri_pars-outlierdetectionstep_0060.asdf, was delivered by mistake during the previous delivery of pars-outlierdetectionstep files. This file needs to be removed from the rmap before the CRDS context can be updated.
2024-01-09 jwst_1181.pmap archived There is a request to remove the unused parameter grow from the outlier detection step. The previous MIRI outlier detection parameter reference files set the grow parameter, so that it cannot be removed from the code until the parameter reference files were updated and no longer referenced that parameter. These updated outlier detection parameter reference files no longer list the grow parameter. No values have changed from the previous version, so no data will be changed and there is no need to reprocess any data.
2024-01-04 jwst_1180.pmap archived Affected data - The source catalogs for all NIRCam imaging data. This new ABVEGAOFFSET file provides updated values for the AB mag - Vega mag differences, based on filter. This information is used to populate the source catalog file output at the end of the stage 3 pipeline. These updates are based on the flux calibration values derived from cycle 1 and 2 data, and that are present in the current photom reference files delivered in the 1126 pmap. The changes to the offset values relative to the old reference file are small, approximately 0.02 mag or less.
2023-12-20 jwst_1179.pmap archived This delivery updates the MIRI MRS specwcs reference files for channels 3C, 4A, 4B, and 4C. This updates applies small wavelength corrections of up to a few tens of km/s based on a template cross-correlation analysis of observations of protoplanetary disk FZ Tau. This delivery updates the MIRI MRS cubepar reference file to fix an inconsistency in the long-wavelength cutoff for the Channel 4C waveband. A previous modification had extended the red cutoff of Channel 4C from 27.9 to 28.7 microns for BAND and CHANNEL type data cubes, this update similarly expands the red cutoff to 28.7 microns for the the multichannel data cubes as well.
2023-12-19 jwst_1178.pmap archived FGS full-frame imaging mode distortion reference files. The reason for delivery is to apply small adjustments to the FGS2 SIAF alignment parameters V2Ref and V3Ref. These adjustments were calculated from analysis of NIRCam and NIRISS target acquisition data. The new reference files will have alignment parameters consistent with the upcoming SOC 6.2 version of SIAF, and will provide improvements in the WCS solutions for calibrated full-frame FGS2 images.
2023-12-18 jwst_1177.pmap archived NIRISS, all modes, distortion reference files, The reason for this delivery is to apply small adjustments to the NIRISS SIAF alignment parameters V2Ref and V3Ref. These adjustments were calculated from analysis of NIRISS target acquisition data obtained during July 2022 - September 2023, by taking the median offsets between the commanded and observed TA source locations in V2 and V3. The new reference files will have alignment parameters consistent with the upcoming SOC 6.2 version of SIAF, and will provide improvements in the WCS solutions for calibrated NIRISS data.
2023-12-18 jwst_1176.pmap archived A new NIRISS Wide Field Slitless filteroffset reference file was delivered to rectify an offset seen in the assigned pixel values for a given RA/Dec in the WFSS data across different filters. The filteroffset values for WFSS are identical to the corresponding filters for imaging data. This update now better centers the spectral cutouts of WFSS data for a given source, and shifts the wavelength zero point, with the largest effect seen in the F200W filter.
2023-12-18 jwst_1175.pmap archived Updated the NIRISS filteroffset rmap to include the exposure type NIS_WFSS for the existing reference file entry, to avoid the equal weight special case error when the NIRISS team tries to replace the existing 0002 reference file.
2023-12-13 jwst_1174.pmap archived Delivering new MIRI apcorr and photom rmaps that contain previously delivered files that could not be activated due to pipeline errors caused by an associated specwcs file. A corrected specwcs file has since been delivered, so now these apcorr and photom files can be activated.
2023-12-13 jwst_1173.pmap archived This delivery includes a new SpecWCS file for the LRS slit. The wavelength calibration for the LRS slit is updated and is now shifted 50 nm to the blue at short wavelengths, based on calibration data of wavelength standards obtained in Cycle 1. This file differs from the file in the last submission because we have changed the wavelengths below 5 microns where data are not scientifically valid. This change prevents a bug in the pipeline in pixel_replace from being triggered.
2023-12-13 jwst_1172.pmap archived Affected data are NIRSpec using subarrays ALLSLITS with useafter 01 January 23, SUBS400A1 with useafter 01 July 22, and SUB2048 with useafter 30 June 22 New NIRSpec darks and biases were delivered for the affected data and were created from on orbit data during cycle 1. Changes in the data require new epochs of dark and bias reference files be created to better calibrate all nirspec science data taken at these dates.
2023-12-08 jwst_1171.pmap bad This CRDS submission includes the wavelength calibration for the LRS slit, separate files for the photometric calibration of slit and slitless, and one file with an aperture correction for both slit and slitless. The wavelength calibration for the LRS slit is updated and is now shifted 50 nm to the blue at short wavelengths, based on calibration data of wavelength standards obtained in Cycle 1. Changing the wavelength solution for the detector requires an update to the photometric calibration and the aperture correction for the LRS slit. The photometric correction for LRS slit and slitless is derived from the calibration standard BD 60 1753, now including data from Cycle 1 with better signal to noise. The aperture correction for slit and slitless is derived from Cycle 1 PSF observations. The photometric calibrations and aperture corrections are smoothed at longer wavelengths to avoid introducing additional noise in the pipeline.
2023-12-08 jwst_1170.pmap archived NIRISS, SOSS, imaging, and WFSS modes, superbias reference files. These superbiases were created because rows of elevated signal in the input dark exposures resulted in flagged superbias pixels, which caused usable SOSS science data to be flagged DO_NOT_USE. Investigation revealed similar stripes in other subarray darks, so the effected commissioning superbias reference files were remade without integrations containing outlier stripes. The discarded data did not significantly change the superbias statistics.
2023-12-06 jwst_1169.pmap archived Delivering a new NIRISS superbias rmap that condenses existing entries with NIS and NISRAPID READPATT values to use ANY, to avoid the equal weight special case errors that were surfacing when trying to deliver new superbias files.
2023-12-06 jwst_1168.pmap archived Deleting NIRSpec fflat reference files that were mistakenly delivered with a USEAFTER date of 20 June 2016. The files with the correct USEAFTER date 01 January 2022 have since been delivered.
2023-12-06 jwst_1167.pmap archived Affected Data are nirspec full frame data with mode fixed slit or bright object. These NIRSpec files were delivered to replace previous files that were delivered with the wrong useafter date 20 June 2016. This delivery fixes that with files with the correct useafter date 01 January 2022.
2023-12-05 jwst_1166.pmap archived New system_calver file for JWST Build 10.0.
2023-12-05 jwst_1165.pmap archived Affected data - NIRSpec, Fixed Slit, IFU, and MOS modes, fflat reference files. Nirspec Fixed Slit, IFU, and MOS F Flats were delivered for all grating and filter combinations. These files have a useafter date of January 1, 2022 and include errors on the flux data. They are being delivered because a fix in JWST pipeline build 10.0 will be able to properly handle the errors.
2023-12-05 jwst_1164.pmap archived Affected data - NIRSpec, observations with exptype = NRSIFU, pars-outlierdetectionstep reference file. This new NIRSpec outlier detection file for the IFU observing mode is the first for this mode. Its parameters have been set to comply with the current outlier detection algorithm implemented in the JWST NIRSpec pipeline.
2023-12-05 jwst_1163.pmap archived Delivering the first NIRSpec pars-outlierdetectionstep rmap to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-outlierdetectionstep reference file deliveries.
2023-12-05 jwst_1162.pmap archived Delivering a new MIRI pars-spec2pipeline rmap that replaces jwst_miri_pars-spec2pipeline_0008.asdf with jwst_miri_pars-spec2pipeline_0002.asdf, which turns the MIRI time dependent corrections back on for MRS TSO data. Previously, this data had crashed in the pipeline until a parameter reference file, jwst_miri_pars-spec2pipeline_0008.asdf, was delivered that skipped that step for TSO data.
2023-12-05 jwst_1161.pmap archived Affected data - MIRI, future MIRI modes, IPC reference file. This is an initial delivery of an IPC reference file for MIRI. This reference file will allow users and developers to optionally execute the IPC step. The 3x3 kernel was measured using the PPMCC algorthim. The full documentation for the generation of this reference file is given in technical report JWST-STScI-008476. There should be no reprocessing of data, as the file will be used for testing purposes.
2023-12-05 jwst_1160.pmap archived Delivering the first MIRI Interpixel Capacitance, IPC, rmap to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent IPC reference file deliveries.
2023-12-05 jwst_1159.pmap archived Affected modes - NIRISS, AMI, imaging, and WFSS modes, pars-chargemigrationstep reference files. These are the first parameter reference files for the new charge_migration step. This new step mitigates issues that occurred previously in the ramp fitting step due to charge migration from high-signal pixels to neighboring pixels of lower signal, the so-called brighter-fatter effect or BFE. The mitigation step only affects pixels whose accumulated signal level during integration ramps surpasses a threshold of 21,000 - 25,000 ADU, with the exact level depending on the filter passband, and their immediate neighbors.
2023-12-05 jwst_1158.pmap archived Delivering the first NIRISS pars-chargemigrationstep rmap to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-chargemigrationstep reference file deliveries. This rmap includes an entry for EXP_TYPE=NIS_SOSS that points to NA because this step is to be skipped for this exposure type.
2023-12-05 jwst_1157.pmap archived Updated pmap containing imap changes for FGS, MIRI, NIRCam, NIRISS and NIRSpec which include the new reference file type PARS-CHARGEMIGRATIONSTEP.
2023-12-04 jwst_1156.pmap archived This is a revision of the NIRSS tweakreg step parameter files to turn on alignment to Gaia DR3 as the default. That will improve the level 3 imaging products. All the other parameters are unchanged.
2023-12-04 jwst_1155.pmap archived This is a revision of the NIRSS jump step parameter reference file for turning on the snowball halo jump expansion function in the pipeline, for all modes except the SOSS mode. There are also some revisions to the jump thresholds. The increased thresholds put in for some filters last year in July have been partially rolled back because the changes to put in the charge migration correction have reduced the need for the high threshold.
2023-12-01 jwst_1154.pmap archived A new MIRI mrsptcorr rmap is being delivered with an entry for EXP_TYPE=NA to cover all exposure types that are not MRS. Since this reference file only applies to MIRI MRS observations, all other exposure types will point to NA, which will avoid an error in the pipeline.
2023-12-01 jwst_1153.pmap archived A new pmap is being delivered that includes updated imaps for FGS, NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec that set the entry for mrsptcorr to NA, and mrsxartcorr to NA in FGS only. While the MIRI team was testing the most recent mrsptcorr reference file, it was revealed that other instruments did not have entries for this reference type and this was causing errors in the calspec3 step for other instruments.
2023-11-30 jwst_1152.pmap archived NIRISS, all observing modes, linearity and saturation reference files. These new reference files no longer erroneously flag pixels as DO_NOT_USE after the linearity step and saturation step of the pipeline. Updated metrics based on statistical analysis are used to flag pixels where the linearity fitting is uncertain and to assign nominal values for these pixels in both the linearity and saturation reference files.
2023-11-30 jwst_1151.pmap archived Affected Data are nirspec full frame traditional and irs2 readout pattern data for 1 October 2022 until 1 January 2023. New NIRSpec darks, biases and masks were delivered for the affected data and were created from on orbit data taken between July 2022 and December 2022. These data are for an epoch prior to the last dark, mask and bias deliveries. New epochs for different readpatterns require that new dark, mask, and bias reference files be created to better calibrate all nirspec data taken between these dates.
2023-11-28 jwst_1150.pmap archived Delivering a new MIRI mrsptcorr rmap that includes a new reference file which contains a variety of correction factors relevant for point-source specific MIRI MRS observations. These correction factors include the fractional photometric response of the 12 micron spectral leak, and across-slice throughput and wavelength correction tables. This file is not used by versions 1.12.5 and earlier of the JWST pipeline, so this delivery is in support of ongoing development for future pipeline versions.
2023-11-16 jwst_1149.pmap archived New NIRSpec biases were delivered for all data taken after January, 1, 2023. These files were created from on orbit data taken between October 2022 and March 2023. The affected data are the NIRSpec FULL frame data taken with traditional readout or IRS2 readout.
2023-11-13 jwst_1148.pmap archived This nirspec barshadow file was delivered for use with Nirspec MOS data. A pipeline fix to increase the MOS y slit limits to add 2 pixels to the upper and lower edges of the slit, to include missing flux, resulted in the barshadow reffile introducing more noise because the file overcorrected the extended edges. This file corrects the problem but is still based on a model. Cycle 1 data is currently being analyzed and tested.
2023-11-07 jwst_1147.pmap archived The new NIRISS SOSS mode photom reference file has been created based on analysis of all commissioning and cycle 1 observations of photometric standard stars in SOSS mode. The immediate issue that requires a revision is that it was found that the current reference file imprints noise on the spectra that are extracted. This was traced to using the pixel by pixel values rather than the smoothed fit when the file was produced in commissioning. As well as fixing that issue, re-analysis of the commissioning and cycle 1 data for the standard star BD60 1753 showed that the calibration needed to be adjusted down by 1 percent. This is thought to be due to the change of the extraction method from a simple box extraction to the use of the ATOCA algorithm, which happened after the file was submitted to CRDS in commissioning.
2023-10-31 jwst_1146.pmap archived NIRCam, affected modes - All observations using the MASKBAR and MASKRND Lyot stops in the pupil wheel. These NIRCam photom reference files contain updated flux calibration values for coronagraphic observations, based on cycle 1 data. Values for observations using all other pupil wheel elements are unchanged.
2023-10-31 jwst_1145.pmap archived This delivery updates the MIRI MRS flatfield and photometric calibration reference files, which are recommended for all users. Flatfield updates are minor, increasing in SNR with the inclusion of additional data from Cycle 2 flatfield calibration observations. No significant changes are observed between Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 flatfields. Photom updates are significant, particularly in Channel 4. These new photom files update the MRS time-dependent throughput model based on many additional months of monitoring observations, with large changes for recently-obtained data longward of 24 microns. These photom updates also adjust the approach to spectrophotometric calibration in Channel 4 to rely upon bright red targets rather than standard stars, for which sky subtraction uncertainties can be appreciable.
2023-10-25 jwst_1144.pmap archived The NIRISS SOSS wavemap, spectrace, and photom files are being updated. Spectrace and wavemap- The current spectrace and wavemap reference files for the extract1d step using ATOCA algorithm for NIRISS SOSS data were derived using air wavelengths for hydrogen absorption features. This delivery uses the same commissioning data as the previous spectrace and wavemap reference files, but now conforms with the JWST instrument standard of using vacuum wavelengths. Photom- The new NIRISS SOSS mode photom reference file has been created based on analysis of all commissioning and cycle 1 observations of photometric standard stars in SOSS mode. The immediate issue that requires a revision is that it was found that the current reference file imprints noise on the spectra that are extracted. This was traced to using the pixel by pixel values rather than the smoothed fit when the file was produced in commissioning. As well as fixing that issue, re-analysis of the commissioning and cycle 1 data for the standard star BD60 1753 showed that the calibration needed to be adjusted down by 1 percent. This is thought to be due to the change of the extraction method from a simple box extraction to the use of the ATOCA algorithm, which happened after the file was submitted to CRDS in commissioning.
2023-10-25 jwst_1143.pmap archived The NIRISS imaging photom and pars-sourcecatalogstep reference files are being updated. Photom- The new NIRISS imaging mode photom reference file has been created based on analysis of all commissioning and cycle 1 observations of photometric standard stars. The results differ at the plus 4 to minus 8 percent level as a function of wavelength compared to the values derived from observations of a single standard in commissioning. The commissioning target, LDS 749B, produces somewhat different results than the other standard stars that have been observed and is excluded in the current set of values. There have been some changes in the CALSPEC comparison models, the details of the apertures used for the analysis, and in the pipeline version between the initial analysis in the summer of 2022 and the present analysis. Most of the factors aside from the observation of additional standard stars affect the results at the 1 percent level. pars-sourcecatalogstep- This is an initial delivery of parameters for the source_catalog step that affects NIRISS imaging observations. The main changes are the encircled energy fractions used for the catalogue photometry which have been changed to 50/70/80 from the defaults of 30/50/70. Due to undersampling, the 30 percent encircled energy radius corresponds to less than 1 pixel for the short-wavelength NIRISS imaging filters. Correspondingly, the thresholds for extended source flagging have been changed as well. The kernel FWHM was updated to 3 pixels, which gave empirically improved results. Npixels was updated to 5, which is more appropriate for undersampled PSFs in the shortest wavelength filters.
2023-10-20 jwst_1142.pmap archived This delivery updates the MIRI mrsptcorr reference file to provide an easier interface to the Channel 3A spectral leak information in the form of a FITS binary table. This reference file is not currently used by the pipeline, but this change aids the development of such a step in a future build.
2023-10-18 jwst_1141.pmap archived It was discovered that a MIRI dark file for the MASK1550 was previously delivered with the wrong USEAFTER date, thus resulting in the replacement of the wrong file. We are updating the MIRI dark rmap to use the correct files - jwst_miri_dark_0064.fits and jwst_miri_dark_0098.fits with USEAFTERs 2022-04-01 and 2022-05-01, respectfully.
2023-10-09 jwst_1140.pmap archived Affected Data are nirspec data with subarray=FULL and readpatt=NRSIRS2RAPID and NRSIRS2 New NIRSpec darks and masks were delivered for all data with a useafter of January, 1, 2023. These files were created from on orbit data taken between October 2022 and March 2023.
2023-10-09 jwst_1139.pmap archived Delivering a new MIRI pars-jumpstep rmap that has FILTER and SUBARRAY as new selection parameters. This update prepares for the future deliveries of MIRI pars-jumpstep reference files that will be FILTER and SUBARRAY dependent.
2023-10-06 jwst_1138.pmap archived NIRCam, Affected modes - All NIRCam imaging data is affected. Reference file - source catalog parameter file. Previously, the source catalog step was using the same default kernel FWHM for all filters and pupils. These NIRCam source catalog parameter files provide filter- and pupil-dependent source catalog parameters for the Gaussian kernel FWHM in pixels based on ground test data. Eventually, the source catalog parameters will be optimized further based on analysis of in-flight data.
2023-10-05 jwst_1137.pmap archived The MIRI photom file, jwst_miri_photom_0042.fits, is now obsolete and is being removed from the rmap. This file was a combined Imager/LRS file and after delivering it, the decision was made to break those out into separate files again. There is now no need to have this file in the system.
2023-10-03 jwst_1136.pmap archived Affected Data are nirspec data with subarray=FULL and readpatt=NRS NRSRAPID NRSRAPIDD1 NRSRAPIDD2 NRSRAPIDD6 New NIRSpec darks and masks were delivered for all data with a useafter of January, 1, 2023. These files were created from on orbit data taken between October 2022 and March 2023.
2023-09-28 jwst_1135.pmap archived Affected data - MIRI, MRS modes, apcorr reference files. This delivery of MIRI MRS apcorr reference files updates the MIRI MRS aperture correction based on observations of multiple standard stars observed throughout Cycle 1. By construction, there will be no impact on standard pipeline spectra extracted using the default conical extraction radius as the photometric calibration vectors are derived using these apertures. Spectral extractions using non-standard radii will be affected at the few-percent level as there are observed differences between the in-flight PSF and the theoretical model used to construct previous versions of this file. Aperture correction files have also been split into files appropriate to each spectral channel as the correction factors can change discontinuously between channels due to the change in detector pixel and slice width. There is a catch-all correction file containing the average of each channel correction in the spectral overlap regions that should be used for multi-channel data cubes.
2023-09-28 jwst_1134.pmap archived Delivering a new MIRI pars-detector1pipeline rmap that has DETECTOR as a new selection parameter. This update prepares for the future deliveries of MIRI pars-detector1pipeline reference files that will be DETECTOR dependent.
2023-09-26 jwst_1133.pmap archived Delivering a new MIRI apcorr rmap that has CHANNEL as a new selection parameter. This update prepares for the delivery of new MIRI apcorr reference files that will now be CHANNEL dependent.
2023-09-20 jwst_1132.pmap archived These updated MIRI MRS gain files were generated at the conclusion of a study of the gain in the MIRI detectors, demonstrating that the values were lower than the value of 5.5 measured on the ground. The gain values also exhibit a wavelength dependence that is not reflected by the constant number currently in use. These files contain the proper gain value for each combination of MRS Detector and Sub-band. These files also include a new ERROR slice, which while currently not used in the pipeline, may be in the future. The data affected by this update does not need to be reprocessed, as any changes will be small.
2023-09-20 jwst_1131.pmap archived This MIRI gain rmap has been updated to include BAND as a selection criteria, to prepare for future MIRI MRS BAND dependent gain files.
2023-09-15 jwst_1130.pmap archived These updated MIRI gain files were generated at the conclusion of a study of the gain in the MIRI detectors, demonstrating that the values were lower than the value of 5.5 measured on the ground. The gain values also exhibit a wavelength dependence that is not reflected by the constant number currently in use. The files delivered in JWSTMIRI-338 covered only the MIRI Imager Filters. These files contain the proper gain value for each coronagraphic filter, the LRS P750L filter, and the F2550WR, OPAQUE, and FND filters. These files also include a new ERROR slice, which while currently not used in the pipeline, may be in the future. MIRI data should be reprocessed using the new reference files.
2023-09-15 jwst_1129.pmap archived There is a new MIRI aperture correction file for the Imager and the new set of photom files for the Imaging and Coronagraphic modes that cover a range of USEAFTER dates in order to include the time dependent sensitivity loss in the MIRI Imager detector. These files have been updated based on observations of multiple stars with well predicted total fluxes. These updated flux calibration factors reflect basing the flux calibration of many calibration stars, improved aperture corrections, and many other post-Commissioning improvements. These files cover all the imaging filters and coronagraph filters. The data affected will need to be reprocessed once these files are delivered.
2023-09-14 jwst_1128.pmap bad There is a new MIRI aperture correction file for the Imager and the new set of photom files for the Imaging and Coronagraphic modes that cover a range of USEAFTER dates in order to include the time dependent sensitivity loss in the MIRI Imager detector. These files have been updated based on observations of multiple stars with well predicted total fluxes. These updated flux calibration factors reflect basing the flux calibration of many calibration stars, improved aperture corrections, and many other post-Commissioning improvements. These files cover all the imaging filters and coronagraph filters. The data affected will need to be reprocessed once these files are delivered.
2023-09-14 jwst_1127.pmap archived Submitting a new MIRI apcorr rmap with updated EXP_TYPE selection criteria for existing files 0005 and 0008. The exposure types MIR_4QPM and MIR_LYOT were added to these entries to avoid an equal weight special case error in future deliveries.
2023-09-13 jwst_1126.pmap archived Modes affected - NIRCam imaging These NIRCam photom reference files contain an improved flux calibration for all imaging mode filter combinations compared to the previous reference files. Calibrations were calculated using data spanning 8 months of cycle 1. Uncertainties in the flux calibration are now less than 1 percent for most filter/detector combinations. All other uncertainties are less than 2 percent with the exception of F430M and F460M in the A module, at 3.5 and 2.1 percent, and F460M in the B module, at 4.6 percent.
2023-09-12 jwst_1125.pmap archived NIRCam, Affected modes - All NIRCam shortwave imaging data are affected. Reference file - flat. These new NIRCam flat fields correct residual filter-dependent gradients in shortwave imaging data. The corrections are larger-scale and impact pixel values by about one percent.
2023-09-12 jwst_1124.pmap archived This delivery makes a minor update to a variety of MIRI MRS flat, photom and distortion reference files. The Channel 4B distortion solution has been updated to fix an 8 percent vertical scale error revealed by observations of Uranus. This scale issue is relevant to all MRS observations, but would be most noticeable for observations of extended sources with well-defined limbs. This delivery also updates the pixel flats for all twelve MRS bands. In channels 1A-3C the update only affects the estimated uncertainty array of the flatfield, while channels 4A-4C make minor adjustments to the flatfield values based on a revised analysis, and the new 4B distortion solution. New photometric calibration vectors are also provided for channels 4A-4C based on these updated flatfields. While these new reference files are recommended for all users, the overall calibration difference is minor and for many users will be insignificant.
2023-09-07 jwst_1123.pmap archived Affected modes - NIRCam WFSS and TSGRISM modes These NIRCam specwcs reference files contain improved trace and wavelength calibration information for NIRCam, derived from cycle 1 data. Residuals of the trace calibration are within 0.1-0.2 pixels, and flux calibration is estimated to be within 2 percent.
2023-09-05 jwst_1122.pmap archived This delivery updates the MIRI MRS spec2 and outlier detection parameter reference files. The outlier detection update brings the default parameters for this step in line with automated parameters already used via the existing spec3 parameter reference file, and will only affect users who run steps individually outside the regular pipeline framework. The spec2 update temporarily disables the MRS time-dependent photometric correction for TSO mode data only, pending a future bugfix to allow this routine to run on TSO data.
2023-08-31 jwst_1121.pmap archived FGS, imaging mode, full-frame, distortion reference files. The reason for this delivery is to bring the SIAF alignment parameters in the distortion reference files in line with the PRD SIAF. Reference files from the last delivery did not have the latest version of SIAF alignment parameters resulting in using outdated parameters when creating WCS. The new reference files will yield WCS calculated based on the most up-to-date SIAF parameters.
2023-08-31 jwst_1120.pmap archived NIRISS, all modes, distortion reference files. The reason for this delivery is to bring the SIAF alignment parameters in the distortion reference files in line with the PRD SIAF. Reference files from the last delivery did not have the latest version of SIAF alignment parameters resulting in using outdated parameters when creating WCS. The new reference files will yield WCS calculated based on the most up-to-date SIAF parameters.
2023-08-28 jwst_1119.pmap archived Affected data - Future MIRI FULL frame coronagraph modes. These FULL frame MIRI coronagraph PSFMASKs are used for running the PSF alignment stage 3 pipeline step, when the full imager detector is read out instead of just a coronagraph-specific subarray. They were constructed by taking the PSFMASK reference file for each coronagraph subarray, and injecting it at the correct position into an array with the shape of the full detector. They are required for enabling coronagraphy in FULL array mode, scheduled for Cycle 3.
2023-08-25 jwst_1118.pmap archived Affected data are the NIRSpec observations with exptype equal to NRSIFU, lamp mode equal to NA and lamp state equal to NA. This NIRSpec EXTRACT1D file for the IFU observing mode is the first inflight delivery for this mode. Its parameters have been modified so that the spectrum extraction matches the instrument model and decreases the discrepancies. Users with this type of data are encouraged to reprocess their data.
2023-08-24 jwst_1117.pmap archived Modes affected - MIRI MRS data. This delivery updates the MIRI MRS pars-spec3pipeline parameter reference file to enable some of the key software updates provided in Build 9.3. While outlier detection was turned on already in a June 2023 delivery, this new delivery now correctly sets the parameters to be used by the outlier detection algorithm. Likewise, this new parameter reference file turns on the auto-centroiding feature for MRS point source spectral extraction to deal with multiple outstanding issues with WCS in standard data products.
2023-08-24 jwst_1116.pmap archived Modes affected - MIRI LRS slitless and fixed slit data. This delivery of updated pars-spec2pipeline reference files for MIRI LRS in the calwebb_spec2 pipeline turns on the new pixel replacement algorithm in two-dimensional spectral images for both LRS slit and slitless observations. This update will improve the quality of the extracted products and is recommended to be used on all LRS data.
2023-08-24 jwst_1115.pmap archived Modes affected - NIRCam WFSS and TSGRISM modes. These new NIRCam specwcs files contain updated WCS, spectral trace and wavelength calibration information, and an improved wavelength calibration solution. This calibration was calculated using a new fiducial reference spectrum from NIRSpec observations. These files have a modified format from previous versions, in order to more accurately capture the WCS information. They are incompatible with previous versions of the assign_wcs of the calibration pipeline.
2023-08-24 jwst_1114.pmap archived New system_calver file for Build 9.3/9.3.1.
2023-08-21 jwst_1113.pmap archived This NIRSpec FFALT for Fixed Slit and Bright Object data using G140M F100LP is the first inflight delivery for this mode. It decreases the discrepancies with the other settings from the current 20 percent level down to 2 percent. Users with this type of data are encouraged to reprocess their data.
2023-08-18 jwst_1112.pmap archived The NIRSpec Team found that when updating a short the NRS_MSOP_CHK was not updated so the file is not correct and should not be used.
2023-08-18 jwst_1111.pmap archived Affected data - All NIRSpec MSA data taken after June 6, 2023. This NIRSpe MSAOPER file replaces the previous file to include the updated failed shutters information along with the new short in Q4 found in the monitor data. This file is currently in use by the
2023-08-15 jwst_1110.pmap archived These MIRI Imaging mode Gain files were generated at the conclusion of a study of the gain in the MIRI detectors, demonstrating that the values were lower than the value of 5.5 measured on the ground. The gain values also exhibit a wavelength dependence that is not reflected by the constant number currently in use. These files contain the proper gain value for each filter, and include a new ERROR slice, which while currently not used in the pipeline, may be in the future. The applicable data will be reprocessed once build 9.3 is in use in the operational pipeline.
2023-08-14 jwst_1109.pmap archived A new MIRI Gain rmap is being delivered with FILTER added as a selection criteria. This update is to accommodate the new set of MIRI Gain reference files that will be delivered in the near future that have a wavelength, or Filter, dependence.
2023-08-14 jwst_1108.pmap archived This delivery of MIRI MRS photom files updates the MRS photometric calibration reference files to fix an issue with the data quality flags. Additionally, it revises the photometric calibration in channel 4 in a few key ways. First, the calibrations are derived from photometric standard star spectra extracted within a smaller aperture than before to minimize the impact of background subtraction uncertainties, with a revised aperture correction reference file derived using flight data to be to delivered as part of a future update. Second, the key reference star longward of 22 microns is now 16 CygB, albeit scaled by about 5 percent to match the observed calibration vector difference between 16 CygB and 10 Lac at shorter wavelengths. These changes significantly improve a pair of known artifacts observed around 23.1 and 24.3 microns visible in the previous calibrations. The photometric calibration at the longest wavelengths, lambda greater than 26.5 microns, is additionally scaled to ensure reasonable performance for the bright targets NGC 7027 and 515 Athalia.
2023-08-11 jwst_1107.pmap archived This MIRI LRS fixed slit pathloss reference file applies the correction for the center of the slit to all possible positions in the slit, effectively defaulting the pathloss correction to the center of the slit for all possible pointings. No other changes were made to the file. Affected data will be reprocessed when Build 9.3 is installed into the operational pipeline.
2023-08-08 jwst_1106.pmap archived This MIRI Linearity file for the MASKLYOT coronagraphic data is the first file created from flight data, and is an improvement on the pre-flight file which was previously in use. The data in MAST will be updated only after an updated photom file is delivered, so any user wishing to use this file for improvements in their Lyot coronagraphic data should reprocess their data with this new file.
2023-08-02 jwst_1105.pmap archived Affected Data are all nirspec data taken with subarrays New NIRSpec subarray darks were delivered to the CRDS pipeline for use with all data taken since January 1, 2022. The new darks have the same SCI extension as the previous delivery but new DQ extensions. DQ extension pixels with an RC or Bad Reference Pixel flag have been flagged as DO NOT USE, while Unreliable Slope, Bad Fit and Telegraph pixels are still considered GOOD for further processing. Hot Pixel flagging has been moved to the mask reference file and is also considered DO NOT USE. Users with these types of data should consider reprocessing to reduce the number of science pixels marked NAN in rate files and further down the pipeline.
2023-08-02 jwst_1104.pmap archived Affected data are all data taken after 24 July 2023 A new version 7.3.1 of the NIRSpec instrument model was delivered and includes camera, collimator, disperser, fore, fpa, msa, ote, ifufore, ifupost and ifuslicer reference files. This model was implemented in OSS on July 24 2023, and is now being used in APT. It adjusts the IFU reference point by approximately 0.2 arcsec, an offset that prevented centering of point sources when doing TA.
2023-08-01 jwst_1103.pmap archived Delivering a new NIRSpec wavelengthrange rmap with combined exp_type entries for existing files to avoid the equal weight special case error in subsequent deliveries.
2023-08-01 jwst_1102.pmap archived Affected data are all data taken after 24 July 2023 A new version 7.3.1 of the NIRSpec instrument model was delivered and includes camera, collimator, disperser, fore, fpa, msa, ote, ifufore, ifupost and ifuslicer reference files. This model was implemented in OSS on July 24 2023, and is now being used in APT. It adjusts the IFU reference point by approximately 0.2 arcsec, an offset that prevented centering of point sources when doing TA.
2023-08-01 jwst_1101.pmap archived This update to the SPECWCS is to include position-dependent calculations for the NIRISS WFSS wavelength solution. Using data from PID 1510, we were able to derive independent wavelength solutions for nine regions across the detector. These were then used in the 2D fit that fits the wavelengths and x and y shape of the spectral trace at once. The wavelength reference used for this analysis was the Paterson et. al, 2023, AandA 674, A172. spectral atlas, using the in-vacuum wave_lab column corrected for their 272.87 km/s radial velocity. This is an update from the previous file which used a CLOUDY model of the planetary nebula in air wavelengths, corrected for a radial velocity of 294.9 km/s. In this reference file, the spectral trace remains that which was derived from a star at the center of the detector, from NIS-015 analysis, so there will be little change in the default cutouts from the previous SPECWCS, but the assigned wavelengths in the cutouts across the detector should now be more internally precise. The wavelengths of sources near the center of the detector will remain largely unchanged when compared with the previous SPECWCS. However, sources in other locations across the detector show an absolute improvement of between 15 and 45 Angstroms when compared to the wavelengths assigned to a source at the center of the detector. This reference file provides a 50 percent improvement in the 1 sigma scatter of wavelengths assigned in different cutouts across the detector.
2023-07-14 jwst_1100.pmap archived Modes affected - NIRCam imaging, coronagraphy, and time series imaging observations These NIRCam photom files contain only a minimal update from the previous versions. The values the pixel area keywords, PIXAR_A2 and PIXAR_SR, have been updated to match those in the newly delivered AREA reference files. The flux calibration information is unchanged.
2023-07-13 jwst_1099.pmap archived Modes affected - NIRCam imaging, coronagraphy, and time series imaging observations These NIRCam area reference files were derived from the latest versions of the distortion reference files. With these new files in place, the area and distortion files will be consistent with one another. Note that during pipeline processing, the map of the pixel areas is copied into science data as a new extension.
2023-07-13 jwst_1098.pmap archived Update NIRCam AREA rmap to replace PUPIL and FILTER entries that had ANY to N/A. This is needed to deliver the updated AREA maps to OPS before Build 9.3, which will address a bug that prevents these files from being delivered with value ANY. This change does not affect the Calibration Pipeline as it interprets both of these values in the same way.
2023-06-22 jwst_1097.pmap archived This file is being delivered to improve the aperture correction for point sources in level-3 pipeline products of NIRISS imaging datasets, including direct images of WFSS datasets. The new aperture corrections have been determined from level-3 pipeline products of Cycle 1 datasets with 4 dithers per filter, while the previous aperture corrections, from a reference file implemented during JWST commissioning, were determined from single images, i.e., _cal.fits files. The new aperture corrections have been determined to improve the source fluxes in the level-3 source catalog by approx 10 percent for filters with pivot wavelength greater than 2 micron and approx 5 percent for the longer-wavelength filters.
2023-06-22 jwst_1096.pmap archived Correct collision in CRDS due to missing exposure types in NIRISS pre-launch apcorr file.
2023-06-20 jwst_1095.pmap archived This NIRSpec MSAOPER file has a useafter of June 9, 2023. This update contains the 1 new short in Q4, found in the monitor data. Data affected is all NIRSpec MSA data taken after June 9, 2023.
2023-06-16 jwst_1094.pmap archived This delivery updates many different MIRI MRS reference files to reflect updated photometric calibration based on the results of the Cycle 1 calibration program. These updates significantly improve photometric calibration accuracy, particularly in bands 2C, 4A, 4B, and 4C, and are recommended for all scientific users. The file types that are included in this update are Flat, Fringe, Photom, apercorrpar, cubepar, extract1d, specwcs for IFUSHORT with SHORT and MEDIUM bands, and a spec3 parameter reference file. There are no updates to any dichroic modes in this delivery. i.e. LONG-MEDIUM. There will be no automatic reprocessing of any data in MAST at this point, as the files will be most useful with code updates in build 9.3.
2023-06-07 jwst_1093.pmap archived Modes affected - All NIRCam coronagraphic observations These NIRCam psfmask reference files were created using recent versions of WebbPSF and SIAF that include the new apertures for the simultaneous shortwave and longwave coronagraphic observation mode. The new files include initial versions of the psfmask files for the new apertures, as well as updated versions of the psfmasks for all existing coronagraphic apertures to replace the dummy versions previously in use. The positions of the masks in the updated files are now filter-dependent, and informed by analyses on commissioning and cycle 1 data.
2023-06-05 jwst_1092.pmap bad Delivering the NIRCam specwcs rmap with updated specwcs files that were previously delivered as part of context jwst_1091.pmap. These new specwcs files contain WCS and spectral trace and wavelength calibration information, derived from commissioning data. They have a modified format from previous versions, in order to more accurately capture the WCS information, and they are incompatible with previous versions of the assign_wcs of the calibration pipeline.
2023-06-05 jwst_1091.pmap bad These NIRCam specwcs reference files contain updated WCS and spectral trace and wavelength calibration information, derived from commissioning data. These files have a modified format from previous versions, in order to more accurately capture the WCS information. They are incompatible with previous versions of the assign_wcs of the calibration pipeline.
2023-05-31 jwst_1090.pmap archived Affected modes - All NIRCam WFSS and grism time series data are affected. These NIRCam WFSS and grism time series photom reference files correct a problem with all previous versions of these files. The flux calibration values are derived from sensitivity curves produced from commissioning and cycle 1 analyses. However, the sensitivity curves provide the sensitivity per Angstrom, while the calibration pipeline assumes that the flux calibration reference file gives the flux calibration per pixel. In previous reference files, the flux calibration values were not updated to be per pixel. When applied to science data, this resulted in flux values that were too large by a factor equal to the dispersion, which is roughly 10 Angstroms per pixel. In these new files, the flux calibration values have been updated to be per pixel, removing this incorrect factor of 10.
2023-05-23 jwst_1089.pmap archived New system_calver file for Build 9.2/9.2.1
2023-05-15 jwst_1088.pmap archived This NIRSpec reference file has been updated to include new extensions with the default wavelength ranges used by the cubebuild algorithm with the DRIZZLE method. This file is used for internal calibrations. This update will make it easier to compare NIRSpec data cubes to one another as well as with data cubes from other instruments. Affected data are NIRSpec, NRSIFU, IFU Cube defaults.
2023-05-15 jwst_1087.pmap archived This NIRSpec reference file has been updated to include new extensions with the default wavelength ranges used by the cube build algorithm with the DRIZZLE method and should be used with all data taken after launch. This update will make it easier to compare NIRSpec data cubes to one another as well as with data cubes from other instruments. Affected data are NIRSpec, NRS IFU, IFU Cube defaults.
2023-05-11 jwst_1086.pmap archived This MIRI LRS extract1d file is being delivered in order to define default apertures for spectral extraction for the MIRI LRS in Spec3 for both fixed slit and slitless modes. This reference file will work around the issue of improper spectral extraction apertures based on WCS information.
2023-05-08 jwst_1085.pmap archived This NIRSpec reference file has been updated to include new extensions with the default wavelength ranges used by the cubebuild algorithm with the DRIZZLE method and should be used with all data taken after launch. This update will make it easier to compare NIRSpec data cubes to one another as well as with data cubes from other instruments. Affected data are NIRSpec, NRSIFU, IFU Cube defaults.
2023-05-03 jwst_1084.pmap archived Affected Data all nirspec data with subarray of FULL New NIRSpec full frame traditional readout and IRS2 readout darks and masks were delivered to the CRDS pipeline for use with all data taken since January 1, 2022. The new darks have the same sci extension as the previous delivery but new DQ extensions. In the darks, pixels with an RC or Bad Reference Pixel flag are also flagged as Do Not Use, while Unreliable Slope, Bad Fit and Telegraph pixels are still considered good for further processing. Hot Pixel flagging has been moved to the mask reference file and is also considered Do Not Use. Users with these types of data should consider reprocessing to reduce the number of science pixels marked NAN in rate files and further down the pipeline.
2023-05-03 jwst_1083.pmap archived These new NIRCam longwave imaging flats provide the first inflight flat field correction at the pixel and filter-level to all NIRCam LW imaging data. They correct both the remaining larger-scale filter-specific flat field residuals, as well as pixel-level flat deviations from ground.
2023-05-02 jwst_1082.pmap archived This delivery updates the MIRI MRS DISTORTION, SPECWCS, REGIONS, and WAVELENGTHRANGE reference files for all 12 MRS bands. These files are now updated to the FLT-5 wavelength and spatial distortion solution and are recommended for all scientific users. In the spatial dimension, this FLT-5 update incorporates some minor rotational adjustments to the mapping between the IFU alpha-beta plane and the spacecraft V-frame, in addition to boresight updates between the twelve individual MRS bands. Analysis of multiple standard stars observed throughout Cycle 1 indicates that the MRS grating wheel is not perfectly repeatable, and can show boresight offsets with RMS 0.03 arcsec. This update shifts the nominal boresights to match the median stellar centroid locations across 8 unique sets of observations. For further details see Patapis et al. in prep. In the spectral dimension, the FLT-5 update incorporates new analysis of data obtained from GTO observations of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn. FLT-4 and prior wavelength solutions were based upon fits to strong nebular emission lines in NGC 6543, the Cats Eye Nebula, which suffered from extrapolation problems between the wavelengths of these strong lines and provided a typical calibration accuracy of a few tens of km/s up to about 70 km/s in the least well constrained wavelength regimes. Using detailed comparisons between NEMESIS spectral models and the feature-rich atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, this FLT-5 wavelength solution improves the typical wavelength calibration accuracy of the MRS data to better than 10 km/s throughout bands 1A-3B. At longer wavelengths the giant planet spectra are unable to improve the wavelength solution, but new observations of bright nebular emission lines in NGC 7027 in concert with Be star HR 2787 have nonetheless helped to improve the wavelength solutions in Ch4B and 4C. For further details see Argyriou et al. 2023, Harkett et al. in prep, and references therein.
2023-04-28 jwst_1081.pmap archived Affected data - Future NIRCam coronagraphic observations These NIRCam dark current reference files comprise an initial set of references to cover the newly-defined coronagraphic apertures that support simultaneous longwave and shortwave corongraphic observations. These include the SUB320A335R, SUB320A430R, and SUB400X256ALWB apertures in the SW channel, as well as the SUB400X256ALWB, SUB640A210R, and SUB640ASWB in the LW channel. No data yet exist for these apertures. All pixels in these reference files are set to zero.
2023-04-24 jwst_1080.pmap archived Affected data - Future NIRCam coronagraphic observations These NIRCam superbias reference files comprise an initial set of references to cover the newly-defined coronagraphic apertures that support simultaneous longwave and shortwave corongraphic observations. These include the SUB320A335R, SUB320A430R, and SUB400X256ALWB apertures in the SW channel, as well as the SUB400X256ALWB, SUB640A210R, and SUB640ASWB in the LW channel. No data yet exist for these apertures. Therefore the data in these reference files were calculated using the bias values in similar, neighboring apertures on the same detectors.
2023-04-24 jwst_1079.pmap archived Affected data - Future NIRCam coronagraphic observations These NIRCam readnoise reference files comprise an initial set of references to cover the newly-defined coronagraphic apertures that support simultaneous longwave and shortwave corongraphic observations. These include the SUB320A335R, SUB320A430R, and SUB400X256ALWB apertures in the SW channel, as well as the SUB400X256ALWB, SUB640A210R, and SUB640ASWB in the LW channel. No data yet exist for these apertures. Therefore the data in these reference files were calculated using the noise values in similar, neighboring apertures on the same detectors.
2023-04-20 jwst_1078.pmap archived This is a delivery of the dark reference files for subarray modes MASK1550, SUB64, and SUB128. These reference files were created using data in PID 1517 and 1519. These darks include the reset anomaly. The existing reset reference files in CRDS for these subarrays are all dummy reference files containing zeros for all the groups. These files are replacing dark dummy files with all zeros, and are the first darks for these subarray modes created from flight data. The data in MAST for these imaging subarrays should be reprocessed.
2023-04-06 jwst_1077.pmap archived Delivering the first NIRISS pars-undersamplecorrectionstep rmap to initialize this new reference type and prepare for subsequent pars-undersamplecorrectionstep reference file deliveries.
2023-04-06 jwst_1076.pmap archived Updated pmap containing imap changes for all instruments. The imaps for all instruments were updated to include an entry for PARS-UNDERSAMPLECORRECTIONSTEP.
2023-03-28 jwst_1075.pmap archived Update to the MIRI pars-jumpstep rmap to add DETECTOR and TSOVISIT as selection criteria.
2023-03-28 jwst_1074.pmap archived These NIRCam photom files contain updated flux calibration values and curves for WFSS and Grism Time Series observations. These are updated flux calibration curves derived from flight data for these modes. The calibration curves in these files have a higher resolution than those in the previous version. In addition, updated F250M and F277W curves have been included. In previous files, the calibration curves for these filters were derived from ground based data. These have useafter dates set to 2014, and are intended to be used with all NIRCam WFSS and Grism Time Series data. These files will replace the previous reference files, which had lower resolution calibration curves.
2023-03-27 jwst_1073.pmap archived Delivering a previous version of the NIRISS pars-jumpstep rmap that does not include the most recent pars-jumpstep files delivered after build 9.1.1. Issues were found with the snowball correction algorithm implemented in build 9.1.1, so a new pars-jumpstep rmap is being delivered to temporarily back out the affected files while developers work on a fix.
2023-03-27 jwst_1072.pmap archived Due to issues found in processing some JWST data with the new cosmic ray snowball and shower code, the decision was made to temporarily turn off this code. This updated jump step parameter reference file for NIRSpec will turn off this step. The data in MAST will be reprocessed with this file, and if users want to turn off the snowball and shower code, they can use this parameter reference file to re-run their own data. This will affect all NIRSpec data.
2023-03-27 jwst_1071.pmap archived Due to issues found in processing some JWST data with the new cosmic ray snowball and shower code, the decision was made to temporarily turn off this code. This updated jump step parameter reference file for NIRCam will turn off this step. The data in MAST will be reprocessed with this file, and if users want to turn off the snowball and shower code, they can use this parameter reference file to re-run their own data. This affects all NIRCam data.
2023-03-27 jwst_1070.pmap archived Due to issues found in processing some JWST data with the new cosmic ray snowball and shower code, the decision was made to temporarily turn off this code. This updated jump step parameter reference file for MIRI will turn off this step. The data in MAST will be reprocessed with this file, and if users want to turn off the snowball and shower code, they can use this parameter reference file to re-run their own data.
2023-03-16 jwst_1069.pmap archived Modes Affected NIRSpec data with exptypes nrs fixedslit or nrs brightobj and subarray s400a1 or allslits. A new NIRSpec pathloss reference file was delivered for all fixed slit and bright object data using the S400A1 or allslits subarrays. This is the first time pathloss information for S400A1 is being delivered to CRDS and is model based. Inflight pathloss information for all modes based on commissioning data will be delivered to CRDS soon.
2023-03-14 jwst_1068.pmap archived Delivering a new NIRSpec pars-jumpstep rmap that includes the pars-jumpstep reference files that were previously causing issues with the snowball algorithm incorporated in JWST build 9.1.1. The patch 9.1.2 is being installed to fix these issues, so the previously delivered pars-jumpstep files can now be activated.
2023-03-14 jwst_1067.pmap archived Delivering a new NIRISS pars-jumpstep rmap that includes the pars-jumpstep reference files that were previously causing issues with the snowball algorithm incorporated in JWST build 9.1.1. The patch 9.1.2 is being installed to fix these issues, so the previously delivered pars-jumpstep files can now be activated.
2023-03-14 jwst_1066.pmap archived Delivering a new NIRCam pars-jumpstep rmap that includes the pars-jumpstep reference files that were previously causing issues with the snowball algorithm incorporated in JWST build 9.1.1. The patch 9.1.2 is being installed to fix these issues, so the previously delivered pars-jumpstep files can now be activated.
2023-03-14 jwst_1065.pmap archived Delivering a new MIRI pars-jumpstep rmap that includes the pars-jumpstep reference files that were previously causing issues with the snowball algorithm incorporated in JWST build 9.1.1. The patch 9.1.2 is being installed to fix these issues, so the previously delivered pars-jumpstep files can now be activated.
2023-03-13 jwst_1064.pmap archived Affected data - NIRCam, WFSS and Grism Time Series, photom These NIRCam photom files contain updated flux calibration values and curves for WFSS and Grism Time Series observations. These are the first flux calibration curves derived from flight data for these modes, and represent a significant improvement over the previous, ground based files. They have useafter dates set to 2014, and are intended to be used with all NIRCam WFSS and Grism Time Series data. These files will replace the previous, ground based photom reference files.
2023-03-08 jwst_1063.pmap archived New Nirspec OTE files were delivered to CRDS, these files affect all data taken with NIRSpec since launch, one has a useafter date of 1 January 2023 and the other 22 September 2023. An error was found in the creation of the previous files which these will replace that caused transforms in the WCS step to be applied incorrectly. This delivery corrects that error.
2023-03-01 jwst_1062.pmap archived Updated pmap which incorporates changes to the MIRI, NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec imaps. Issues were found with the snowball algorithm incorporated in the pars-jumpstep files during the JWST build 9.1.1 testing. The pars-jumpstep rmap versions in the imaps were rolled back to a previous version to temporarily bypass this issue as we work towards a fix.
2023-02-28 jwst_1061.pmap archived Updated pmap which incorporates changes to the FGS, MIRI, NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec imaps. The updates include adding PARS-RESIDUALFRINGESTEP, set to N/A, in order to eliminate benign errors in the pipeline. Entries for WCSREGIONS were also removed because the reference file type is no longer being used.
2023-02-28 jwst_1060.pmap archived New system_calver file for Build 9.1/9.1.1
2023-02-28 jwst_1059.pmap archived A number of new parameters have been added to the pars-jumpstep reference files because of the change in the jump detection code. For each FILTER and PUPIL combination that is possible for science observations the default set of new parameters have been added.
2023-02-28 jwst_1058.pmap archived This new set of MIRI filteroffset files are being delivered due to recent changes to the coronagraphic operations mode now live in PRDOPSSOC-059 implementing different filter-dependent boresight offsets for the MIRI coronagraphic and imaging modes. In brief, the filter boresight offsets are not perfectly constant across the detector, and new values in each of the coronagraphic regions have been derived using on-orbit data. These data are now reflected in the operational PRD used for targeting, and should be folded into the DMS data processing as well. This requires that a series of new filteroffset reference file be delivered that CRDS can select based on the SUBARRAY keyword in use. There are new coronagraphic filteroffset files that should be used for any coronagraphic data
2023-02-28 jwst_1057.pmap archived Updated MIRI filteroffset file to add SUBARRAY as a new selector. As part of the ongoing MIRI coronagraph updates, the MIRI Team is updating both the SIAF reference locations of the coronagraphs and the corresponding filter boresight offsets to add new versions of the filter offsets that differ between the different coronagraphs, instead of the single set of filter offset reference numbers for the entire imager that are currently being used. With this work, coronagraph subarray specific filter offset files will be needed, and requires that SUBARRAY be added as a new selector for the filteroffset reference files.
2023-02-28 jwst_1056.pmap archived Update to the MIRI pars-jumpstep rmap to add DETECTOR and TSOVISIT as selection criteria.
2023-02-28 jwst_1055.pmap archived Initial delivery of the MIRI pars-jumpstep reference file, will enable the jump step to use the new parameters for the snowball and shower flagging algorithms.
2023-02-28 jwst_1054.pmap archived Initial delivery of the MIRI pars-jumpstep rmap.
2023-02-28 jwst_1053.pmap archived Initial delivery of the NIRSpec pars-jumpstep reference file, which will enable the jump step to use the new parameters for the snowball and shower flagging algorithms.
2023-02-28 jwst_1052.pmap archived Initial delivery of the NIRSpec pars-jumpstep rmap.
2023-02-28 jwst_1051.pmap archived Initial delivery of the NIRCam pars-jumpstep reference file, which will enable the jump step to use the new parameters for the snowball and shower flagging algorithms.
2023-02-28 jwst_1050.pmap archived Initial delivery of the NIRCam pars-jumpstep rmap
2023-02-22 jwst_1049.pmap archived This NIRSpec MSAOPER file has a usafter of 2023-01-26. It contains the 2 new shorts in quadrant 1 found in the electrical monitor data.
2023-02-22 jwst_1048.pmap archived This delivery contains an updated MIRI imager bad pixel mask. The file updates the DQ flags of columns 384 and 385 from UNRELIABLE_SLOPE to 0 and DO_NOT_USE respectively. Headers are updated to reflect this change. In flight testing has shown that the slope of the pixels in column 384 behave as expected, while column 385 is an exact copy of 384. Thus, we change the former to a DQ flag of 0 such that it can be used in ramp fitting, and 385 to DO_NOT_USE, as it is not simply an unreliable slope. No data in MAST will be reprocessed with this updated file, as the S/N change will be minimal.
2023-02-20 jwst_1047.pmap archived The NIRISS bad pixel mask has been updated based on the NIRSRAPID darks taken in cycle 1 program 1497 between August and November of 2022. This new mask supersedes the previous bad pixel mask from NIRISS commissioning. This affects all modes of NIRISS. The USEAFTER date has been set to June 16, 2022, about half-way between the date of the commissioning darks and the date of the start of the cycle 1 darks.
2023-02-17 jwst_1046.pmap archived Outlier detection for MIRI MRS is known to be problematic due to the undersampling of the IFUs. In brief, the significant undersampling means that data taken in different dither positions can have wildly different values near unresolved point sources due simply to the locations of the sample boundaries. The current parameter configuration for outlier detection is designed to be as tolerant as possible, i.e., to not reject much, but it nonetheless still sometimes flags point sources as outliers. In many cases, better performance for Cycle 1 programs has been observed with outlier detection turned OFF. At the same time, the memory requirements of this step are prohibitive for MAST processing of some data sets. This spec3 parameter reference file therefore turns off outlier detection by default for the MAST pipeline, pending future revisions to this routine. Outlier detection can still be run in an offline manner by end users who wish to explore whether it can produce better quality reductions for their observations. There will be no reprocessing of data already in MAST at this point.
2023-02-13 jwst_1045.pmap archived These updated NIRCam saturation reference files have had a small update which applies to all NIRCam observations, but only to pixels flagged as DEAD or RC in the mask reference file. For these pixels, the saturation levels have been set to 65535. This was done so that dead and RC pixels are never flagged as saturated. Previously, when a dead pixel was flagged as saturated, the adaptive saturation flagging algorithm in the pipeline was also flagging all 8 neighboring pixels as saturated, leading to many 3x3 pixel boxes of NaN pixels in the slope images. However, dead and RC pixels have been seen not to bleed charge when they reach their defined saturation levels, and therefore there is no need to flag neighboring pixels. With these reference files, there can be up to several tens of thousands fewer pixels per detector that are flagged as saturated and set to NaN in the slope images.
2023-02-10 jwst_1044.pmap archived This delivery is of new dark and reset files for the MIRI SLITLESSPRISM subarray mode. The dark is being updated with better flight data going into the correction, and the reset file is being reset to 0s as the reset correction is now being folded into the dark file. MIRI SLITLESSPRISM data should be reprocessed with these new reference files.
2023-02-10 jwst_1043.pmap archived Updated FGS apcorr rmap to remove DETECTOR as a selector as it is no longer needed.
2023-02-10 jwst_1042.pmap archived Updated NIRCam photom rmap to remove files jwst_nircam_photom_0031.fits - 0050.fits. These files are obsolete and will never again be used.
2023-01-25 jwst_1041.pmap archived The pixel area value for slits S1600A1 and S200B1 were inadvertently swapped in the original delivery. These new calibration files correct the issue. Only observations of extended sources using these fixed slits are affected by the change.
2023-01-20 jwst_1040.pmap archived These two updated NIRCam grism flat field reference files are being delivered to resolve an error in the JWST pipeline tests due to an old embedded ASDF extension. Nothing in the science data or headers was changed. Only the unnecessary ASDF extension was stripped.
2023-01-10 jwst_1039.pmap archived These NIRCam full frame, longwave channel dark current files contain updated dark current maps for both the ALONG and BLONG detectors. These updated files have been created using cycle 1 calibration observations in addition to commissioning observations, providing a better measure of the dark current. Previous versions of these files were created using commissioning data only.
2023-01-10 jwst_1038.pmap archived These NIRCam superbias files contain updated bias maps for the grism time series, extended source, point source, absolute flux cal, and coronagraphic subarray apertures, along with full frame apertures. The full list of affected apertures is shown below. These updates have been created using cycle 1 calibration observations, in addition to commissioning observations where appropriate. Previous versions of these files were created using commissioning data only. Affected apertures include NRCA1-SUBGRISM128, NRCA1-SUBGRISM256, NRCA1-SUBGRISM64, NRCA3-SUBGRISM128, NRCA3-SUBGRISM256, NRCA3-SUBGRISM64, NRCALONG-SUBGRISM128, NRCALONG-SUBGRISM256, NRCALONG-SUBGRISM64, NRCB1-SUB160, NRCB1-SUB160P, NRCB1-SUB320, NRCB1-SUB400P, NRCB1-SUB640, NRCB1-SUB64P, NRCB2-SUB160, NRCB2-SUB320, NRCB2-SUB640, NRCB3-SUB160, NRCB3-SUB320, NRCB3-SUB640, NRCB4-SUB160, NRCB4-SUB320, NRCB4-SUB640, NRCBLONG-SUB160, NRCBLONG-SUB160P, NRCBLONG-SUB320, NRCBLONG-SUB400P, NRCBLONG-SUB640, NRCBLONG-SUB64P, NRCA1-SUB160, NRCA2-SUB160, NRCA2-SUB640A210R, NRCA3-SUB160, NRCA3-SUB64P, NRCA4-SUB160, NRCA4-SUB640ASWB, NRCALONG-SUB160, NRCALONG-SUB320A335R, NRCALONG-SUB320A430R, NRCALONG-SUB320ALWB, NRCALONG-SUB64P, NRCA1-FULL, NRCA2-FULL, NRCA3-FULL, NRCA4-FULL, NRCALONG-FULL, NRCB1-FULL, NRCB2-FULL, NRCB3-FULL, NRCB4-FULL, NRCBLONG-FULL
2023-01-10 jwst_1037.pmap archived Updated NIRCam readnoise rmap where several files had their USEAFTER dates changed from 2022-07-15 to 2022-04-15. The readnoise files were delivered under context jwst_1033.pmap and were meant to replace earlier version of the files, but their USEAFTER dates were incorrect.
2023-01-10 jwst_1036.pmap archived These readnoies reference files are being deleted because they have recently been replaced, but their USEAFTER dates do not yet match. Once these files are removed, the USEAFTERs of the new readnoise files are updated will then be updated.
2023-01-10 jwst_1035.pmap archived A new NIRSpec F flats created from in flight data was delivered for all IFU data taken after launch. This F flat is for the grating filter combination G140M F100LP and was missing from the delivery last month. The F flats comprise the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics. The IFU flux calibration accuracy over the full wavelength range is estimated to be approximately 10 percent, systematically higher than for the other modes for reasons that are being investigated.
2023-01-10 jwst_1034.pmap archived Updated the NIRCam superbias rmap to change READPATT values from ANY to N/A in order to avoid issues during deliveries.
2023-01-09 jwst_1033.pmap archived These NIRCam readnoise files contain updated readnoise values for the grism time series, extended source, point source, absolute flux cal, and coronagraphic subarray apertures, along with full frame apertures. The full list of affected apertures is shown below. They apply to data taken after July 15, 2022. These updates have been created using cycle 1 calibration observations, in addition to commissioning observations where appropriate. Previous versions of these files were created using commissioning data only. Affected apertures include NRCA1-SUBGRISM128, NRCA1-SUBGRISM256, NRCA1-SUBGRISM64, NRCA3-SUBGRISM128, NRCA3-SUBGRISM256, NRCA3-SUBGRISM64, NRCALONG-SUBGRISM128, NRCALONG-SUBGRISM256, NRCALONG-SUBGRISM64, NRCB1-SUB160, NRCB1-SUB160P, NRCB1-SUB320, NRCB1-SUB400P, NRCB1-SUB640, NRCB1-SUB64P, NRCB2-SUB160, NRCB2-SUB320, NRCB2-SUB640, NRCB3-SUB160, NRCB3-SUB320, NRCB3-SUB640, NRCB4-SUB160, NRCB4-SUB320, NRCB4-SUB640, NRCBLONG-SUB160, NRCBLONG-SUB160P, NRCBLONG-SUB320, NRCBLONG-SUB400P, NRCBLONG-SUB640, NRCBLONG-SUB64P, NRCA1-SUB160, NRCA2-SUB160, NRCA2-SUB640A210R, NRCA3-SUB160, NRCA3-SUB64P, NRCA4-SUB160, NRCA4-SUB640ASWB, NRCALONG-SUB160, NRCALONG-SUB320A335R, NRCALONG-SUB320A430R, NRCALONG-SUB320ALWB, NRCALONG-SUB64P, NRCA1-FULL, NRCA2-FULL, NRCA3-FULL, NRCA4-FULL, NRCALONG-FULL, NRCB1-FULL, NRCB2-FULL, NRCB3-FULL, NRCB4-FULL, NRCBLONG-FULL
2023-01-09 jwst_1032.pmap archived A new NIRSpec readnoise reference file was delivered for nirspec NRS2 subarray data. The previous version of this file made from inflight commissioning data was found to have a bad keyword causing data to not be processable, only that substrt2 keyword has changed with this delivery.
2023-01-09 jwst_1031.pmap archived Updated MIRI pars-whitelightstep rmap to add MIR_IMAGE as a an EXP_TYPE selector, and set the value to N/A. This is being done to prevent errors during regression testing.
2023-01-05 jwst_1030.pmap archived A new NIRSpec superbias was delivered for NRS2 G395H/F290LP SUB2048 data. The corner locations for this combination were updated at the end of commissioning to fully capture the trace within the subarray and should be used with data taken after June 30 2022.
2023-01-04 jwst_1029.pmap archived A new NIRSpec superbias was delivered for NRS2 G395H/F290LP SUB2048 data. The corner locations for this combination were updated at the end of commissioning to fully capture the trace within the subarray and should be used with data taken after June 30 2022.
2022-12-23 jwst_1028.pmap archived Delivery of new sub256 darks using flight data and replaces older dummy file that was there in place. This file also includes the reset anomaly which was not in the last file.
2022-12-20 jwst_1027.pmap archived New NIRSpec readnoise reference files were delivered for subarray data taken before 01-01-2022. A bad keyword value was found during regression testing and these new files correct that issue.
2022-12-16 jwst_1026.pmap archived Delivery of F2550W, F2100W and F1500W linearity corrections for MIRI. The new F2550W file should replace the existing linearity correction for this filter. We got better data, it saturated in APT 1521, for this filter.  The F2100W filter linearity correction should be use for both F2100W and F1800W filters. The F1800W file submitted is a duplicate of the F2100W file. The F1500W filter data should only be used for F1500W. Before we did not specify a linearity correction for F1500W we just used the generic one, F770W, but now we want to have this one used for F1500W data.  Previous data taken in these filters should be reprocessed.
2022-12-16 jwst_1025.pmap archived Nirspec readnoise files were delivered for all nirspec modes. These files were made with inflight data and are for all data taken after launch.
2022-12-16 jwst_1024.pmap archived Previously nirspec delivered readnoise subarray reference files for only readpatts nrs and nrsrapid. Now we are adding nrsrapidd1, d2 and d6 to that list. The rmap needs to be updated to eliminate equal weight match rules.
2022-12-15 jwst_1023.pmap archived New NIRSpec S flats and F flats created from in flight data were delivered for all IFU data taken after launch. The F flats comprise the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics and the Sflats include the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA. The S flats have had their error extensions zeroed out to make the total error calculation more accurate. The IFU flux calibration accuracy over the full wavelength range is estimated to be approximately 10 percent, systematically higher than for the other modes for reasons that are being investigated.
2022-12-15 jwst_1022.pmap archived New NIRSpec S flat files created from in-flight data were delivered for all MOS data taken after launch. The S flat files include the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA. These S flat files replace the hybrid flat files delivered in September 2022, where only the error array has been zeroed out to make the total error calculation more accurate. These files are for all grating/filter combinations in MOS mode. The MOS flux calibration accuracy is estimated at approximately 5 percent or less over the full wavelength range. However, any variations over the field of view are not fully calibrated yet as the in-flight S flat files are still being worked.
2022-12-15 jwst_1021.pmap archived New NIRSpec S flat files created from in-flight data were delivered for all Fixed Slit and Bright Object data taken after launch.The S flat files include the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA. These flat files replace the recent delivery of S flats, where only the error array has been zeroed out to make the total error calculation more accurate. These files are for all grating/filter combinations.
2022-12-14 jwst_1020.pmap archived New NIRSpec F flats created from in-flight data were delivered for all MOS data taken after launch. The F flats comprise the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics. These flats are for all grating/filter combinations and replace the hybrid flats delivered in September.
2022-12-01 jwst_1019.pmap archived A new NIRSpec MSA operability file was delivered that includes the 3 shorts discovered in October 2022. This MSA operability file matches that now used in the PRD.
2022-11-28 jwst_1018.pmap archived New NIRSpec F flats and S flats created from in-flight data were delivered for all Fixed Slit and Bright Object data taken after launch. The F flats comprise the field-dependent throughput of the OTE and instrument FORE optics and the Sflats include the light path from the micro-shutter array up to but not including the FPA. These flats are for all grating/filter combinations except G140M/F100LP, because of time constraints during commissioning data was not taken for this grating/filter combination. Also, a new extract 1d reference file was delivered for Fixed Slits to include the correct aperture sizes for the flats to be applied in the pipeline.
2022-11-17 jwst_1017.pmap archived New calver system file for build 9.0.
2022-11-16 jwst_1016.pmap archived We are redelivering the NIRISS persistence saturation reference file. We discovered that the NIRISS persat reference file currently in CRDS jwst_niriss_persat_0003.fits is not properly scaled. The image values apparently were divided by the mean gain to convert from electrons to ADU when the reference file was created some years ago, but in fact the input image being used was already converted to ADU. As a result the image in extension 1 has been scaled back up by a factor of 1.612 in this delivery of the revised file. The other extensions have not been changed.
2022-11-14 jwst_1015.pmap archived Updated NIRCam distortion rmap to add the read pattern, NRC_CORON to the following files jwst_nircam_distortion_0171.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0172.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0173.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0174.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0175.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0176.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0177.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0178.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0179.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0180.asdf The NIRCam Team recently found that the distortion files currently in CRDS for observations where one of the coronagraphic masks is used contain lists of exp_types that do not include NRC_CORON. The rmap was updated to fix that issue. Additionally, the following files were removed from the rmap - jwst_nircam_distortion_0087.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0088.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0091.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0097.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0111.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0112.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0113.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0114.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0115.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0116.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0117.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0118.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0119.asdf jwst_nircam_distortion_0120.asdf These files had been replaced with updated versions containing NRC_IMAGE in their list of read patterns.
2022-11-07 jwst_1014.pmap archived New Nirspec pixel area maps were delivered for nirspec scinde modes nrs_ifu, nrs_msaspec, nrs_fixedslit, nrs_brightobj. These files were made with ground data but are in the new format the pipeline expects.
2022-11-04 jwst_1013.pmap archived Updated MIRI reset rmap, where the entries for all FULL frame reset files were changed to be applicable to both FAST and FASTR1 read patterns. This undoes the rmap update from jwst_0856.pmap on 2022-05-26.
2022-11-04 jwst_1012.pmap archived This updated set of MIRI Dark files and reset files apply to all full frame data for all three detectors, Imager, IFU short and IFU long for MRS. This data is meant to cover all data taken since April 1, 2022, and should improve some of the residual detector effects that can currently be seen in the MAST data. The reset files are now dummy files of zeros as the reset correction is folded into the new dark files. All full frame MIRI data should be reprocessed with these new files.
2022-11-03 jwst_1011.pmap archived Ongoing analysis of MRS cube building performance and the spatial/spectral resolution of MRS data has indicated that the wavelength sampling of MRS data cubes was not optimal. This update of the MIRI MRS cubepar reference file therefore slightly improves the spectral sampling of rectified data cubes in MRS Channels 1, 2, and 3. Likewise, it changes the multi-channel wavelength solution so that it better samples the spectral LSF as derived from in-flight data during commissioning. Additionally, the channel 4C maximum wavelength is set to 27.9 micron since the photometric response of the detectors is too low to derive a reliable set of calibrations at longer wavelengths. Users reprocessing data with this new cubepar reference file will therefore see a different number of spectral elements in their cubes than they have seen in the past, with a correspondingly different wavelength solution.
2022-10-31 jwst_1010.pmap archived New NIRSpec saturation reference files for all modes were delivered. These files were created from ground data and fix an issue with the DQ definition table that was causing dead pixels to be flagged as saturated.
2022-10-25 jwst_1009.pmap archived A new NIRSpec MSA operability file was delivered after two shorts were discovered on October 7, 2022, one short in quadrant 2 and one in quadrant 3. This MSA operability file matches that now used in the PRD.
2022-10-21 jwst_1008.pmap archived Update to the NIRISS readnoise rmap where the READPATTERN, NIS was added as a valid value for files jwst_niriss_readnoise_0002.fits, jwst_niriss_readnoise_0004.fits, and jwst_niriss_readnoise_0005.fits.This is being done because data with READPATT=NIS were being calibrated with an obsolete reference file, this update prevents this from happening.
2022-10-19 jwst_1007.pmap archived These nirspec dark reference files were delivered as dummys when the subarray locations moved during launch to keep the pipeline from crashing. Subsequent darks created from commissioning data replaced them but had useafter dates that preceded the useafters in these files. Therefore these dummy files are being removed so they are not selected instead of the real data files. RFD 1349
2022-10-19 jwst_1006.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec subarray darks were delivered for NRS1 and 2 with subarrays ALLSLITS, SUB32, SUB512, SUB512S, SUB1024A, SUB1024B, SUB2048. These darks have updated DQ and DQ_DEF extensions so that bad pixels are properly flagged and not used in pipeline data products. Additionally, some subarray darks that were delivered with the wrong subarray corner keyword values have been updated so that they are properly selected by the pipeline.
2022-10-19 jwst_1005.pmap archived A new NIRSpec NRS2 mask file for read patterns NRSIRS2 and NRSIRS2RAPID was delivered. It was found that the file delivered previously was in the wrong orientation and dq flags were not propagated correctly to the pipeline products. This file corrects that issue.
2022-10-17 jwst_1004.pmap archived These nirspec superbias reference files were delivered as dummys when the subarray locations moved during launch to keep the pipeline from crashing. Subsequent superbiases created from commissioning data replaced them but had useafter dates that preceded the useafters in these files. Therefore these dummy files are being removed so they are not selected instead of the real data files. RFD 1302
2022-10-17 jwst_1003.pmap archived These nirspec superbias reference files were delivered as dummys when the subarray locations moved during launch to keep the pipeline from crashing. Subsequent superbiases created from comissioning data replaced them but had useafter dates that preceded the useafters in these files. Therefore these dummy files are being removed so they are not selected instead of the real data files. RFD 1319
2022-10-17 jwst_1002.pmap archived These nirspec superbias reference files were delivered as dummys when the subarray locations moved during launch to keep the pipeline from crashing. Subsequent superbiases created from comissioning data replaced them but had useafter dates that preceded the useafters in these files. Therefore these dummy files are being removed so they are not selected instead of the real data files.
2022-10-13 jwst_1001.pmap archived Update to the NIRSpec gain update to remove jwst_nirspec_gain_0026.fits due to a bad USEAFTER date and YSTART value. It has been replaced with jwst_nirspec_gain_0027.fits
2022-10-11 jwst_1000.pmap archived A new NIRSpec NRS2 gain reference file was delivered to replace the file delivered yesterday, that contained a bad useafter date. The file needed updating because the starting points of the ALLSLITS subarray changed after launch causing issues with file selection for data taken after September 4, 2022.
2022-10-10 jwst_0999.pmap archived This delivery of a MIRI BRIGHTSKY subarray dark file should replace the DUMMY dark for BRIGHTSKY in CRDS. The DUMMY BRIGHTSKY dark was set to zero for every group of every pixel. This delivery is the first delivery using FLIGHT data. The BRIGHTSKY data in the archive will be processed with this new dark, but if users wish, they can also re-run their data with this dark when it becomes available in CRDS for quicker updates.
2022-10-10 jwst_0998.pmap archived A new NIRSpec NRS2 gain reference file was delivered because the starting points of the ALLSLITS subarray changed after launch causing issues with file selection for data taken after January 1, 2022.
2022-10-07 jwst_0997.pmap archived A new version, 7.3.0, of the NIRSpec instrument model was delivered and includes camera, collimator, disperser, fore, fpa, msa, ote, ifufore, ifupost and ifuslicer reference files. This model is the one implemented in OSS on Sept 21, 2022, and now being used in APT. Only small differences are expected to be seen in the WCS in pipeline processed data.
2022-10-06 jwst_0996.pmap archived The last set of NIRSpec Instrument Model reference files were delivered, in July 2022, with an incomplete set of exptypes in the header keyword. This resulted in rmaps with 2 equal weight match rules, different sets of exptypes, for each reference file. This delivery merges those match rules.
2022-10-05 jwst_0995.pmap archived Now that MIRI Specwcs files use defined Subarray and EXP_TYPE values, there is no need to have the SUBARRAY=GENERIC file in the system. Therefore, jwst_miri_specwcs_0004.fits will be removed from the rmap so as not to confuse users.
2022-10-05 jwst_0994.pmap archived New NIRSpec NRS1 and NRS2 darks were delivered for read out patterns NRS, NRSRAPID, NRSRAPIDD1, NRSRAPIDD2, NRSRAPIDD6. New NIRSpec NRS1 and NRS2 masks were also delivered for all readout patterns, full frame and subarray data. All files were created from inflight data and have updated DQ and DQ_DEF extensions resulting in more accurate pipeline products.
2022-10-04 jwst_0993.pmap archived During pipeline testing it was discovered that the last delivery of NIRSpec S flats did not include the exptype NRS_BRIGHTOBJ. This dleivery updates the rmap to include NRS_BRIGHTOBJ in the matching rules for these files.
2022-10-04 jwst_0992.pmap archived New NIRSpec NRS1 and NRS2 darks were delivered for read out patterns NRSIRS2 and NRSIRS2RAPID. They were created from inflight data and have updated DQ and DQ_DEF extensions resulting in more accurate pipeline products.
2022-10-04 jwst_0991.pmap archived Update to the NIRSpec dark rmap to add read patterns NRSRAPIDD1, NRSRAPIDD2, and NRSRAPIDD6 to those entries that only had NRS and NRSRAPID. This is being done because there are entries in the rmap where at least two matching rules satisfy the same values for DETECTOR, READPATT, SUBARRAY, XSTART, YSTART, XSIZE, and YSIZE for a given set of data, and would lead to difficulties in reference file selection. Adding the new readpatterns eliminates the two separate matching rules and thereby averts the associated difficulties in reference file selection.
2022-10-04 jwst_0990.pmap archived This delivery includes a new reference file for the photometric calibration for the MIRI LRS, SLIT mode only. We have separate PHOTOM files for slit and slitless. This new file contains the calibration factors derived from commissioning data reprocessed with the updated and recently delivered specwcs reference file for LRS slit data, jwst_miri_specwcs_0005.fits. All MIRI LRS fixed slit data should be reprocessed with this new photom file and the recently updated specwcs file. If users have questions regarding this updated reference file, we encourage them to contact us via the Helpdesk.
2022-10-03 jwst_0989.pmap archived These NIRCam photom reference files contain updated flux calibration values for imaging mode filter-pupil combinations, excluding the weak lenses. The calibrations in these files have good absolute flux calibration values, in addition to the good detector-to-detector calibrations that were present in the previous version of the reference files. With the much improved absolute flux calibration, testing has shown that these values produce the expected color magnitude diagrams when working on commissioning and cycle 1 data.
2022-09-28 jwst_0988.pmap archived An update has been made to the NIRISS IPC reference file based upon analysis of on-orbit darks from commissioning program 01081. A full list of the input dark ramps used in the creation is given in the FITS file header of the reference file. The revised kernel replaces the ground IPC kernel file. The IPC correction is different in the epoxy void than for the regular pixels so the kernel depends on the detector position. There has been some evolution in the void area on the detector since the ground testing so this has been allowed for in the new reference file.
2022-09-28 jwst_0987.pmap archived This MIRI Specwcs delivery includes two reference files for the wavelength distortion solution for the LRS, one for the LRS slit, and one for the slitless subarray, now that it has become apparent that the same solution cannot be applied to both. For slitless, the wavelength solution is unchanged from the previous version, which was determined from data from HD 76534 in PID 1259, but header keyword changes necessitated an updated delivery. For the slit, the dispersion solution is from data of the Be star VFTS 822 obtained in Commissioning, PID 1259, and Cycle 1, PID 1530, and it has been checked with observations of the PN Hu 2-1, PID 1054. The accuracy of the solutions are of the order 10-15 nm for slitless and 20-50 nm for the slit, with larger uncertainties at the shorter wavelengths, where the dispersion relation becomes strongly non-linear. The calibration should be valid for 4.5 um and longer wavelengths. This delivery is an interim product, and further updates are expected when improved calibration data become available. Users should reprocess data manually by retrieving the new reference files from CRDS and pointing the override_specwcs attribute of the assign_wcs step in the Spec2Pipeline to these new files locally. Users should consult the documentation on the calibration and pipeline and if further assistance is required, contact the Helpdesk. For the LRS slit, the reference files for other calibrations, including path-loss correction, aperture correction, and especially photometric calibration are in the process of being updated with the improved wavelength solution. Mis-matched reference files will lead to increased errors in the photometric calibration of their spectra. Full reprocessing of data should be done once all relevant files have been updated.
2022-09-23 jwst_0986.pmap archived NIRSpec superbiases created from in flight data for NRS2 and subarrays SUB2048, SUB1024A, SUB1024B, SUB200A1, SUB200A2, SUB400A1, SUB32, SUB512, SUB512S, ALLSLITS were delivered with corrected subarray corners. Recent pipeline testing revealed that some NRS2 superbiases had been delivered with the wrong corner locations causing the superbias to not be properly selected, this delivery corrects that issue.
2022-09-23 jwst_0985.pmap archived Update to the NIRSpec superbias rmap to add READPATTs NRSRAPIDD1, NRSRAPIDD2, and NRSRAPIDD6 to all match rules with NRS and NRSRAPID for the readpatt. This is for future deliveries of superbiases where one file will be the match for all 5 readpatts. By adding the D1,D2,D6 read patterns to the existing rules, it will stop the sytem from creating equal weight match rules.
2022-09-21 jwst_0984.pmap archived New system_calver file for JWST Build 8.1.2
2022-09-20 jwst_0983.pmap archived Updates to the NIRSpec superbias rmap where the following files had NRSRAPIDD1, NRSRAPIDD2, and NRSRAPIDD6 added to their list of valid READPATTs. jwst_nirspec_superbias_0343.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0337.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0344.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0338.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0333.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0347.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0345.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0340.fits This was done in order to prevent possible file selection problems.
2022-09-19 jwst_0982.pmap archived Updated NIRCam dark, readnoise, and superbias rmaps. A recent pipeline failure has revealed that the useafter dates in several recent NIRCam superbias, readnoise, and dark reference files are incorrect. These files were delivered in concert with PRD updates during commissioning, but it turns out that the useafter dates in the files do not match the PRD installation date. Since the PRD update included shifts in the locations of several subarrays, this resulted in the SUBSTRT values in the reference files not matching those in the science data, leading to failures. To remedy this, dark files 0369, 0373, 0375, and 0376 had their USAFTERs changed from 2022-06-23 to 2022-06-14. Readnoise file 0143 and superbias file 0018 had their USEAFTERs changed from 2022-04-15 to 2022-05-28, while readnoise files 0065-0074 and superbias files 0030-0039 had their USEAFTERs changed from 2022-06-23 to 2022-06-14.
2022-09-19 jwst_0981.pmap archived New NIRSpec gain reference files for subarrays were delivered. While these reference files still include ground data, the gainfact keywords in the header have been updated to correct the higher than expected countrates seen in some MAST products.
2022-09-19 jwst_0980.pmap archived Updated MIRI dark and flat field rmaps. The dark files 0045, 0051, and 0053 had entries for different READPATT values, which were combined into a single set with the values separated by or-bars. Dark file 0055 had to have two entries, one for READPATT=FASTR100 and another for READPATT=FAST, FASTR1, and FASTGRPAVG. Furthermore, the entries for darks 0045, 0051, and 0053 were combined with those for 0068 and 0078, 0061, and 0065, respectively. The entry for dark file 0055 was combined with that for 0071 for READPATT=FASTR100 and with 0074 for READPATT=FAST, FASTR1, and FASTGRPAVG. For the flats, READPATT=FASTR100 was added to the entries for flat field files 0783, 0784, and 0785. Flat files 0780, 0782, and 0785 were removed as they had been replaced with more recent versions of the files.
2022-09-15 jwst_0979.pmap archived NIRSpec superbiases for the SUB2048 subarray were delivered. These files were mistakenly left out of the previous delivery. They were created with in flight data and are an improvement over previous ground and dummy data in CRDS.
2022-09-15 jwst_0978.pmap archived This delivery provides updated SPECWCS information for the NIRISS WFSS mode in all filter/grism combinations. The values here are based on post-commissioning reanalysis of programs 01089 and 01090, mostly observation 1 of program 01090 which provides the primary trace and wavelength calibration information. Some comparison was made with the traces in program 01089 in creating the files. The new values have been updated to provide a better determination of the wavelength zero points for the different grism and blocking filter combinations.
2022-09-14 jwst_0977.pmap archived NIRSpec subarray superbiases created from in flight data were delivered for NRS1 and NRS2 data and the subarrays, allslits, sub2048,sub1024a, sub1024b, sub512, sub512s, sub32, subs200a1, subs200a2 and subs400a1. These data are an improvement over previous ground based or dummy data in CRDS.
2022-09-14 jwst_0976.pmap archived This is delivery of the NIRISS WFSS mode photometry reference file. The conversion values from count rate to physical units were determined from observations of the standard star WD 1657 in JWST program 01089. The count rates from the extracted spectra have been aperture corrected using the predictions of WebbPSF models and then compared with the stellar atmosphere model for this source to produce the conversion factors in units of Janksy over ADU per second. The pixel area values from the imaging distortion files for the blocking filters were then used to convert these values to MJy per steradian over ADU per second units for the pipeline. This version of the photometry file uses revised values for the wavelength solution for the GR150 grisms and so replaces the values in the previous delivery. The spectral extraction was over the wavelength range of 50 percent relative response in the grism for each configuration, and was extrapolated using the pre-flight predictions of the grism and filter response.
2022-09-13 jwst_0975.pmap archived When the NIRISS distortion reference files were delivered to CRDS in commissioning the reference file mapping was set for the pure imaging modes NIS_AMI, NIS_FOCUS, NIS_IMAGE, NIS_TACONFIRM, and NIS_TACQ, and also for the NIS_WFSS mode. We have NIS_WFSS in the list of modes for these distortion files, but the FILTER/PUPIL combinations are all for imaging so this applies only to the imaging part of the WFSS observations not to the dispersed images. For the dispersed images the SIAF default distortion file in F150W is selected by an entry with N/A for the FILTER and PUPIL selections. The various NIRISS grism modes get jwst_niriss_distortion_0023.asdf for the distortion if required. Now it has been decided in consultation with the pipeline development people in SCSB that the dispersed WFSS images should have the dispersion reference file corresponding to the imaging filter used as the blocking element. Thus a WFSS exposure with FILTER/PUPIL set to GR150C/F090W would need to select the F090W distortion file, and so on for the other configurations with the GR150 grisms. The NIRISS distortion rmap had to be updated to add GR150C and GR150R for FILTER for the entries corresponding to jwst_niriss_distortion_0017.asdf, jwst_niriss_distortion_0012.asdf, jwst_niriss_distortion_0018.asdf, jwst_niriss_distortion_0023.asdf, jwst_niriss_distortion_0019.asdf, jwst_niriss_distortion_0013.asdf.
2022-09-13 jwst_0974.pmap archived This delivery includes MIRI dark reference files for SLOWR1 that include the reset anomaly effect and are the first slow mode darks to be created with flight data. Before commissioning, dummy SLOWR1 dark files containing zeros were delivered. These SLOWR1 dark files should replace the existing dummy references files.
2022-09-13 jwst_0973.pmap archived Updated MIRI imaging flat fields are available for F1000W, F1280W, F1500W, F1800W, and F2100W. These show different level of improvements compared to the flat fields currently in CRDS. These flat fields represent the current best flat fields, and are expected to improve in the future as more data is taken and our understanding of the instrument improves. The flat fields are available in two forms, one for all FAST readout modes and one for all SLOW readout modes.
2022-09-12 jwst_0972.pmap archived New NIRSpec F flats and corresponding S flats for MOS, IFS, fixed slit and bright object data were delivered. These flats are an improvement over the previous flats in CRDS that were made from ground data. These flats are a hybrid version of ground and in flight data and are an interim delivery until flats made entirely from in flight data can be delivered later in the month.
2022-09-12 jwst_0971.pmap archived A new Nirspec F flat RMAP was delivered to add GRATING to the selection rules F flats are now being produced for each grating/filter combination for MOS, IFS, FS and Bright Object obsmodes. A new Nirspec S flat RMAP was delivered to fix the selection rules for MOS, IFS, FS and Bright Object obsmodes. The problem in the selection rules arose after adding S flats specifically for internal observations with lamps.
2022-09-08 jwst_0970.pmap archived Recent Cycle 1 calibration work has resulted in substantially updated distortion and wavelength calibration models for the MIRI MRS. The on sky calibration scan activity from APT program 1524 in particular has allowed us to update the MRS v2v3 to alphabeta distortion mapping relative to the commissioning solution. This updated distortion model has already been folded into SIAF and corresponds to MRS distortion version FLT3. In addition, reanalysis of commissioning data from APT program 1031 has allowed us to make a significant update to the MRS wavelength solution that fixes multiple issues, particularly in channels 3B and 3C. This update corresponds to MRS distortion version FLT4. This delivery rolls together both of the above updates into a single CRDS delivery of MRS distortion, regions, specwcs, and wavelengthrange files. Both regular and crossdichroic mode reference files are updated. In addition, there is an update to the cubepar reference file to account for the fact that the wavelength range of some of the MRS spectral bands has been updated so significantly.
2022-09-07 jwst_0969.pmap archived Using more stable data and an improvement to the algorithm a new set of bad pixel masks have been created.
2022-09-01 jwst_0968.pmap archived Updated pmap containing imap changes for MIRI after the IPC rmap was removed from the MIRI imap.
2022-09-01 jwst_0967.pmap archived It was discovered recently that the JWST calibration pipeline was not applying the DO_NOT_USE flag to pixels that were flagged with the REFERENCE_PIXEL bit. This was causing reference pixels to be treated as science pixels within the level 3 pipeline, resulting in incorrect mosaic outputs for imaging mode data. These updated NIRCam gain reference files have the reference pixels set to a value of 0. This will cause the pipeline to apply the NO_GAIN_VALUE and DO_NOT_USE flags to the reference pixels during the ramp fitting step, which will in turn cause the level 3 pipeline to ignore the reference pixels during the mosaic creation process.
2022-08-30 jwst_0966.pmap archived jwst_nircam_pars-spec2pipeline_0004.asdf was replaced with jwst_nircam_pars-spec2pipeline_0005.asdf, but because the former had CROWDED_FIELD=TRUE and the latter had it set to N/A, the new file did not replace the previous version. jwst_nircam_pars-spec2pipeline_0004.asdf will therefore be manually removed.
2022-08-30 jwst_0965.pmap archived jwst_niriss_pars-spec2pipeline_0004.asdf was replaced with jwst_niriss_pars-spec2pipeline_0005.asdf, but because the former had CROWDED_FIELD=TRUE and the latter had it set to N/A, the new file did not replace the previous version. jwst_niriss_pars-spec2pipeline_0004.asdf will therefore be manually removed.
2022-08-29 jwst_0964.pmap archived These MIRI Saturation files that cover all MIRI data were updated to round the saturation value up to the nearest ten rather than using decimal values. This is not a large enough change to warrant reprocessing data, and will be replacing the previous versions of the files.
2022-08-29 jwst_0963.pmap archived Updated NIRCam gain rmap to change entries where SUBARRAY was given as GENERIC to N/A. There were issues with subarrays listed as GENERIC vs those listed as N/A in the processing of recent data. Since GENERIC will be retired as a value for SUBARRAY, those entries with GENERIC were set to N/A.
2022-08-29 jwst_0962.pmap archived This NIRCam pars-spec2pipeline parameter reference file updates the maximum number of extracted sources in WFSS observations to be 100. Testing has shown that cases where more than 100 sources are extracted can lead to a dramatic slowing of the end-to-end calibration. By specifying that no more than 100 sources are extracted, we hope to prevent this problem during automated processing.
2022-08-29 jwst_0961.pmap archived The parameters were changed to make the maximum number of extracted sources 100 as per CRDS-618.
2022-08-29 jwst_0960.pmap archived Update to the NIRISS photom reference file rmap to add exposure types NIS_TACONFIRM, NIS_TACQ, and NIS_FOCUS to those for jwst_niriss_photom_0035.fits, which had inadvertently been omitted when the file was delivered.
2022-08-25 jwst_0959.pmap archived Update to the NIRCam gain rmap. The files jwst_nircam_gain_00XX.fits for XX of 48 through 57 are being erroneously selected for use in the pipeline over the more recent files with numbers of 78 through 87. The selection criteria between these two groups of files are identical, which is leading to this problem. The files will be removed to further prevent this from happening.
2022-08-24 jwst_0958.pmap archived NIRSpec superbiases for full frame data and using readout patterns NRS, NRSRAPID, NRSIRS2, and NRSIRSRAPID have been delivered. These superbiases were made from commissioning data and are an improvement over previous ground based data.
2022-08-24 jwst_0957.pmap archived The reference file contains the measured on-orbit response values in the orders extracted by the pipeline for science, and in addition it includes estimated response values for higher orders taken from the blaze equation. The latter group of response values are needed for the contamination corrections in the pipeline. Also this version corrects an issue with the version delivered on July 14 which had the FILTER and PUPIL keywords swapped in the table.
2022-08-22 jwst_0956.pmap archived I delivered a new version of the abvegaoffset reference file at 5 PM today. I then discovered that all the values are off by 0.058 magnitudes due to a typographical error in the file generation code. This has been fixed in the current file. Hence the previous file jwst_niriss_abvegaoffset_0002.asdf should be replaced by the current version and that file should not be used. I have not asked for any reprocessing of the imaging data due to these revisions of the abvegaoffset reference file.
2022-08-22 jwst_0955.pmap archived The file updates the AB magnitude to A0V magnitude offset values using updates to the NIRISS total photon conversion efficiency values from the on-sky photometric calibration observations. The zero magnitude flux density values for the A0V system are calculated theoretically by averaging the CALSPEC Sirius spectrum over the photon conversion efficiency function to get a value in Jansky and then adjusting to zero magnitude. These are then compared to the AB zero point of 3631 Jansky to get a correction from A0V to AB magnitudes.
2022-08-22 jwst_0954.pmap archived Update to the NIRCam flat rmap to add entries for FILTER=WLP4 and PUPIL=CLEAR for several detectors. These had been inadvertently omitted after an update of the rmap following a recent delivery of flat field reference files.
2022-08-19 jwst_0953.pmap archived New system_calver file for Build 8.1.
2022-08-18 jwst_0952.pmap archived Update to the NIRCam flat field rmap to group all entries which have a PUPIL value of CLEAR together in order to prevent problems with reference file selection.
2022-08-18 jwst_0951.pmap archived New NIRCam flat field reference files. NIRCam flight data showed large-scale 6-8 percent flat variations from ground across all filters and detectors. Data from commissioning program 1063 were used to generate new flats, which correct these variations down to about 1-2 percent.
2022-08-17 jwst_0950.pmap archived New NIRISS specwcs reference files for both grisms, and all filters, using in-flight data.
2022-08-17 jwst_0949.pmap archived We are delivering the specwcs reference files for the NIRISS instrument, for both grisms and all filters. This is the first delivery using inflight data, from NIS-015 and NIS-016. No reprocessing is needed yet because we are waiting for an update to the photometry reference file for this mode.
2022-08-16 jwst_0948.pmap archived NIRCam flight data showed large-scale 6-8 percent flat variations from ground across all filters and detectors. Data from commissioning program 1063 were used to generate new flats, which correct these variations down to about 1-2 percent.
2022-08-16 jwst_0947.pmap archived Updated MIRI readnoise rmap where MRS files jwst_miri_readnoise_0060.fits, jwst_miri_readnoise_0075.fits, jwst_miri_readnoise_0086.fits, and jwst_miri_readnoise_0087.fits had their list of READPATTs reduced to just FAST and FASTR1. The patterns that were removed are not expected to occur with MRS mode..
2022-08-16 jwst_0946.pmap archived Updated the NIRSpec mask rmap to change the SUBARRAY values for jwst_nirspec_mask_0010.fits and jwst_nirspec_mask_0011.fits from FULL to GENERIC in order to alleviate problems calibrating in-flight data.
2022-08-12 jwst_0945.pmap archived These readnoise files for MIRI are the first created from commissioning data and should be used for all flight data. The readnoise files should be used for any version of FAST mode data for any detector.
2022-08-11 jwst_0944.pmap archived Update to NIRISS gain rmap to set the SUBARRAY value for jwst_niriss_readnoise_0002.fits to GENERIC, and set the USEAFTER of the file to 2015-10-01. The SUBARRAY was originally set to FULL, which was causing issues with on-sky data.
2022-08-10 jwst_0943.pmap archived Update to NIRISS readnoise rmap to set the SUBARRAY value for jwst_niriss_readnoise_0002.fits to GENERIC, and set the USEAFTER of the file to 2015-10-01. The SUBARRAY was originally set to FULL, which was causing issues with on-sky data.
2022-07-28 jwst_0942.pmap archived These NIRCam superbias files cover all NIRCam target acquisition subarrays, including those with and without neutral density filters. In addition, there is a file for the DHS PIL subarray. Many of these files were created using in flight data from nearby and or similar subarrays. This is because there is currently no or too little in flight data for these subarrays to create reference files with sufficient signal to noise. These files are being delivered because TA observations are automatically run through stage 1 of the pipeline, producing rate files, and these reference files are necessary for that process. These files replace the previously delivered version due to incorrect SUBSTART1 and 2 values.
2022-07-28 jwst_0941.pmap archived These NIRCam readnoise files cover all NIRCam target acquisition subarrays, including those with and without neutral density filters. In addition, there is a file for the DHS PIL subarray. Many of these files were created using in flight data from nearby and or similar subarrays. This is because there is currently no or too little in flight data for these subarrays to create reference files with sufficient signal to noise. These files are being delivered because TA observations are automatically run through stage 1 of the pipeline, producing rate files, and these reference files are necessary for that process. These files replace the previously delivered version due to incorrect SUBSTART1 and 2 values.
2022-07-28 jwst_0940.pmap archived These NIRCam photom reference files contain the first flux calibration values derived from in flight data. These values come from analysis of commissioning data from NRC-29 in commissioning. The updated values cover imaging mode filter-pupil pairs. Weak lenses, grisms, DHS, and PINHOLES optical elements are unchanged from ground based values.
2022-07-27 jwst_0939.pmap archived The current version of the mask files jwst_nirspec_mask_0026.fits jwst_nirspec_mask_0027.fits jwst_nirspec_mask_0028.fits jwst_nirspec_mask_0029.fits have a wrong definition of the DQ_DEF tables and when a data model is used to read the file, most of the flagged pixels are assumed as good.
2022-07-27 jwst_0938.pmap archived These MIRI LRS photom files have the following changes. Improved data processing has made for a much cleaner spectrum of values. The previous version had divots, which have now been removed. The previous version works and is not bad, but these new files give cleaner results with fewer artifacts.
2022-07-25 jwst_0937.pmap archived These NIRCam superbias and readnoise files cover all NIRCam target acquisition subarrays, including those with and without neutral density filters. In addition, there is a file for the DHS PIL subarray. Many of these files were created using in flight data from nearby and or similar subarrays. This is because there is currently no or too little in flight data for these subarrays to create reference files with sufficient signal to noise. These files are being delivered because TA observations are automatically run through stage 1 of the pipeline, producing rate files, and these reference files are necessary for that process. These NIRCam distortion reference files are the first reference files constructed using in-flight data with observations that use the coronagraphic masks. They contain significant updates from the coronagrahpic distortion models constructed during ground testing.
2022-07-22 jwst_0936.pmap archived These NIRCam superbias files cover all NIRCam target acquisition subarrays, including those with and without neutral density filters. In addition, there is a file for the DHS PIL subarray. Many of these files were created using in flight data from nearby and or similar subarrays. This is because there is currently no or too little in flight data for these subarrays to create reference files with sufficient signal to noise. These files are being delivered because TA observations are automatically run through stage 1 of the pipeline, producing rate files, and these reference files are necessary for that process.
2022-07-22 jwst_0935.pmap archived These NIRCam readnoise files cover all NIRCam target acquisition subarrays, including those with and without neutral density filters. In addition, there is a file for the DHS PIL subarray. Many of these files were created using in flight data from nearby and or similar subarrays. This is because there is currently no or too little in flight data for these subarrays to create reference files with sufficient signal to noise. These files are being delivered because TA observations are automatically run through stage 1 of the pipeline, producing rate files, and these reference files are necessary for that process.
2022-07-21 jwst_0934.pmap archived These NIRCam distortion reference files are the first reference files constructed using in-flight data with observations that use the coronagraphic masks. They contain significant updates from the coronagrahpic distortion models constructed during ground testing.
2022-07-21 jwst_0933.pmap archived New NIRSpec superbias reference files for the IRS2 readout pattern created from commissioning data are being delivered.
2022-07-19 jwst_0932.pmap archived A recent delivery of NIRSpec darks has made several previous files, generated with dummy values, obsolete. The obsolete darks are therefore being removed.
2022-07-19 jwst_0931.pmap archived New NIRSpec darks for NRS1 and subarrays SUB32, SUB512 ad SUB512S created from commissioning data.
2022-07-18 jwst_0930.pmap archived Removing the NIRSpec reference files associated with the NIRSpec instrument model that had inaccurate keywords in the June 30 2022 delivery.
2022-07-18 jwst_0929.pmap archived A new version of the NIRSpec instrument model including camera, collimator, disperser, fore, fpa, msa, ote, ifufore, ifupost and ifuslicer reference files, created during commissioning with updated keywords and a new wavelengthrange reference file created during commissioning.
2022-07-15 jwst_0928.pmap archived These NIRISS pars-jumpstep files are being delivered to avoid spurious jump detections in pixels near centers of well-exposed point sources in the NIRISS filters whose PSFs are severely unresolved- F090W, F115W, F140M, F150W, and F158M. The previous parameter reference files for the other NIRISS filters are not updated, since the jump step works well in this respect for those filters.
2022-07-11 jwst_0927.pmap archived This delivery includes updated MIRI PHOTOM reference files for LRS slit and slitless mode. The files were produced from commissioning data and should supersede our ground calibration files. They also use the newly produced in flight wavelength calibration.
2022-07-11 jwst_0926.pmap archived NIRSPEC subarray dark reference files from commissioning data.
2022-07-08 jwst_0925.pmap archived This MIRI specwcs file contains the spectral trace and wavelength distortion solution as measured in the LRS slitless subarray. Photom files and other LRS reference files to be delivered today are based on it. This file is a significant improvement for slitless data, but only a marginal improvement for data in the slit.
2022-07-08 jwst_0924.pmap archived New flat field reference files and background files were produced since the last delivery of the WFSS photom file, and so the file was updated to reflect these changes.
2022-07-08 jwst_0923.pmap archived This is the first delivery of the wavelength maps based on the on-sly measurements from program NIS-017.
2022-07-08 jwst_0922.pmap archived This is the first on-sky version of this reference file, derived from the NIS-017 observations.
2022-07-08 jwst_0921.pmap archived This MIRI detector one parameter reference file contains the parameters for the Detector1 pipeline for TSOs. It is based on the knowledge we gained analysing TSOs in commissioning.
2022-07-08 jwst_0920.pmap archived Updated FGS apcorr rmap to set the DETECTOR for jwst_fgs_apcorr_0002.fits from GUIDER1 to N/A. Some calibrations are failing due to CRDS not being able to find a reference file for DETECTOR=MULTIPLE. This value for the detector can happen when data for both detectors in an association are combined. Since the current files now in CRDS for each detector are identical, setting one of the DETECTORs to N/A should resolve the problem.
2022-07-08 jwst_0919.pmap archived These are the first on-sky versions of this reference file.
2022-07-08 jwst_0918.pmap archived These are the initial on-sky WFSS background reference files.
2022-07-08 jwst_0917.pmap archived This is an update of the tweakreg default parameters based on some tests with in-flight data.
2022-07-06 jwst_0916.pmap archived This delivery includes two new dark reference files for NIRISS. These are SUBTAAMI and SUBTASOSS darks in NIS readout mode, so that AMI and SOSS programs with faint targets that use NIS for target acquisition can be processed with matching dark reference files.
2022-07-06 jwst_0915.pmap archived New nirspec msaoper file is being delivered after the short discovered on June 22, 2022.
2022-07-05 jwst_0914.pmap archived Redelivering NIRCam READNOISE RMAP to correct some issues that resulted in the incorrect update of the RMAP made in the last delivery of this type of files. The issue arises because there is a mixture of files with the same parameters but some have READPATT= ANY and others N/A. This can confuse not only CRDS but also the deliverer and files that need to be replaced might not be. Also some files that apply only to SUBARRAY=FULL were incorrectly delivered with pattern keyword P_SUBARRAY and with OR entries. This resulted in the incorrect update of the RMAP for some of the files made with context 906.
2022-06-30 jwst_0913.pmap archived These NIRCam distortion reference files contain updated distortion models generated using in flight data. Previous files were based on the SIAF from ground testing. These distortion models more accurately represent the distortion across the detectors and have been thoroughly tested using commissioning data.
2022-06-30 jwst_0912.pmap archived The nirspec IFUslicer, IFUfore, and IFUpost rmaps need to be updated because new files were delivered and files are used for more than one instrument and lamp-mode combination.
2022-06-30 jwst_0911.pmap archived First nirspec in flight IFU instrument model.
2022-06-30 jwst_0910.pmap archived The MIRI MRS photometric calibration reference files have now been updated based on an initial in flight flux calibration. This calibration is a hybrid approach using a standard star from APT 1050 up to the middle of band 4B, and the JWST thermal background at longer wavelengths where the stellar calibration seems to break down. The JWST thermal model is scaled to join smoothly to the stellar calibration normalization in the middle of band 4B.
2022-06-30 jwst_0909.pmap archived These NIRCam superbias reference files update the bias values for NIRCam full frame and science subarray observations. These files contain the first in flight measurement of bias on the NIRCam detectors. For subarrays that contain no reference pixels, the superbias values have been calculated on data where reference pixel subtraction was not done, in order to match how science data for the same subarrays will be calibrated.
2022-06-30 jwst_0908.pmap archived first in flight version of the nirspec instrument model
2022-06-30 jwst_0907.pmap archived The MIRI Imager aperture correction file is the first aperture correction reference file obtained using flight data. The aperture corrections were computed starting from encircled energy profiles measured from flight LVL 3 data of various programs. LVL 3 images were obtained using the default kernel in the resampling step. Because of close by sources and/or still sub optimal calibration, the empirical encircled energy profiles were normalized to unity at an infinite radius using the expected encircled energy profiles of WebbPSF. The MRS extract1d and aperture correction reference files have been updated using a reanalysis of ground based PSF reference models. Efforts to use flight data to create these reference files have not yet been satisfactory, and performance looks to be comparable to model based estimates. These updated reference files now implement the additional correction necessary to account for the annular subtraction factor.
2022-06-30 jwst_0906.pmap archived These NIRCam readnoise reference files update the readnoise values for NIRCam full frame and science subarray observations. These files contain the first in flight measurement of readnoise on the NIRCam detectors.
2022-06-30 jwst_0905.pmap archived This is the first set of flat files created from the Flight commissioning data.
2022-06-30 jwst_0904.pmap archived This is the MIRI imager module first version of the PHOTOM files based on flight data. It applies to all imager and coronagraphic filters, readout patterns and, at this point, subarrays. The file is used to convert data from DN per s to MJy per srad. This version improves on previous ground based measurements, and should be used on all flight data.
2022-06-30 jwst_0903.pmap archived The spec2 pipeline par file now explicitly sets the Background step to be skipped as this will be handled entirely within spec3 based on commissioning tests. The spec3 pipeline now skips the mrsimatch step as this does not seem to be necessary at the present time given the observed stability of the background its long runtime and memory requirements and its occasional failure that actively makes data quality worse. The spec3 pipeline also changes cube build defaults to use per channel instead of per band cubes and sets outlier detection scale factors to 20. The outlier detection parameter reference file sets scale factors to 20 based on preliminary testing using commissioning data. More aggressive settings may be warranted in future but may also require code updates first.
2022-06-30 jwst_0902.pmap archived Initial delivery of the MIRI LRS pars-spec3pipeline reference file.
2022-06-30 jwst_0901.pmap archived Update to the NIRCam readnoise rmap to separate or-barred entries for subarrays into separate entries for each subarray.
2022-06-30 jwst_0900.pmap archived This is the first SLITLESSPRISM reset file for MIRI created from commissioning data and should be used for flight SLITLESSPRISM data.
2022-06-30 jwst_0899.pmap archived This is the first set of MIRI Imager flats created from flight commissioning data. These files should be used for all appropriate filter/subarray combinations.
2022-06-30 jwst_0898.pmap archived This is not a new reference file for NIRCam. This is the second delivery of the NIRCam filter offset reference files to be used in the assign WCS step of the stage 2 pipelines. These files were generated using the data from the NRC-23 NIRCam Image Quality by Filter commissioning program and are the first in-flight version of the files. The tables in the file contain columns for filter and pupil, along with the corresponding row and column offset. This delivery is needed as the exposures will have a WCS that is not completely correct without these offsets.
2022-06-30 jwst_0897.pmap archived The MIRI MRS wavelength calibration update has necessitated a significant update in the wavelength ranges build into cubes for each band. This CUBEPAR file update is part of an update of all the MRS files due to this change.
2022-06-30 jwst_0896.pmap archived These MIRI dark files are the first darks created from flight commissioning data for use with the flight data for MRS modes, Imager FULL and SLITLESSPRISM modes.
2022-06-29 jwst_0895.pmap archived The MIRI MRS wavelength calibration has now been updated with an initial in-flight wavelength solution, and some spatial distortion components have also been slightly updated. These distortion, region, specwcs and wavelengthrange files should be used for all MIRI MRS flight data after May 1st.
2022-06-29 jwst_0894.pmap archived First delivery of NIRSpec NRS1 darks for subarrays S400A1,S200A1,S200A2, SUB1024A, SUB1024B, SUB2048.
2022-06-29 jwst_0893.pmap archived Changes have been made to the outlier detection thresholds so that when the undersampled NIRISS images are resampled and combined the core pixels are not rejected. This was causing signal losses in the combined i2d output files compared to the individual input images.
2022-06-28 jwst_0892.pmap archived These MIRI bad pixel mask files are the first flight masks created from commissioning data and should be used for flight data.
2022-06-28 jwst_0891.pmap archived This set of MIRI Reset files was created to correct some effects that were imprinted on the data due to the previous set being taken too soon after an anneal, before the detectors had a chance to settle.
2022-06-28 jwst_0890.pmap archived Initial delivery of NIRISS pars-jumpstep reference files.
2022-06-28 jwst_0889.pmap archived Initial delivery of the NIRISS pars-jumpstep rmap.
2022-06-28 jwst_0888.pmap archived NIRCam darks jwst_nircam_dark_0367.fits, 0368, 0370, 0371, 0372, and 0374 are being removed because their signal to noise values are too low. The previous versions will again be used.
2022-06-28 jwst_0887.pmap archived The delivery of the MIRI fringe frequency files updates the FRINGEFREQ reference files to include the high frequency, low amplitude fringe which is attributed to the dichroics and has been observed in channels 3 and 4. For the MIRI Fringe files, an initial pass has been made at flight derivation of fringe flats for the MIRIFULONG detector. These represent a mixed bag of different analyses and have been selected as the best available options so far in each band. No update to the MIRIFUSHORT detector fringe flats is being made at this time.
2022-06-27 jwst_0886.pmap archived NIRISS bad pixel map made using updated in-flight flat fields.
2022-06-27 jwst_0885.pmap archived Update to the NIRCam readnoise rmap to change entries with ANY to N/A in order to avoid future problems.
2022-06-27 jwst_0884.pmap archived Examination of commissioning data showed that part of the BOTS trace with G395H was being clipped in NRS2, therefore new initial darks and biases are being delivered for the affected subarrays SUB2048, SUB1024A, SUB1024B, SUB512, SUB512S
2022-06-27 jwst_0883.pmap archived These are the first photometric reference files created from on-sky observations and they supercede the previous files derived from simulations.
2022-06-27 jwst_0882.pmap archived These NIRCam subarray readnoise reference files cover subarray apertures whose locations were shifted in OSS 8.4.9, which was installed on JWST on June 23, 2022. With the shifts in subarray location, the reference files had to be updated to cover the new pixels.
2022-06-24 jwst_0881.pmap archived External flat field images from CV3 ground testing were taken using all filters crossed with the CLEAR aperture and with the two GR150 grisms. This enabled the production of ground grism flats where features on the pick-off mirrors causing low transmission were removed from the imaging flats. To adjust for evolution of the flat field structure due to time and temperature changes, a high S/N internal lamp flat from program 1084 was compared to a similar internal lamp flat from CV3 and the ratio applied to the ground grism flats. Given the evolution in the pick-off mirror features between CV3 and flight, it was necessary to remeasure these features using flight external flat fields in the ecliptic with program 1063 and apply these regions of lower transmission to imaging flat fields. Finally a low-frequency correction was applied to both grism and imaging flats based on the measurement of star fluxes dithered across the detector field in CAR NIS-011. The F277W/GR700XD flat is a copy of the F277W/GR150R/C flat, and the CLEAR/GR700XD flat is a copy of the GR150R/C/F115W flat. These flats affect all NIRISS observing modes.
2022-06-24 jwst_0880.pmap archived These NIRCam subarray superbias reference files cover subarray apertures whose locations were shifted in OSS 8.4.9, which was installed on JWST on June 23, 2022. With the shifts in subarray location, the reference files had to be updated to cover the new pixels.
2022-06-24 jwst_0879.pmap archived These NIRCam subarray dark current reference files cover subarray apertures whose locations were shifted in OSS 8.4.9, which was installed on JWST on June 23, 2022. With the shifts in subarray location, the reference files had to be updated to cover the new pixels.
2022-06-21 jwst_0878.pmap archived This MIRI IFULONG linearity file is an update for the band NA file currently in the pipeline, meant to be used for flight data. It only applies to IFULONG dark files, and is an exact copy of the MIRIFULONG MEDIUM file, with changes to the header keyword.
2022-06-20 jwst_0877.pmap archived These NIRCam longwave channel, full frame dark current reference files contain the mean dark current signal as measured during commissioning. This represents a better measure of the dark current compared to the previous reference files, which were constructed using ground testing data.
2022-06-20 jwst_0876.pmap archived This delivery updates the MIRI IFULONG linearity files to improve on the previous delivery of these files for flight, as well as providing a linearity file for the F2550W Imager flight data.
2022-06-17 jwst_0875.pmap archived These NIRCam mask reference files contain updates to the bad pixel population discovered in the long dark current ramps taken as part of JWST commissioning. These updates come from analysis of the long dark current exposures taken early in commissioning.
2022-06-16 jwst_0874.pmap archived Updated pmap, which includes the new versions of the imaps for FGS, MIRI, NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec. These include - updated imaps for FGS, MIRI, NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec where pars-wfsscontamstep was added, and pars-masterbackgroundnrsslitsstep was renamed to pars-masterbackgroundmosstep. The imaps for NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec were also updated to add MRSXARTCORR, which was set to N/A.
2022-06-16 jwst_0873.pmap archived New version of the NIRSpec pars-spec2pipeline reference file where MasterBackgroundNrsSlitsStep - now MasterBackgroundMosStep - was changed from master_background to master_background_mos.
2022-06-16 jwst_0872.pmap archived DMS B8.0 will contain a new Cal pipeline extract_2d step parameter, called wfss_nbright, intended for use with NIRCam and NIRISS WFSS level-2b processing in crowded fields. jwst_niriss_pars-spec2pipeline_0006 makes use of that new parameter and sets it to a suitable value for use in crowded fields. jwst_niriss_pars-spec2pipeline_0008 is a new version of the NIRCam pars-spec2pipeline reference file where MasterBackgroundNrsSlitsStep - now MasterBackgroundMosStep - was changed from master_background to master_background_mos for TSOVISIT=TRUE.
2022-06-16 jwst_0871.pmap archived DMS B8.0 will contain a new Cal pipeline extract_2d step parameter, called wfss_nbright, intended for use with NIRCam and NIRISS WFSS level-2b processing in crowded fields. jwst_nircam_pars-spec2pipeline_0006 makes use of that new parameter and sets it to a suitable value for use in crowded fields. jwst_nircam_pars-spec2pipeline_0008 is a new version of the NIRCam pars-spec2pipeline reference file where MasterBackgroundNrsSlitsStep - now MasterBackgroundMosStep - was changed from master_background to master_background_mos for TSOVISIT=TRUE.
2022-06-16 jwst_0870.pmap archived Initial delivery of MIRI mrsxartcorr, mrsptcorr, and pars-spec3pipeline reference files. pars-spec2pipeline_0002 is a new version of the file where MasterBackgroundNrsSlitsStep - now MasterBackgroundMosStep - was changed from master_background to master_background_mos. jwst_miri_pars-spec2pipeline_0005 is a new version of the MIRI MRS file. The original file had TSOVISIT set to NA which caused some ambiguity in the matching rules, and was used for MRS TSO files that were not meant to use this file. This updated file specifically sets the TSOVISIT keyword to False, indicating that this file should only be used for non TSO MRS data. pars-spec2pipeline_0004 is for non-TSO LRS fixed slit modes for the spec2 pipeline. Previously, only TSO LRS files for spec2 existed.
2022-06-16 jwst_0869.pmap archived Initial rmap deliveries for MIRI pars-spec3pipeline, mrsxartcorr, and mrsptcorr reference files. The mrsxartcorr rmap also contains an entry for exposure types that are not MIR_MRS, setting the reference file to N/A. Updated pars-spec2pipeline rmap addind EXP_TYPE as a selector.
2022-06-16 jwst_0868.pmap archived New CALVER reference file to support Build 8.0 updates.
2022-06-14 jwst_0867.pmap archived The current NIRISS linearity reference file contains about 6000 pixels that are flagged as NO_LIN_CORR because the linearity fitting failed, even though they have reasonably normal linearity properties as far as can be seen from the input ramps used to determine the coefficients. Excluding a couple of areas where there are detector defects, these pixels have had the mean linearity coefficients used and the NO_LIN_CORR flag removed.
2022-06-14 jwst_0866.pmap archived Update to the NIRCam pars_whitelightstep reference file rmap to add an entry for TSIMAGE and set it to N/A - the step is not needed for this type of data.
2022-06-10 jwst_0865.pmap archived It was noted by Chris Willott that there were some pixels in jwst_niriss_saturation_0013.fits with low saturation values under 50000 ADU. A check of some of these pixels showed that they had normal looking linearity ramps and dark current properties. In some cases it was seen that the input linearity ramps were curved upwards in a manner consistent with charge migration from adjacent pixels. Assuming that the pixel examined are typical of the whole group, these pixels had the saturation value increased to 50000 ADU in this version of the reference file.
2022-06-10 jwst_0864.pmap archived These NIRCam LW channel subarray dark current files contain the first measure of dark current signal from commissioning data. The previous dark reference files in CRDS for these detector/subarray combinations were dummy files that contained all zeros for the dark signal. These new files represent the first in-flight measurement of the NIRCam dark current.
2022-06-08 jwst_0863.pmap archived These nripsec darks for NRS1 and SUB2048 are the first for this mode made with commissioning data.
2022-06-06 jwst_0862.pmap archived This NIRSpec MSAOPER file has a usafter of 2022-05-26. It contains the 3 new shorts found in the monitor data from Feb 27, 2022 to May 26, 2022.
2022-06-03 jwst_0861.pmap archived These NIRSpec darks are being delivered to support commissioning for full frame data taken with readout patterns NRS, NRSRAPID, NRSIRS2, NRSIRS2RAPID. They gain analysis has not yet been completed so the GAINFACT keyword is not included in the headers, the keyword is informational only in dark headers. The do_not_use DQ flag has not been set for any pixels but will be in a future delivery.
2022-06-01 jwst_0860.pmap archived It was pointed out by Chris Willott that the current NIRISS saturation reference file has values above the ADU conversion limit of 65535 ADU. All such values have now been replaced by a value of 63000 ADU. This seems to have been an oversight when Takahiro Morishita created the linearity file, and was not noticed at the time. This change means that the current CRDS reference file should be removed because of these bad values. Such pixels would then not have any values flagged as above the linearity limit, with uncertain results when run through the pipeline. One would not notice this if the pixels happen to only have smaller signal values, but if the core of a stellar PSF was to land on such a pixel then it would definitely create problems.
2022-05-31 jwst_0859.pmap archived These MIRI MRS wavelengthrange, regions, specwcs and distortion files were created from flight commissioning data and should be used for MRS flight data.
2022-05-31 jwst_0858.pmap archived This MIRI Imager distortion and filteroffset file were created with flight commissioning data and are linked to Jira ticket CRDS 368. They should be used for flight imager data.
2022-05-26 jwst_0857.pmap archived This set of MIRI PSFMASK files cover the coronagraphic regions and were updated due to a change in subarray positions of the four coronagraph subarrays. This finishes off the needed subarray reference file deliveries for this change in subarray positions as noted in CRDS 561.
2022-05-26 jwst_0856.pmap archived Update to MIRI reset reference file rmap to group READPATT=FASTR1 entries for files jwst_miri_reset_0046.fits, 0047.fits, and 0048.fits with those for jwst_miri_reset_0062.fits, 0064.fits, and 0063.fits, respectively. Keeping these entries with READPATT=FAST set up an equal weight special case for FASTR1 data taken after 2022-04-01.
2022-05-26 jwst_0855.pmap archived Updated MIRI reset rmap where entries which return an N/A as the reference file now include a USEAFTER date. Previously, not having a USEAFTER date could cause problems with crds getrecommendations and the use of Exploring with Instrument Parameters link on the website.
2022-05-26 jwst_0854.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec rmaps where entries which return an N/A as the reference file now include a USEAFTER date. Previously, not having a USEAFTER date could cause problems with crds getrecommendations and the use of Exploring with Instrument Parameters link on the website.
2022-05-26 jwst_0853.pmap archived Updated NIRISS rmaps where entries which return an N/A as the reference file now include a USEAFTER date. Previously, not having a USEAFTER date could cause problems with crds getrecommendations and the use of Exploring with Instrument Parameters link on the website.
2022-05-26 jwst_0852.pmap archived Updated NIRCam rmaps where entries which return an N/A as the reference file now include a USEAFTER date. Previously, not having a USEAFTER date could cause problems with crds getrecommendations and the use of Exploring with Instrument Parameters link on the website.
2022-05-26 jwst_0851.pmap archived Updated MIRI rmaps where entries which return an N/A as the reference file now include a USEAFTER date. Previously, not having a USEAFTER date could cause problems with crds getrecommendations and the use of Exploring with Instrument Parameters link on the website.
2022-05-26 jwst_0850.pmap archived Updated FGS photom, pars-image2pipeline, and distortion rmaps where entries which return an N/A as the reference file now include a USEAFTER date. Previously, not having a USEAFTER date could cause problems with crds getrecommendations and the use of Exploring with Instrument Parameters link on the website.
2022-05-25 jwst_0849.pmap archived This delivery includes a single file, the parameter reference file for the detector1 pipeline, for TSOs. It implements a temporary workaround to prevent the pipeline crashing for segmented TSO data, which are expected to be taken in commissioning. The workaround is to skip the reset step, which is failing on such data. Apart from this, there are no other changes made to the file. The workaround can be removed once the pipeline B8 is delivered, which includes a fix for the problem. The current file in CRDS can be kept, as we can revert to it following the delivery of pipeline Build 8, which fixes the problem with the reset step. As the only TSO data we currently have in MAST is not affected by the issue, and this is a temporary workaround, there is no need to reprocess with the new reference file.
2022-05-25 jwst_0848.pmap archived Reactivating the filter-dependent specwcs reference files for NIRCam. Previously, these files caused issues with regression runs, but they have since been addressed.
2022-05-25 jwst_0847.pmap archived A rule was added to assign an on-orbit distortion file as a fallback to NIRISS data for which there is no match to the filter/pupil combination. Previously, a pre-flight distrotion estimate had been assigned.
2022-05-25 jwst_0846.pmap archived The msaoper file has been updated with new open/closed shutters assessed from data from commissioning and corresponds to the PRD version listed in JSOCOPS-108. The bad pixel masks are newly assessed bad pixels from commissioning data and make use of the do not use bit for non-nominal pixels.
2022-05-24 jwst_0845.pmap archived This is the first time we have had on-sky data for measuring the PSF properties so as to derive the aperture corrections. The previous versions is based on WebbPSF models.
2022-05-23 jwst_0844.pmap archived Backing out changes from earlier, they may have been put in prematurely.
2022-05-23 jwst_0843.pmap archived Update to the NIRCam specwcs rmap to add META.INSTRUMENT.FILTER as a new selector.
2022-05-19 jwst_0842.pmap archived These new NIRISS flats were created by incorporating on-sky data from commissioning program 01086. 01086 data calibrated with CV3 flats were analyzed to derive delta flats on top of the CV3 flats. These delta flats model only the L-, or low-frequency, component of the flat. Delta L-flats were multiplied by CV3 flats to create new flat reference files. These flats affect all NIRISS observing modes.
2022-05-18 jwst_0841.pmap archived Reverting to use of filteroffset file 002 which inadvertently was replaced by an old file that did not include filter and pupil entries.
2022-05-18 jwst_0840.pmap archived Updating MIRI wavelengthrange reference file rmap to have just two entries - one for MIR_MRS and the other set to NA. The NA entry is being set to NA, indicating that the calibration step which uses this correction will be skipped for all exposure types except MIR_MRS.
2022-05-17 jwst_0839.pmap archived We now have on-orbit observations of the FGS distortion from which these new distortion and pixel area map reference files were derived. The previous distortion and pixel area files were derived from ray-tracing and not from direct observations. These files are only used for FGS calibration observations and not for the regular guiding functions. All FGS calibration modes except FGS_DARK are affected by this change, so these are FGS_FOCUS, FGS_IMAGE, FGS_INTFLAT, and FGS_SKYFLAT.
2022-05-17 jwst_0838.pmap archived We have distortion measurements on-orbit for the first time. As a result we have pixel area maps and distortion files for each regular imaging filter/pupil combination. These are assumed to also apply for the NRM mode. The NIRISS modes NIS_AMI, NIS_FOCUS, NIS_IMAGE, NIS_TACONFIRM, and NIS_TACQ are affected by the change. In the current pmap the NIS_WFSS mode is also listed for the reference files in CRDS although it is not directly affected. The NIS_SOSS mode is not affected.
2022-05-17 jwst_0837.pmap archived Update to the NIRISS filteroffset rmap to add NA as an exposure type to cover those types not associated with the reference file. The exposure type returns an NA, indicating that the processing step associated with the reference file will be skipped.
2022-05-17 jwst_0836.pmap archived We have measured the NIRISS distortion on-sky. We did not previously have any measurements and were using a single theoretical distortion file for all filters. Now that we have the real data the preference is to have filter offsets in the reference file and separate distortion files for each filter/pupil combination for imaging. The affects the assign_wcs step in the pipeline for the NIRS_IMAGING, NIS_AMI, NIS_FOCUS, NIS_TACQ and NIS_TACONFIRM image types. The NIS_EXTCAL observations that are in configurations consistent with imaging will also use the reference file, but they will have the mode changed to NIS_IMAGE before the level2 part of the pipeline is reached. The only exception would be the CLEAR/CLEARP configuration which has been used for a small number of images but which has no WCS solution. Such files need not be reduced beyond level 1 in the pipeline.
2022-05-17 jwst_0835.pmap archived Initial delivery of the NIRISS filteroffset reference file rmap in order to allow any subsequent reference file submission. A filter offset reference file is necessary in CRDS for NIRISS imaging modes now that on-orbit measurements are available. The rmap only uses META.EXPOSURE.TYPE, along with the USEAFTER, as the selector.
2022-05-16 jwst_0834.pmap archived The MIRI RSCD reference files are being updated to take flight data into consideration, and fewer frames need to be skipped to get good results than the pre-flight data indicated. The FASTR1 and SLOWR1 readout pattern rows were updated for flight.
2022-05-16 jwst_0833.pmap archived In-flight NIRISS bad pixel mask made from NIS-006 data
2022-05-13 jwst_0832.pmap archived This update of the MIRI tweakreg parameter reference files is intended to use parameters based on limited testing of flight data. Previous values had caused misaligned mosaic images. More testing will be done during commissioning, and the files will be updated once that testing has been done.
2022-05-12 jwst_0831.pmap archived Dark and Bias files for 2 nirspec SUB2048 subarray locations that are in PPS.
2022-05-11 jwst_0830.pmap archived These tweakreg parameter reference files for NIRCam will be used on all NRC_IMAGE data. These parameter values are replacing the previous values because the previous values were resulting in poor results and failures of tweakreg when working on commissioning data. Minimal testing has gone into these parameter values. They prevent the failures seen with the old parameter values, but no effort has been made to optimize them. Optimal values will be included in a future delivery.
2022-05-10 jwst_0829.pmap archived These MIRI four quadrant phase mask subarray flat files are being delivered to cover the updated position of these subarrays in CRDS. This delivery is part of JSOCOPS 97 that updates the MIRI subarray positions. Without these files, the pipeline will crash at the flat field step for these subarrays. They were created with ground data, since there is not enough commissioning data to create them yet, but they will be updated in the future once there is enough data to do so.
2022-05-10 jwst_0828.pmap archived NIRISS in-flight read noise reference file at operational temperature made from NIS-006 data.
2022-05-09 jwst_0827.pmap archived These files are the first flight versions of the MIRI linearity reference files and are for all MIRI modes, Imager and IFU. These files are to be used for flight data.
2022-05-06 jwst_0826.pmap archived Updated the MIRI flat rmap to include FASTR100 as a valid value for META.EXPOSURE.TYPE for wst_miri_flat_0653.fits, jwst_miri_flat_0691.fits, wst_miri_flat_0725.fits, and jwst_miri_flat_0602.fits
2022-05-05 jwst_0825.pmap archived Updated MIRI flat rmap to change the SUBARRAY value for all FAST mode imager from FULL to GENERIC. Updated entries for reference files 0593, 0626, 0644, 0652, 0655, 0708, and 0729 to include FASTR100 as a valid option for META.EXPOSURE.READPATT.
2022-05-05 jwst_0824.pmap archived The MIRI team has determined that only a select few subarrays need to have specific flat files, while other flat subarray files can be removed. The files listed here are either no longer needed, or have suitable replacements.
2022-05-04 jwst_0823.pmap archived These are the first on-sky dark current reference files for NIRISS FULL NIS and NISRAPID and all subarrays using dark data taken during NIS-006, PID 1081.
2022-05-03 jwst_0822.pmap archived A change has been made in the way the linearity reference file treats the pixels that fail the linearity fitting. In the current version these pixels are flagged as NONLINEAR and given coefficients that cause no change in the ramp in the step. The new version replaces these with mean coefficients and so some linearity correction is applied. In the test cases this seemed to clean up the ramp slope images somewhat, suggesting that the issue with the fitting was not the pixel behaviour but rather some issue with the input measurements that were the source of the coefficients.
2022-05-03 jwst_0821.pmap archived These MIRI Dark files are dummy files to cover new coordinate positions for five MIRI subarrays. MASK1065, MASK1140, MASK1550, MASKLYOT, and SUB128 subarrays are changing position by a few rows, and need new dummy files to match the new coordinates. These files will be updated once enough data has been taken to create valid reference files in the new positions.
2022-05-02 jwst_0820.pmap archived These MIRI Reset files are dummy files being delivered to cover new subarray coordinates for five subarrays which are being updated shortly. They are necessary for MASK1065, MASK1140, MASK1550, MASKLYOT and SUB128, which will be moved by a few rows. Once enough data is taken in these subarrays, they will be updated with valid pixel values.
2022-05-02 jwst_0819.pmap archived Updated the MIRI readnoise Imager FULL Frame FAST file entry, jwst_miri_readnoise_0057.fits, to have SUBARRAY=GENERIC rather than FULL to cover the subarrays in the pipeline, and removed those readnoise files that were not SUBARRAY=FULL.
2022-04-28 jwst_0818.pmap archived This set of superbias reference files for NIRISS FULL and all subarrays uses all dark data taken during NIS-006, PID 1081. This is the first set of superbiases made from in-flight data. They have been compared to the equivalent reference files made from CV3 and OTIS data and found to be consistent in statistics and structure. They have been used to calibrate on-sky darks and imaging data without problems.
2022-04-26 jwst_0817.pmap archived These MIRI Reset files are the first reset files created from flight data for the FULL frame FASTR1 modes for Imager, IFUSHORT and IFULONG detectors. Any SLOWR1 or subarray files will be created later, once there is enough inflight data to create them. These corrections are an improvement for the flight data over the files created with ground test data and will improve the correction.
2022-04-26 jwst_0816.pmap archived These MIRI Saturation files are the latest versions of the reference files, the first created with actual inflight data. These will improve the corrections in the pipeline as the previous files were created with ground test data. There is one file per detector, and will be used for all data.
2022-04-21 jwst_0815.pmap archived The NIRSpec apcorr and extract1d rmaps have new parkeys with lampmode and lampstate added as selectors for proper processing of internal line lamp data.
2022-04-19 jwst_0814.pmap archived The corner locations of nirspec SUB2048, SUB1024A, SUB1024B, SUB512 and SUB512S subarrays shifted during launch and new reference files are required.
2022-04-19 jwst_0813.pmap archived The corner locations of nirspec SUB2048, SUB1024A, SUB1024B, SUB512 and SUB512S subarrays shifted during launch and new reference files are required.
2022-04-11 jwst_0812.pmap archived New pars-spec2pipeline parameter reference file for NIRISS WFSS mode data.
2022-04-11 jwst_0811.pmap archived Updating the NIRISS pars-spec2pipeline rmap to include META.VISIT.CROWDED_FIELD and META.EXPOSURE.TYPE as selectors in order to properly calibrate WFSS modes.
2022-04-11 jwst_0810.pmap archived New pars-spec2pipeline parameter reference file for NIRCam WFSS mode data.
2022-04-11 jwst_0809.pmap archived Updating the NIRCam pars-spec2pipeline rmap to include META.VISIT.CROWDED_FIELD and META.EXPOSURE.TYPE as selectors in order to properly calibrate WFSS modes.
2022-03-21 jwst_0808.pmap archived This delivery includes updated MIRI RSCD reference files. The tables in extension 1, RSCD_GROUP_SKIP were updated to include new readout modes FASTR1, FASTR100 and SLOWR1 options. These modes were not previously used for ground testing, but are the default for flight, so the reference files are being updated.
2022-03-21 jwst_0807.pmap archived These NIRCam saturation reference files are largely identical to the previous version, with several small adjustments. In the previous versions, the DQ flags from the original IDT-derived reference files were incorrectly mapped onto standard DMS DQ flag mnemonics. This mapping resulted in many science pixels being flagged as NO_SAT_CHECK. This was preventing saturation checking on these pixels, which led to other problems downstream in the pipeline. These new reference files now properly map the IDT DQ flags to DMS flags. Pixels originally flagged as NO_SATURATION have had that flag removed, and their saturation value was set to be the median of the surrounding pixels. Pixels flagged as AD_SATURATION have had that flag removed and their saturation values set to 65535. In addition, reference pixels in these files are now flagged as NO_SAT_CHECK, in order to prevent the pipeline from checking these files for saturation.
2022-03-18 jwst_0806.pmap archived This delivery contains a set of dummy darks with all zeros for all MIRI modes. There were detector setting changes implemented before launch that invalidated the pre-launch darks for flight data. These dummy files will do nothing to the data in the dark step, and will be replaced with flight appropriate dark reference files once they are created during commissioning.
2022-03-15 jwst_0805.pmap archived The previous MIRI reset reference files for the imager subarray and slow mode for the three detectors are very noisy, because they were created with only a few files. We will not get the needed flight data to make new ones until cycle 1 calibration darks. The updated reference files are to be used as place holders until we can create ones from flight data. The dummy files contain only values of zero for the correction. Full mode fast reset files have not been included. New files for full fast mode will be create early in commissioning.
2022-03-15 jwst_0804.pmap archived These NIRCam distortion reference files contain updates to V2, V3 locations for B module detectors, due to a shift in the fold mirror position since OTIS testing. Ground-based distortion reference files were resulting in level 3 pipeline products with an offset between the shortwave and longwave images. With this update, the alignment between channels in the B module is much improved.
2022-03-14 jwst_0803.pmap archived These NIRCam distortion reference files for coronagraphic observations replace the previously delivered set. The previous files contained incorrect offsets for the V2, V3 reference location, resulting in an incorrect WCS for files calibrated with those files. These new files contain the correct V2, V3 reference location coordinates. These files also include NRC_IMAGE in the list of applicable EXP_TYPE values. This should allow these files to be selected when processing observations from the NIRCam Engineering Imaging template in which one of the coronagraphic masks is used.
2022-03-01 jwst_0802.pmap archived Updates to the NIRSpec sflat rmap to have LAMP_STATE TEST and NOLAMP return N/A as the reference file, resulting in this step being skipped for these data. The flatfield step is used for imaging and spectroscopy, so for both cases it looks for an SFLAT regardless of the exposure type. Since this does not apply to imaging cases, LAMP_STATE=TEST and NOLAMP need to be skipped.
2022-02-13 jwst_0801.pmap archived Removed files that were not replaced by the most recent delivery in CONTEXT jwst_0800.pmap, because the new files have EXP_TYPE = N/A while the old files had only FGS_IMAGE. Also removed old mask files that had different USEAFTER. The change is documented in CRDS-533
2022-02-12 jwst_0800.pmap archived Changed EXP_TYPE FGS_IMAGE to N/A.
2022-02-11 jwst_0799.pmap archived New FGS dark and superbias reference files. The darks are full-frame and readout FGSRAPID Guider1 and Guider2, which were replaced with Honeywell detector characterization test data. Full-frame and readout FGS darks and all subarray darks for Guider1 and Guider2 have been replaced with dummy files, because no good darks are available. The superbiases contain updates to the orientation of Guider2.
2022-02-11 jwst_0798.pmap archived Updated MIRI flat and dark reference file rmaps to include FASTR100 as a READPATT option for SUB64 subarray entries. Updated MIRI readnoise rmap to include FASTR100 for FULL subarray entries where READPATTs contain FAST and FASTR1.
2022-02-11 jwst_0797.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of the MIRI LRS pathloss correction, and is to be used to correct for the slit loss for point source observation, that is, the wavelength dependent fraction of flux lost due to the PSF being truncated by the slit mask in the nominal pointing locations. This is for point source observations only.
2022-02-11 jwst_0796.pmap archived Initial MIRI PATHLOSS reference file rmap.
2022-02-11 jwst_0795.pmap archived Initial delivery of MIRI FRINGEFREQ reference files.
2022-02-11 jwst_0794.pmap archived Initial MIRI FRINGEFREQ rmap.
2022-02-11 jwst_0793.pmap archived Updated pmap, which incorporates the new FGS, NIRCam, NIRISS, and NIRSpec imaps, where FRINGEFREQ had been set to NA.
2022-02-01 jwst_0792.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec mask reference file rmap to change USEAFTER dates for jwst_nirspec_mask_0008 and 0009 to 2013-01-01, and jwst_nirspec_mask_0010, 0011, 0024, and 0025 to 2015-01-01. This is being done to correspond to the different epochs of ground test data.
2022-01-31 jwst_0791.pmap archived The NIRSpec pars-spec2pipeline reference files, jwst_nirspec_pars-spec2pipeline_0013 - 0015 need to be removed from the rmap because they lack information regarding tsovisit status, which in this case should be NA.
2022-01-31 jwst_0790.pmap archived A set of NIRISS SOSS reference files of types speckernel, specprofile, spectrace, and wavemap were delivered on August 26th of 2021. These have been superseded by a delivery of files on January 6th, 2022. Under some circumstances use of the original files can cause the JWST pipeline to crash, so to be safe we request that the original reference files be removed from CRDS.
2022-01-18 jwst_0789.pmap archived These distortion reference files for NIRCam coronagraphic observations have been created from the SIAF coefficients in PRDOPSSOC-041. The distortion model in this version of the PRD is a complete model that includes the effects of the coronagraphic optical mount. The previous version of these distortion files, which was only available for a subset of the module A detectors, contained an approximated distortion model constructed by adding a simple shift to the imaging mode distortion coefficients. The model contained in these updated files is more accurate, and covers all 5 A module detectors.
2022-01-14 jwst_0788.pmap archived See CRDS OPS PMAP jwst_0788.pmap, jwst0789.pmap for information about this deivery
2022-01-14 jwst_0787.pmap archived The MIRI psfmask files jwst_miri_psfmask_0001.fits - 0004.fits have been replaced by jwst_miri_psfmask_0005.fits - 0008.fits and are no longer needed.
2022-01-14 jwst_0786.pmap archived This delivery provides a correction of the MIRI PSFMASK files. The current reference files in CRDS are the wrong shape and significantly off-center from the coronagraphic subarray. The new versions are simple binary masks with a central hole equal to the size of each of the coronagraph IWA.
2022-01-12 jwst_0785.pmap archived Updated pmap to set the NIRSpec imap to jwst_nirspec_0239.imap in order to incorporate recently delivered pars-spec2pipeline reference files.
2022-01-12 jwst_0784.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec apcorr rmap so that NRS_LAMP and NRS_AUTOWAVE exposure types have NA as the reference file - indicating that the apcorr calibration step will be skipped for these data.
2022-01-12 jwst_0783.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec sflat rmap to include FILTER=OPAQUE for NRS_LAMP and NRS_AUTOWAVE exposure types.
2022-01-06 jwst_0782.pmap archived After a recent delivery of several NIRISS SOSS speckernel, specprofile, spectrace, and wavemap reference files, pipeline tests by SCSB showed issues in getting reference files for other modes such as NIRISS/WFSS because the selection does not get a value of N/A for these reference file types. To fix this issue, the rmaps for the NIRISS speckernel, specprofile, spectrace, and wavemap reference types had to be updated to include N/A for each of the reference selectors.
2022-01-05 jwst_0781.pmap archived The NIRSS SOSS extract1d reference files, types speckernel, specprofile, spectrace, and wavemap, are all being updated. The original files delivered in August are being replaced by a new set from slightly revised reference files produced at Montreal in September. Each file comes in pairs for the CLEAR and F277W cases. Currently there is no difference in the data values in these pairs of files. In most cases only the header values are being updated from the previous set. In the case of the SUBSTRIP96 spectrace reference files there was a change in the padding for the reference pixels so the size of the image in the FITS files are different. Due to the change in the one file I am marking the old set as resulting in scientifically invalid results. Actually what happens is one tries to run the SOSS extract1d code with the old files is that the pipeline crashes if the particular mode is used. For this reason we would prefer to remove the old set of files if possible.
2021-12-14 jwst_0780.pmap archived Delivery of nirspec par spec2pipeline files for linelamp processing. The default delivery did not have the proper steps turned on for internal line lamps. The FS file turns on extract1 d with apply apcorr false and turns on resample. The MOS file turns on extract1d and with apply apcorr false and turns on resample. The IFU file turns on cube build with internal cal for resampling and turns on extract 1d with apply apcorr false.
2021-12-10 jwst_0779.pmap archived The linearity coefficient generation code was changed to have only positive quadratic terms.
2021-12-09 jwst_0778.pmap archived Delivery of nirspec par spec2pipeline files for linelamp processing. The default delivery did not have the proper steps turned on for internal line lamps. The FS file turns on extract1 d with apply apcorr false and turns on resample. The MOS file turns on extract1d and with apply apcorr false and turns on resample. The IFU file turns on cube build with internal cal for resampling and turns on extract 1d with apply apcorr false.
2021-12-07 jwst_0777.pmap archived While investigating anomalous pipeline results it was found that the wavecorr files in CRDS had the rows and columns flipped. These 2 new NIRSpec wavecorr files have corrected that problem for FS, BRIGHTOBJ and MOS modes for both detector 1 and 2. Delivered by Ubeda
2021-11-15 jwst_0776.pmap archived These updated NIRCam mask reference files are very similar to the previously released versions. The only update in these files is that the DO_NOT_USE flag has been added to all pixels that are flagged in any other way, with the exception of the reference pixels. In this way all flagged pixels will be ignored in the later stages of the calibration pipeline. Original bad pixel flags were calculated using CV3 data by the NIRCam IDT.
2021-10-15 jwst_0775.pmap archived Several updates to the NIRCam dark reference file rmap, which include Remove SUBGRISM darks for detectors where the SUBGRISM apertures are not defined. These files will never be used because the subarrays they specify do not exist for the detectors listed in the file. The entries were removed in order to avoid any future confusion when it comes time to update reference files, as well as to simply clean up the rmap so users do not need to filter out these files when searching. Added entry for SUB64FP1A and SUB64FP1B to that for SUB8FP1A and SUB8FP1B where the reference is set to NA. No dark subtraction will be done using these subarrays, but it would be helpful to add this entry so that the pipeline will not crash if someone tries to run it on these data. Removed full frame darks with incorrect EXP_TYPE. A new set of NIRCam full frame darks were delivered which replaced the previous set of full frame darks where EXP_TYPE was erroneously set to NRC_DARK, making them unusable. The new darks have the correct EXP_TYPE value of NA, in addition to several other updates. Removed the NRCA2 full frame dark which contained incorrect data. The file, jwst_nircam_dark_0229.fits, contained full frame dark signal for NRCA2. Since it was first delivered, the NIRCam team decided upon a new strategy for reporting the dark signal from ground testing, and this file essentially contains bad data. It was removed so that it would no longe be used. It was replaced by a file in a recent delivery. Added the subarray, FULLP, to several of the newly-delivered darks. The darks for NRCA3, NRCALONG, NRCB1, and NRCBLONG needed FULLP added to their lists of acceptable subarrays, so that they are valid for FULL and FULLP data. Currently, the P_SUBARR keyword is not valid in the DarkModel used to create these reference files, and needed to be manually added.
2021-10-14 jwst_0774.pmap archived These NIRCam dark current reference files contain several improvements over the previous versions. EXP_TYPE was updated to be correct. The DQ_DEF extension was also updated to follow the standard DQ mnemonics as defined by the pipeline. Unsupported mnemonics were removed. The major change is that these files now support the new NOUTPUTS header keyword. The delivery contains a separate file for each value of NOUTPUTS, as will be done once in-flight data are collected. In this delivery, the files for the NOUTPUTS value of 1 are dummy files, with all values set to zero. This is because no single amplifier full frame darks were collected during ground testing. The files for the NOUTPUTS value of 4 contain pixel values that are identical to the previously delivered dark reference files. Longwave detector files contain signal values that are sigma-clipped means of the input files. The shortwave detector files contain signal values of zero for all nominal pixels. Hot pixels contain sigma clipped mean values.
2021-10-11 jwst_0773.pmap archived CDP 8 delivered new MIRI MRS flatfield reference files that should be integrated into CRDS and the JWST pipeline. These new files complete the transition to having the flatfield reference files be simply placeholders against the potential future split between PHOTOM and FLAT reference files. In the present CRDS version, flatfield values were unity only in the regions of the detector for which the slice mask was defined, in the new delivery flatfields are unity everywhere. Likewise, some DQ information was set in the present CRDS DQ extension that duplicated DQ information in the slice mask reference file and risked becoming out of sync. The new delivery sets the DQ flags to zero everywhere. All of these choices will be revisited in flight, but for the time being the CDP 8 files should be used to avoid potential confusion. As an addendum, the files actually delivered by the IDT have been post-processed to create cross-dichroic versions of the files and to fix a number of datamodel keyword and data type issues.
2021-10-11 jwst_0772.pmap archived This reference file submission contains subarray dark current reference files for NIRCam. These files contain zero signal in all pixels and groups. Not enough ground testing data were collected to produce high signal to noise dark ramps. These subarray darks each contain 400 groups, which is more than the previous versions of these files. This is enough to support the maximum allowed number of groups/frames for subarray observations, and is needed to support commissioning observations.
2021-09-24 jwst_0771.pmap archived These distortion reference files for coronagraphic observations are based on new SIAF parent apertures NRCA2_FULL_WEDGE_RND, NRCA4_FULL_WEDGE_BAR, NRCA5_FULL_WEDGE_RND, and NRCA5_FULL_WEDGE_BAR which were not defined at the time that the previous versions of these files were created. These files are based on the distortion coefficients in version 39 of the PRD, which also have been updated since the previous versions of these files. This update is necessary for accurate calibration of commissioning data.
2021-09-23 jwst_0770.pmap archived Updated NIRCam dark rmap where where SUBGRISM entries with EXPTYPE=NRC_DARK were set to NA in order to resolve issues where CRDS could not find an appropriate dark.
2021-09-23 jwst_0769.pmap archived Updated NIRISS distortion reference file rmap to include FILTER and PUPIL as selectors. Current entries have these set to NA until on-orbit data can be obtained.
2021-09-09 jwst_0768.pmap archived Backing out the NIRCam specwcs rmap due to issues encountered during regression runs. The previous rmap is being re-instated.
2021-09-09 jwst_0767.pmap archived Re-activating NIRCam specwcs rmap where FILTER has been added as one of the selectors.
2021-09-02 jwst_0766.pmap archived These MIRI photom reference files had been replaced, but because they had NA as the EXP_TYPE, and the replacements had MIR_MRS, they were not removed from the rmap. Since they are no longer needed, the files will be removed.
2021-09-02 jwst_0765.pmap archived Updated dark and readnoise rmaps to add FULLP subarray to the entries for jwst_nircam_dark_0044.fits, jwst_nircam_dark_0048.fits, jwst_nircam_readnoise_0039.fits, and jwst_nircam_readnoise_0044.fits.
2021-09-01 jwst_0764.pmap archived Fix incorrect DQ_DEF dtype in MIRI flat references. The current dtype cannot be opened with datamodels without corrupting the data in the VALUE and BIT columns.
2021-08-26 jwst_0763.pmap archived New pars-image2pipeline references for appropriate MIMF handling of images from NIRSpec
2021-08-26 jwst_0762.pmap archived New pars-image2pipeline rmaps for appropriate MIMF handling of images from NIRISS
2021-08-26 jwst_0761.pmap archived New pars-image2pipeline rmaps for appropriate MIMF handling of images from MIRI
2021-08-26 jwst_0760.pmap archived New pars-image2pipeline rmaps for appropriate MIMF handling of images from FGS
2021-08-26 jwst_0759.pmap archived The NIRCam Team has identified a number of dark current reference files currently in CRDS which correspond to unsupported observing modes. While it is not vital, they feel it would be prudent to remove these entries from the rmap in order to prevent future confusion. Often, existing reference files are used as templates for new reference files, so it would save work later to have these files removed now. See JIRA issue CRDS-473 for more details.
2021-08-26 jwst_0758.pmap archived These dark current files cover all available NIRCam SUBGRISM apertures. These files contain the newly added NOUTPUTS header keyword. Going forward, this keyword will allow CRDS to distinguish between dark current reference files produced using data collected with 1 amplifier versus 4 amplifiers. This initial set of amplifier specific reference files contain zeros for signal values in all pixels, as not enough ground testing data have been collected in these apertures to produce high signal to noise signal values.
2021-08-26 jwst_0757.pmap archived The NIRCam dark rmap needed to be updated to include the NOUTPUTS selection criteria. The entries for the dark reference files being re-delivered were deleted, and all reference files not being replaced had values of N/A added to them for the NOUTPUTS field. META.EXPOSURE.NOUTPUTS was also added to the parkey values in the rmap. See CRDS-449 for more details.
2021-08-26 jwst_0756.pmap archived The EXP_TYPE keyword MIR_CORONCAL was missing from photom file jwst_miri_photom_0073.fits, so an updated MIRI photom rmap file needed to be delivered.
2021-08-26 jwst_0755.pmap archived New pars-image2pipeline references for appropriate MIMF handling of images from NIRSpec.
2021-08-26 jwst_0754.pmap archived New pars-image2pipeline references for appropriate MIMF handling of images from NIRISS.
2021-08-26 jwst_0753.pmap archived New pars-image2pipeline references for appropriate MIMF handling of images from MIRI.
2021-08-26 jwst_0752.pmap archived New pars-image2pipeline references for appropriate MIMF handling of images from FGS.
2021-08-26 jwst_0751.pmap archived To prepare for flight data taken with read patterns FASTR1 and SLOWR1, FASTR1 and SLOWR1 were added to the appropriate rmaps wherever FAST and SLOW were used, respectively. The rmaps that were affected by this read pattern change include the MIRI dark, flat, readnoise and reset rmaps. See JIRA ticket CRDS-446 for more info.
2021-08-26 jwst_0750.pmap archived Updated pmap containing imap changes for FGS, MIRI, NIRCam, and NIRSpec
2021-08-26 jwst_0749.pmap archived Initial delivery of the new NIRISS SOSS extract1d reference files - speckernel, specprofile, spectrace, and wavemap. A change was made to the original files because it was determined that they needed to differentiate between the CLEAR and F277W filter wheel positions. To accommodate this, 9 of the 10 original reference files for the CLEAR case were duplicated with a change in name to indicate that the new files are for the F277W case. The contents of the data in the duplicate files was not changed. Then a FILTER keyword was added to each file, with a value of CLEAR or F277W for the spectrace, wavemap, and specprofile reference files. For the speckernel reference file there is only one file for both cases and the FILTER keyword was set to N/A. A brief set of HISTORY keyword lines were added to the files. Currently, the data values for the CLEAR and F277W cases are exactly the same. For the F277W files one does not need extensions for orders 2 and 3, as these orders are blocked by the filter over the area of the NIRISS detector. However, these extensions are still present in the CLEAR and F277W cases.
2021-08-26 jwst_0748.pmap archived Initial rmaps for the NIRISS SOSS extract1d reference file types speckernel, specprofile, spectrace, and wavemap.
2021-08-23 jwst_0747.pmap archived A new NIRSPEC sflat rmap is needed because NRS_AUTOWAVE and NRS_LAMP should have filter set to OPAQUE.
2021-08-23 jwst_0746.pmap archived This set of new NIRISS dark and superbias reference files were produced using the algorithms defined by a cross-instrument working group and implemented in the jwst-reffiles python package. This is the algorithm for that we will use in-flight to create new reference files, so these files are being delivered in preparation for launch. The reference files were created using CV3 cold darks for the FULL/NIS and FULL/NISRAPID, SUB64, SUB128, WFSS128R, and WFSS64R subarrays. OTIS darks were used for SUBSTRIP96, SUBSTRIP256, SUB80, SUB256, WFSS128C, WFSS64C, SUBAMPCAL, SUBTASOSS, and SUBTAAMI subarrays, because some subarrays were affected by background resets that were introduced after CV3 testing. CV3 data was still used where possible because there were more exposures available. Linearity correction was not applied to the calibrated ramps used to make the dark reference files because of some pixels forced to be artificially high by bad linearity coefficients. These files also correct the reference pixel values in previous subarray darks and superbiases. Subarray superbiases had reference pixels artificially set to 0, while dark files had reference pixels with high values. This was causing noise to be introduced during the superbias subtraction. Therefore the new superbias reference files with non-zero reference pixels were used to calibrate the input exposures for the dark reference file. The new dark reference files have zero-value reference pixels.
2021-08-19 jwst_0745.pmap archived Ongoing development work is exploring adding a 3d-drizzle type method of cube building to the JWST pipeline, which requires the addition of supporting data to the cubepar reference file. This updated cubepar file adds a new extension MULTICHANNEL_DRIZ containing the multiwavelength information required. There have been no changes to any of the other extensions currently used by the JWST pipeline and thus no impact on current processing or tests.
2021-08-19 jwst_0744.pmap archived New nirspec dark and superbias rmaps are necessary for the D readpatterns associated with WATA and TACONFIRM modes and the SUB2048 and SUB32 subarrays used with these modes. JIRA CRDS-462
2021-08-19 jwst_0743.pmap archived These MIRI bad pixel masks were created with a new algorithm that ignores the IFU slice gaps. The files were created with CV3 data and will be used to compare to masks created with in flight data to determine if there are more bad pixels after launch. There are three files, one for each detector.
2021-08-04 jwst_0742.pmap archived These updated NIRCam PERSAT files for the persistence step of the JWST pipeline were updated to resolve a problem with the DQ bit values and the DQ_DEF table, noted in the CRDS ticket CRDS-456. Specifically, the DQ_DEF VALUE column values were not powers of two. The rows with these values were fixed and the DQ array was updated accordingly.
2021-07-29 jwst_0741.pmap archived The NIRCam Team has identified a number of dark current reference files currently in CRDS which correspond to unsupported observing modes. While it is not vital, they feel it would be prudent to remove these entries from the rmap in order to prevent future confusion. Often, existing reference files are used as templates for new reference files, so it would save work later to have these files removed now. See JIRA issue CRDS-473 for more details.
2021-07-26 jwst_0740.pmap archived The flags in these mask reference files largely match those in previously delivered files, except that in these files, we have corrected an error in the DQ DEF where bit 14 was assigned to multiple mnemonics. We have also disentangled the RC and WEIRD flags, which were both set to use bit 14, so that the RC flags are not thrown out when the file is read in using jwst datamodels. Pixels previously flagged as WEIRD have been reflagged as NONLINEAR. Pixels previously flagged as NOISY have been reflagged with UNRELIABLE_SLOPE. The WEIRD and NOISY definitions have been removed from DQ_DEF in order to conform to the more strict data quality checks to be implemented in the datamodels. We have also fixed the DQ values of some pixels which had impossibly high values in the previous version of these files.
2021-07-19 jwst_0739.pmap archived Update SYSTEM_CALVER for build 7.8
2021-07-14 jwst_0738.pmap archived The FULLP aperture has recently been added to the list of available apertures for NIRCam and needs to be added to the appropriate dark reference file entries in the NIRCam dark rmap. These files are jwst_nircam_dark_0236.fits jwst_nircam_dark_0233.fits jwst_nircam_dark_0232.fits jwst_nircam_dark_0235.fits .
2021-06-30 jwst_0737.pmap archived Updated MIRI apcorr reference file rmap to remove unique_rowkeys, this information is no longer needed.
2021-06-30 jwst_0736.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec apcorr reference file rmap to remove unique_rowkeys, this information is no longer needed.
2021-06-18 jwst_0735.pmap archived Update to the NIRSpec area reference file rmap to have READPATT = NRS_LAMP return NA.
2021-06-17 jwst_0734.pmap archived These new photom files are being delivered in parallel with new gain files, RFD-832. The flux calibration values in these files were derived using filter throughput curves, synphot and the new gain values. The flux calibration values are roughly 20 percent lower than in the previous photom files due to the lower gain.
2021-06-17 jwst_0733.pmap archived These updated gain files replace the pixel-dependent gain values in the previous files with a single gain value for all pixels. There is one gain value for all shortwave channel pixels, and another value for all longwave channel pixels. This is because not enough data were collected in ground testing to be able to calculate a high signal-to-noise gain value for each pixel on all detectors. The gain values in these new files were derived by bootstrapping CV3 flat field exposure data with well depth information from other ground tests.
2021-06-02 jwst_0732.pmap archived Reverting the NIRCam specwcs rmap to an earlier version because the needed updates to use the specwcs reference files with FILTER as one of the selection criteria will not be ready for Build 7.8.
2021-06-01 jwst_0731.pmap archived This is the initial set of white light parameter reference files for NIRCam, to be used with Grism TSO exposures. These files set parameter values only for the minimum and maximum wavelengths to be used when generating the white light lightcurve. These minimum and maximum wavelength values are filter dependent and differ from the default values in the white light step. These 4 files cover the 4 crossing filters that are currently allowed to be used in Grism TSO mode.
2021-05-27 jwst_0730.pmap archived The NIRCam specwcs rmap is being updated to return NA for a reference file - skipping this processing step - for any pupil values other than GRISMR and GRISMC, and exposure types other than NRC_WFSS and NRC_TSGRISM.
2021-05-26 jwst_0729.pmap archived These specwcs reference files now include a filter dependence to the WCS models. Previous versions of these files were only module and grism dependent. These files provide a more accurate WCS, based on ground testing results.
2021-05-26 jwst_0728.pmap archived The NIRCam specwcs reference file rmap has been updated to use FILTER as one of the selection criteria.
2021-05-26 jwst_0727.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of the JWST MIRI whitelight step parameter file. This file will only be used for the LRS slitless mode of the instrument.
2021-05-26 jwst_0726.pmap archived Inititial rmaps for the new reference file type pars-whitelightstep NIRCam.
2021-05-26 jwst_0725.pmap archived Inititial rmaps for the new reference file type pars-whitelightstep for MIRI.
2021-05-26 jwst_0724.pmap archived Inititial rmaps for the new reference file type pars-whitelightstep for NIRSpec.
2021-05-20 jwst_0723.pmap archived Updating NIRCam dark reference file rmap to remove MASK SUBARRAY values from files jwst_nircam_dark_0070 - 0073, which were not valid NIRCam subarray names.
2021-05-19 jwst_0722.pmap archived Updating FILTER and PUPIL values in the NIRCam flat rmap for several reference files in order to fill coverage holes.
2021-05-10 jwst_0721.pmap archived The kernel_fwhm values in the previous versions were set to the FWHM of the PSF in each filter. However, the source detection step for tweakreg uses the kernel_fwhm value for the smoothing kernel. The short wavelength NIRISS PSFs are under-sampled with PSFs that have sub-pixel FWHM values, and this does not serve the purpose for a smoothing kernel. Tests with the pipeline showed that this produced bad results. This distortion reference file update was created using the SIAF file that was delivered as part of PRDOPSSOC-031 Sep 17, 2020. This SIAF file incorporated new V2Ref, V3Ref locations for the various JWST instruments including NIRISS. The distortion reference file needs to be updated in order for simulated images created by the MIRAGE package using APT version 2020.5 or later to have the targets show up at the correct location on the detector. The only polynomial coefficients of the distortion solution that have been updated are the zeroth-order offsets. The higher-order polynomials have been kept the same as in the previous distortion reference file.
2021-04-27 jwst_0720.pmap archived The entry for jwst_nircam_flat_0308.fits needed to be updated to include pupil values of CLEAR, MASKIPR, PINHOLES, WLP8, WLM8, GDHS0, GDHS60.
2021-04-27 jwst_0719.pmap archived Ongoing testing suggests that the background annulus in the MIRI MRS Extract1d reference file is too large, resulting in a very noisy background at some wavelengths. This updated file reduces the background radii.
2021-04-21 jwst_0718.pmap archived The NIRCam extract1d reference file currently in use only has an entry for EXP_TYPE=NRC_TSGRISM. This causes processing of NRC_WFSS exposures to crash, due to a reference file lookup error. The extract1d rmap was updated to point to NA for all other EXP_TYPEs.
2021-04-14 jwst_0717.pmap archived The previous version of the MIRI MRS outlier parameter reference file was missing required header keywords class and name. Those keywords, along with the TSO keyword, have been added to this file.
2021-04-09 jwst_0716.pmap archived Removing MIRI pars-outlierdetectionstep files 0018 - 0033. The values of tsovisit are set to false, which may be preventing the step from being run.
2021-04-09 jwst_0715.pmap archived Updated the MIRI pars-outlierdetectionstep reference files by changing the value of tsovisit from false to NA.
2021-04-09 jwst_0714.pmap archived The previous matching rules for these files did not coincide with the information contained within them and were removed from the rmap. The files are being redelivered and also contain information on TSOVISIT - all files being delivered here have TSOVISIT set to false.
2021-04-09 jwst_0713.pmap archived The MIRI pars-outlierdetectionstep files are being removed because their matching rules in the rmap do not coincide with the information in the files.
2021-03-29 jwst_0712.pmap archived This is for the delivery of the 3 MIRI full frame fast reset anomaly reference files for the three detectors, Imager, IFUSHORT and IFULONG. These files were created using CV3 and OTIS data. They contain 15 frames of data to correct for the reset anomaly. The 15th frame is zero since its value was subtracted from all the frames. Only the full frames fast reference files have been delivered. A DQ value of UNRELIABLE_RESET was given to data with large corrections. In this delivery pixels with this flag set have a reset anomaly of zero. There value will be dealt with in dark reference file.
2021-03-24 jwst_0711.pmap archived This MIRI Imager Photom file fixed a typo if the header keyword that set the pixel scale in steradians. This header keyword caused problems in calibrated data not having the correct scaling. This file also added new exposure types not listed in the previous file. The added types are MIR_4QPM, MIR_IMAGE, MIR_LYOT, MIR_TACONFIRM and MIR_TACQ. The only changes to this file were to header values.
2021-03-19 jwst_0710.pmap archived These PSFMASK reference files fill a hole in NIRCams coverage for the F356W filter. These files are exact copies of the current PSFMASK files for F444W and the same aperture mask combinations. The only change is to the filter name in the metadata. For the moment there is no filter dependence on the PSFMASK data. We put in place separate files for each filter as placeholders for any potential filter-dependence discovered in flight.
2021-03-19 jwst_0709.pmap archived This is the first extract1d reference file for NIRCam. The pipeline has recently been updated such that and extract1d reference file can be used on grism time series data to extract the target spectrum. The definition of the extraction and background regions, along with the use of the median method for background subtraction that are specified in this file are based on calibration work by N. Nikolov using simulated F444W data.
2021-03-19 jwst_0708.pmap archived Initial delivery of NIRCam extract1d and source catalog rmaps.
2021-03-19 jwst_0707.pmap archived Initial rmaps for the outlier detection and source catalog calibration steps for FGS.
2021-03-19 jwst_0706.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec pars-image2pipeline rmap to include the reference file for TSOVISIT data.
2021-03-19 jwst_0705.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec pars-image2pipeline rmap to select on TSOVISIT
2021-03-11 jwst_0704.pmap archived The MIRI source catalog parameter reference files are meant to set specific parameters for the source catalog step in the pipeline, based on instrument and filter. This delivery is replacing files that had unneeded parameters listed that caused the step to crash.
2021-03-05 jwst_0703.pmap archived Initial delivery of MIRI source catalog parameter files. The reference files specify the best parameters to be used in the source catalog step for the imaging modes and their filters.
2021-03-05 jwst_0702.pmap archived Initial MIRI source catalog parameter file rmap.
2021-03-05 jwst_0701.pmap archived Initial references for the NIRSpec processing of the following. Default Dark1Pipeline, Default Detector1Pipeline, Detector1Pipeline TSO, Image2Pipeline TSO, and Spec2Pipeline TSO.
2021-03-04 jwst_0700.pmap archived Initial references for the NIRISS processing of the following. Default Dark1Pipeline, Default Detector1Pipeline, Detector1Pipeline TSO, Image2Pipeline TSO, OutlierDetectionStep TSO, and Spec2Pipeline TSO.
2021-03-04 jwst_0699.pmap archived Initial rmap to enable pars-outlierdetectionstep for NIRISS.
2021-03-04 jwst_0698.pmap archived Initial references for the NIRCam processing of the following. Default Dark1Pipeline, Default Detector1Pipeline, Detector1Pipeline TSO, Image2Pipeline TSO, Image2Pipiline WFSC, OutlierDetectionStep, and Spec2Pipeline TSO
2021-03-04 jwst_0697.pmap archived Initial references for the MIRI processing of the following. Default Dark1Pipeline, Default Detector1Pipeline, Detector1Pipeline TSO, Image2Pipeline TSO, OutlierDetectionStep TSO, and Spec2Pipeline TSO
2021-03-04 jwst_0696.pmap archived Initial references for the FGS processing of the following. Default Dark1Pipeline, Default Detector1Pipeline, Detector1Pipeline TSO, and Image2Pipeline TSO
2021-03-04 jwst_0695.pmap archived Initial rmaps to enable pars-darkpipeline, pars-detector1pipeline, and pars-image2pipeline for NIRSpec. Updated pars-spec2pipeline for new selection criteria.
2021-03-04 jwst_0694.pmap archived Initial rmaps to enable pars-darkpipeline, pars-detector1pipeline, pars-outlierdetectionstep, and pars-spec2pipline for NIRISS. Updated pars-image2pipeline for new selection criteria.
2021-03-04 jwst_0693.pmap archived Initial rmaps to enable pars-darkpipeline, pars-detector1pipeline, pars-image2pipeline, pars-spec2pipline, and pars-outlierdetectionstep for NIRCam.
2021-03-04 jwst_0692.pmap archived Initial rmaps to enable pars-darkpipeline, pars-detector1pipeline, pars-image2pipeline, and par-spec2pipline for MIRI. Updated pars-outlierdetectionstep to include TSOVISIT has a selection criteria.
2021-03-04 jwst_0691.pmap archived Initial rmaps to enable pars-darkpipeline, pars-detector1pipeline, and pars-image2pipeline for FGS.
2021-03-04 jwst_0690.pmap archived The files being delivered are new MIRI parameter reference files for the outlier detection pipeline step. The reference files specify the best parameters to be used for various modes and filters. The outlier detection modes covered are all imaging modes, LRS slit and MRS modes.
2021-03-04 jwst_0689.pmap archived Initial rmap for the MIRI outlier detection step parameter files.
2021-03-03 jwst_0688.pmap archived During SIR3 testing, CAR 041 will test the process of making changes to subarray locations via a single NIRSpec ALLSLITS observation, which will be made with a 1 pixel shift applied subarray corners. These dummy reference files are needed to ensure that the pipeline can run on the files which have shifted subarray locations.
2021-03-01 jwst_0687.pmap archived The new MIRI Full frame Imager flat files correct the pixel area usage to align with the expectations of the pipeline. These new files also update the DQ masks to set pixels to DO NOT USE if they are also flagged as NON SCIENCE. The headers were updated to include FASTGRPAVGnn modes where the filters will be used for target acquisition. There were a number of updates made to these files that were needed in order to properly flat field the science files and provide keywords needed for new read out patterns that were not accounted for in previous versions.
2021-02-25 jwst_0686.pmap archived Update system_calver for JWST releases 1.1.x
2021-02-25 jwst_0685.pmap archived These dark current reference files were created using data from CV3 testing. The data values in the files were created using a strategy agreed upon by the NIRCam instrument team and IDT. For nominal pixels in the shortwave detectors the dark current signal values have been set to 0 in all groups. This is because the dark current signal is so low that it could not be accurately measured in ground testing, and is masked by the noise. Pixels showing dark current rates more than 5-sigma above the detector-wide mean in the mean slope image contain non-zero signal values. For these pixels, we extrapolated their values in the mean rate image to the exposure times associated with all frames. These files contain 187 groups, which corresponds to 2000 seconds of exposure time. This is double the recommended maximum exposure time for a NIRCam exposure. For the longwave detectors, which exhibit a higher signal glow, we retain the more traditional method for creating the dark reference files. After flagging and omitting all groups containing and subsequent to cosmic rays, we used the sigma-clipped mean value for each pixel in each group as the value in the dark reference file. Therefore, all pixels in the longwave dark reference files have non-zero values. These files are limited to the 108 groups contained in the original CV3 data.
2021-02-25 jwst_0684.pmap archived New pmap to point to the new MIRI imap, where the entry for WCSREGIONS was set to N/A.
2021-02-24 jwst_0683.pmap archived These dark current reference files were created using data from CV3 testing. The data values in the files were created using a strategy agreed upon by the NIRCam instrument team and IDT. For nominal pixels in the shortwave detectors the dark current signal values have been set to 0 in all groups. This is because the dark current signal is so low that it could not be accurately measured in ground testing, and is masked by the noise. Pixels showing dark current rates more than 5-sigma above the detector-wide mean in the mean slope image contain non-zero signal values. For these pixels, we extrapolated their values in the mean rate image to the exposure times associated with all frames. These files contain 187 groups, which corresponds to 2000 seconds of exposure time. This is double the recommended maximum exposure time for a NIRCam exposure.
2021-02-24 jwst_0682.pmap archived Update system_calver for JWST release 1.X.X
2021-02-24 jwst_0681.pmap archived As per CRDS 401, this file is being delivered to allow the cube build step to run on NIRSpec IFU lamp exposures.
2021-02-23 jwst_0680.pmap archived The NIRSpec cubepar reference file, jwst_nirspec_cubepar_0004.fits is being removed because meta.instrument.lamp_mode, or OPMODE, was incorrectly set.
2021-02-22 jwst_0679.pmap archived As per CRDS 401, this file is being delivered to allow the cube build step to run on NIRSpec IFU lamp exposures.
2021-02-18 jwst_0678.pmap archived The NIRISS linearity rmap was updated to remove jwst_niriss_linearity_0005.fits and jwst_niriss_linearity_0012.fits, and change the USEAFTER date for jwst_niriss_linearity_0013.fits. jwst_niriss_linearity_0005.fits is no longer being used for calibration, and jwst_niriss_linearity_0013.fits replaces jwst_niriss_linearity_0012.fits - where the former had an incorrect USEAFTER date.
2021-02-18 jwst_0677.pmap archived The change to the reference file is to fix the pixels wherein the linearity fitting failed. These should have coefficients that cause no change in the input ramp values, e.q. coefficients 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0. but the previous file has coefficients of -99 for the quadratic and higher terms. This caused issues in the pipeline output ramp slopes, since it still calculates ramps slopes for the pixels that have no linearity coefficients.
2021-02-12 jwst_0676.pmap archived Update for Build 7.7
2021-02-11 jwst_0675.pmap archived Update pars-spec2pipeline reference files to enable cube_build in the spec2pipeline for NIRSpec line lamp IFU exposures
2021-02-10 jwst_0674.pmap archived In order to support cross-dichroic observations to be obtained in commissioning for the MIRI MRS detector, multiple steps in spec2 require specialized cross-dichroic reference files. Such files already exist for PHOTOM, but new files are required for assign_wcs, flat, fringe, and straylight. Likewise, an updated cube_build reference file is required. This set of new files, including flat, fringe, distortion, cubebuild, wavelengthrange, regions, and specwcs files, will enable cross-dichroic observations to run through the spec2 pipeline steps. For full details, check the Jira ticket JWSTMIRI-201.
2021-02-04 jwst_0673.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec cubepar rmap to have CRDS select on LAMP_MODE - header keyword, OPMODE. See JIRA issue CRDS-401 for more details.
2021-01-27 jwst_0672.pmap archived These flats are the final step in the process of delivering separate flats for each of NIRCams two coronagraphic masks, MASKBAR and MASKRND. At the moment, the data in the MASKBAR and MASKRND flats are identical. We are using separate files for them in anticipation of mask dependent flats that will be produced with in flight data.
2021-01-25 jwst_0671.pmap archived Delivering an updated jwst_fgs_photom__.rmap so that only the images not the guides run through the photom calibration step.
2021-01-22 jwst_0670.pmap archived The NIRCam flat rmap was updated in order to add filter values to cover engineering-only filter/pupil combinations, standardize the list of pupil values in our imaging mode flats, in order to cover missing combinations, and update entries that match both MASKRND and MASKBAR to match only one of these. A copy of the reference file will be delivered to cover the value that was deleted. See JIRA issue CRDS-406 for more details.
2021-01-21 jwst_0669.pmap archived These files are for the possibility of having to tune the Guider detectors on-orbit. The sub-arrays here are only used for the purpose and not for science operations or other calibrations. The old files had some issues with the SUBSTRT1 and SUBSTRT2 values for the small sub-arrays. These issues are corrected here.
2021-01-15 jwst_0668.pmap archived Pipeline testing indicated that the MIRI MRS cube wavelength ranges constructed using the cubepar reference file are slightly too long in some bands e.g., 3C. The wavelength ranges were previously computed by looking at differences in min max wavelength between slices but did not take into account tilts in the isolambda across slices, a much smaller effect. The new MIRI MRS cubepar reference file delivered here tweaks the wavelength ranges slightly to account for this effect. This represents only a minor values change e.g., from 18.07 to 18.05 microns.
2021-01-14 jwst_0667.pmap archived These new MIRI saturation files contain a single value for all the pixels, including the reference pixels. The DQ flags are all set to zero. In fact, all three detectors are set with the same value since there was no significant difference in the files created for each detector separately using CV3 saturated data. Previous versions of these files had different values per pixel which had reflected the illumination pattern. These new files fix that problem by having only a single value.
2021-01-14 jwst_0666.pmap archived For the testing of Build 7.7, the MIRI RESET rmap needed to be updated to reflect READPATT=N/A for all FASTGRPAVG cases - FASTGRPAVG8, FASTGRPAVG16, FASTGRPAVG32, and FASTGRPAVG64.
2021-01-11 jwst_0665.pmap archived If tuning is required on-orbit, these JWST FGS dark reference files will be needed to run the data through the pipeline-there are no measured darks for these sub-arrays from ground testing. In addition, it is expected that the dark current will change with the tuning parameters. Using a cut-out of the full frame Guider darks will imprint noise on the tuning data, which is not wanted to be the case. Hence, these dark reference files were made with zero signal so that the dark subtraction step will not change the input data. See JIRA issue CRDS-396 for more details.
2021-01-07 jwst_0664.pmap archived The NIRSpec file was replaced by jwst_nirspec_extract1d_0001.asdf and would cause problems with calibration.
2021-01-07 jwst_0663.pmap archived New NIRSpec IFU APCORR and EXTRACT1D files required by the new code in JWST pipeline b7.7
2021-01-07 jwst_0662.pmap archived Delivery of new NIRSpec apcorr rmap
2021-01-07 jwst_0661.pmap archived Updated MIRI readnoise, dark, and flat rmaps for subarrays FULL, MASK1065, MASK1140, MASK1550, MASKLYOT and SLITLESSPRISM to cover FAST and all FASTGRPAVGn modes - where n is blank, 8, 16, 32 or 64. The standalone entries for FASTGRPAVG were also removed for the dark and readnoise rmaps. See JIRA issue CRDS-370 for more information.
2021-01-06 jwst_0660.pmap archived Updating the MIRI Reset RMAP to resolve the problem documented in JIRA issue CRDS-404. There is no reset correction for FASTGRPAVG data so this step needs to be skipped. Eventually the MIRI team will submit files for SLOW mode, but since they might not do it on time for Build 7.7, we are going to skip that case too. Once they submit these SLOW mode files we will need to update this RMAP.
2021-01-06 jwst_0659.pmap archived New MIRI apcorr reference file in asdf format. The JWST pipeline Extract1D code has been updated to fix significant bugs in the algorithm used for processing IFU data. As part of this update the Extract1D and Aperture Correction reference files have changed format substantially, and migrated from FITS to ASDF format. The files being delivered are MIRI IFU mode extract_1d and apcorr reference files in this new format. They have to be delivered with updates to the pipeline as the pipeline updates will not work with the old files, and the old pipeline will not work with the new files.
2021-01-06 jwst_0658.pmap archived Removing the MIRI apcorr reference file entry for MIR_MRS modes in order to prevent two files having the same matching rules. A new file, in asdf format, will be delivered in its place.
2021-01-06 jwst_0657.pmap archived Copying the extract1d reference file for MIR_MRS exposures, using asdf format, from the TEST server to OPS. The JWST pipeline Extract1D code has been updated to fix significant bugs in the algorithm used for processing IFU data. As part of this update the Extract1D and Aperture Correction reference files have changed format substantially, and migrated from FITS to ASDF format. The files being delivered are MIRI IFU mode extract_1d and apcorr reference files in this new format. They have to be delivered with updates to the pipeline as the pipeline updates will not work with the old files, and the old pipeline will not work with the new files.
2021-01-06 jwst_0656.pmap archived Removing MIRI extract1d entry for MIR_MRS exposure types in order to prevent duplicate matching rules when an updated version of the file, in asdf format, is delivered.
2021-01-05 jwst_0655.pmap archived Initial delivery of MIRI pars-tweakregstep reference files
2021-01-05 jwst_0654.pmap archived Initial delivery of the MIRI pars-tweakregstep rmap
2021-01-05 jwst_0653.pmap archived Initial delivery of NIRCam pars-tweakregstep reference files
2021-01-05 jwst_0652.pmap archived Initial delivery of the NIRCam pars-tweakregstep rmap
2021-01-05 jwst_0651.pmap archived Initial delivery of the FGS files into OPS.
2021-01-05 jwst_0650.pmap archived Initial delivery of the FGS rmap into OPS.
2021-01-05 jwst_0649.pmap archived Delivery of new NIRISS tweakreg parameter reference files into OPS
2021-01-05 jwst_0648.pmap archived Initial rmaps for pars-tweakregstep for NIRISS
2020-12-22 jwst_0647.pmap archived resample_spec step updated to enable processing of nirspec fixed slit and msaspec line lamp exposures
2020-12-22 jwst_0646.pmap archived These files contain the results of an improved fitting of the linearity coefficients for the NIRISS detector. Both the coefficients and the associated linearity limit values are being updated with this delivery.
2020-12-17 jwst_0645.pmap archived These reference files are being removed because they have useafter dates one second older than the files which replaced them, causing them to become orphaned - active reference files that will never be used in calibration.
2020-11-19 jwst_0644.pmap archived Manually update the pmap to point to all the manually-updated imaps to define all step parameter reftypes.
2020-10-26 jwst_0643.pmap archived The NIRSpec area, dflat, fflat, flat, fpa, and sflat rmaps were updated as part of the implementation of NRS_VERIFY as an exposure type. See JIRA issues CRDS-380 and JP-1423 for more information.
2020-09-30 jwst_0642.pmap archived The new NIRISS gain reference file was created using new Python scripts adapted from an IDL version of the same algorithm. This file is described in technical report JWST-STScI-005661. It was made using the same set of CV3 darks as the previous version of this file. IPC corrections differ slightly from the previous version due to newly calculated smaller corrections resulting in more pronounced epoxy void regions. Gaussian smoothing is applied after patching and IPC correction to remove edges between the 20x20 px tiles over which the gain is calculated. The mean gain over the illuminated region of the detector is 1.6221 plusminus 0.036, compared to the previous mean of 1.6246 plusminus 0.046 electrons per DN. The smoothing does not change either the overall mean or the four channel means by a significant amount.
2020-09-10 jwst_0641.pmap archived As indicated in the referenced JIRA issues, an error occurred during SOC 2.1 validation testing due to missing SUPERBIAS and DARK reference files for NRS1, SUB2048, and DISPERSER set to MIRROR. These dummy files were created to fill this gap in coverage. Reference files with real data will be submitted when such data becomes available.
2020-09-04 jwst_0640.pmap archived Initial delivery of the NIRISS pars-image2pipeline reference file. See JIRA issues CRDS-364, CCD-688, and JP-1246 for more details.
2020-09-04 jwst_0639.pmap archived Baseline NIRISS pars-image2pipeline rmap
2020-09-02 jwst_0638.pmap archived Update for build 7.6
2020-08-19 jwst_0637.pmap archived This reference file is the first dark current reference file for NRCA2 that contains realistic data. Previous reference files were populated with unrealistic pixel values, and were intended for pipeline testing and development. This reference file, which was created using dark current observations taken during ground testing in CV3, will provide a much more realistic dark current subtraction.
2020-08-13 jwst_0636.pmap archived The default cube building approach used a modified Shepard interpolation scheme in which the weights decrease with increasing radius. The index of this weight function is subject to optimization. Using simulated data, its shown there is substantially better performance using the e raised to -r form instead, which declines more smoothly with radius.
2020-08-11 jwst_0635.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec camera, collimator, dflat, disperser, fflat, flat, fore, fpa, ifufore, ifupost, ifuslicer, msa, ote, sflat, and wavelengthrange rmaps which will allow processing of lamp exposures with updated pipeline code, and should have no effect on non-lamp exposures. Note that some of the rmaps make use of a new PARKEY META.INSTRUMENT.LAMP_MODE, which is derived from the FITS keyword OPMODE. The jwst datamodels have already been updated to set the attribute META.INSTRUMENT.LAMP_MODE to the string NONE if the OPMODE keyword is not present in the primary header of the science data. See JIRA issues, JP-473 and CRDS-363 for more information.
2020-08-11 jwst_0634.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of the NIRSpec pars-spec2pipeline reference files, which enables NIRSpec lamp processing. See JIRA issue CRDS-363 for more details.
2020-08-10 jwst_0633.pmap archived The NIRISS flat rmap is being updated in order to eliminate an equal weight special case condition where two or more reference files would be equally weighted by CRDS, thus causing the calibration pipeline to crash.
2020-08-10 jwst_0632.pmap archived These NIRISS Flat files should be deleted since they have been replaced by newer versions
2020-08-04 jwst_0631.pmap archived The reference files here were created by Chris Willott from the ISIM Cryo-vacuum 3 test data. There are only small differences in the imaging flats compared to the current ones in the system, but new files these were created by use of the JWST pipeline while the current ones were made with IDL scripts. Hence it is more consistent to use the new imaging flats in place of the old ones. In terms of the grism flats, Chris produces a better patching of the occulting spots than is currently the case in the CRDS files, which is therefore better for science. The new bad pixel mask sets some pixels to DO_NOT_USE whereas the current CRDS bad pixel mask from a few years ago does not do so because the criteria for making this determination had not been established. There are significant differences between this bad pixel mask from Chris Willott, the current bad pixel mask, or the bad pixel mask created by the jwst_reffiles software. The cause of these differences is not known, but use of the new mask does improve the level 3 pipeline outputs for imaging and WFSS modes hence it is best to change the file now and leave the question of further improvements for later.
2020-07-20 jwst_0630.pmap archived New photom reference files are being delivered to CRDS for MIRI LRS slit and slitless modes. These files removed the zero padding of the data arrays and improved upon the other values in the arrays.
2020-07-17 jwst_0629.pmap archived Initial rmap for NIRSpec pars-spec2pipline reference
2020-07-09 jwst_0628.pmap archived Updated the NIRCam APCORR rmap to return NA for EXP_TYPE=NRC_TSIMAGE. See JIRA issue CRDS-356 for more information.
2020-07-09 jwst_0627.pmap archived The entry for the file, jwst_nircam_apcorr_0002.fits, is being removed from the NIRCam APCORR rmap because the matching rule associated with it is mostly duplicated by the matching rule for jwst_nircam_apcorr_0004.fits, which was delivered on July 8. The new file eliminates the EXP_TYPE, NRC_TSGRISM, which does have the aperture correction applied. See JIRA issue CRDS-356.
2020-07-08 jwst_0626.pmap archived This updated imaging mode aperture correction reference file corrects two small issues with the previous version. First, at the request of the TSO Working Group, NRC_TSIMAGE has been removed from the list of modes to which this file applies. Secondly, the pedigree of the file has been changed from DUMMY to GROUND, since the data in the file are the calculated best-estimates of the aperture corrections, rather than dummy data.
2020-06-30 jwst_0625.pmap archived The previous version of the JWST MIRI LRS apcorr file had a column, nelem_wl, defined as data type uint16 rather than a regular signed integer, int16 as specified in the JWST data model, which caused problems in the pipeline. This column data type has been updated in this version of the file. No science data has been changed. Further details can be found in JWSTMIRI-118.
2020-06-24 jwst_0624.pmap archived Update to NIRCam APCORR rmap to add NA for TSGRISM modes. This is being done to avoid problems with this type of data during calibration. See JIRA issue CRDS-356 for more information.
2020-06-19 jwst_0623.pmap archived The NIRSpec READNOISE rmap is being updated to split the matching rules for files 0035 and 0036, which can be used for either READPATT= NRS or NRSRAPID. There is a rule for READPATT=NRSRAPID, with a different USEAFTER, which causes a problem with CRDS matching. The NRSRAPID matching rules will now contain an entry for both of the files, while there will be a separate rule for READPATT=NRS for each of the files. Note that the 0035 file is for the NRS2 detector, while the 0036 file is for NRS1.
2020-06-16 jwst_0622.pmap archived Updated NIRISS APCORR rmap to include an entry which covers exposure types other than NIS_IMAGE and NIS_WFSS and was set to NA for the reference file. See JIRA issue CRDS-336 for more information.
2020-06-03 jwst_0621.pmap archived Initial delivery to the CRDS server of NIRSpec spectroscopic apcorr files. See JIRA tickets JP 1049, CRDS 351, and CRDS 338 for details on their format and construction.
2020-06-02 jwst_0620.pmap archived As described in JIRA ticket CRDS 320, current versions of the pipeline require subarray corner locations which have changed since the CDP3 reference file delivery. These readnoise files were created from a CDP4 predelivery, using data from OTIS testing which was collected with the updated subarray corners.
2020-05-27 jwst_0619.pmap archived The Imager file corrected the incorrect subarray name BRIGHT to BRIGHTSKY. Imager file also added exptypes of mirtacq and mirtaconfirm. The MRS and LRS files were updated to add header keywords of sizeunit and waveunit to act as a workaround for the pipeline code where the pipeline lost the units for the arrays when reading in the reference files. The pipeline needed the new header keywords in order to run.
2020-05-27 jwst_0618.pmap archived In the case of the WFSS APCORR file two header keywords with units were added to the FITS file extension header as per request from SCSB in CRDS-351. For the imaging APCORR file the Table values have changed due to a correction in the code used to produce the values, and so the file needs to be replaced by a new version.
2020-05-18 jwst_0617.pmap archived Updated the MIRI APCORR rmap to add MIR_TACQ and MIR_TACONFIRM to the imaging file entry. See JIRA issue CRDS-350 for more information.
2020-05-18 jwst_0616.pmap archived A new schema was created for the filteroffset files to enable NIRCam and other instruments to use them as well as MIRI. In order to make this file compatible with the needs of the other instruments and datamodel schema, the name column for the MIRI files was changed to filter, and a column for pupil was added, with all MIRI entries set to NA.
2020-05-15 jwst_0615.pmap archived This updated version of the spectroscopic aperture correction file is identical to the previous version with the exception of the WAVEUNIT and SIZEUNIT header keywords added to the first extension of the file. These keywords were recently added to the definition of the reference file format.
2020-05-07 jwst_0614.pmap archived These files are needed to go along with an update in the RSCD step of the jwst calibration pipeline. These reference files contain 5 extensions in a binary fits table. The first extension contains the information for the baseline correction which skips a specified number of groups. The next 4 extensions contain the binary tables for the enhanced RSCD correction. Pipeline developers still need to update the enhanced RSCD correction to read this data.
2020-05-07 jwst_0613.pmap archived The JWST Photometry Working Group, JPWG, has requested both AB and Vega magnitudes in the source catalog. The new reference file contains a table of the offsets to convert from AB mag to Vega mag for each filter.
2020-05-07 jwst_0612.pmap archived Initial delivery of rmap for NIRISS ABVEGAOFFSET files.
2020-05-07 jwst_0611.pmap archived The JWST Photometry Working Group, JPWG, has requested both AB and Vega magnitudes in the source catalog. The new reference file contains a table of the offsets to convert from AB mag to Vega mag for each filter.
2020-05-07 jwst_0610.pmap archived Initial delivery of rmap for MIRI ABVEGAOFFSET files.
2020-05-07 jwst_0609.pmap archived The JWST Photometry Working Group, JPWG, has requested both AB and Vega magnitudes in the source catalog. The new reference file contains a table of the offsets to convert from AB mag to Vega mag for each filter.
2020-05-07 jwst_0608.pmap archived Initial rmap delivery of FGS ABVEGAOFFSET files.
2020-05-07 jwst_0607.pmap archived The JWST Photometry Working Group, JPWG, has requested both AB and Vega magnitudes in the source catalog. The new reference file contains a table of the offsets to convert from AB mag to Vega mag for each filter.
2020-05-07 jwst_0606.pmap archived Initial rmap delivery for NIRCAM ABVEGAOFFSET files.
2020-05-07 jwst_0605.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of dummy APCORR files for pipeline development.
2020-05-07 jwst_0604.pmap archived Initial rmap for NIRSpec APCORR reference files.
2020-05-07 jwst_0603.pmap archived This reference file is needed for the source catalogue step in the JWST pipeline. The estimated values of the encircled energy radii, the signal corrections, and the sky aperture inner and outer radii are given in the FITS table, extension 1 of the file. Values are selected by FILTER, PUPIL, and EEFRACTION. The radius values are needed by the source catalogue step because these are filter dependent. Values are given for encircled energy fractions from 0.2 to 0.8 in steps of 0.1. The signal correction values allow for the effect of sky subtraction. All values are calculated from a grid of WebbPSF images, corrected for IPC effects.
2020-05-07 jwst_0602.pmap archived Initial rmap for NIRISS APCORR reference files
2020-05-07 jwst_0601.pmap archived The NIRCam imaging APCORR reference files will no longer be selected via detector due to where this file will be used in the pipeline. The exposures are combined by the time it gets to source_catalog, so the detector information is not really needed. See JIRA CRDS-315 for more information.
2020-05-07 jwst_0600.pmap archived Initial rmap for NIRCAM APCORR reference files
2020-05-07 jwst_0599.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of the new MIRI Imager Aperture correction file to be used in the source catalog stage of the calwebb image3 pipeline. It contains columns for filter and subarray, which are the selection criteria, as well as eefraction, radius, aperture correction value and a skyin and skyout values in pixels. This delivery is needed as the code is still being developed and needs this file to run properly.
2020-05-07 jwst_0598.pmap archived Initial rmap for MIRI APCORR reference files.
2020-05-07 jwst_0597.pmap archived These aperture correction files are needed for the source catalogue step in the JWST pipeline. In the case of the Guider the selection is on EEFRACTION and which guider detector is being used. File guider1_ref_apcorr.fits is nominally for Guider 1 and file guider2_ref_apcorr.fits is nominally for Guider 2. Currently the two files are identical in terms of the values in aperture correction table, in extension 1, because the values are derived from WebbPSF simulations and WebbPSF does not differentiate the two Guider detectors. The Table gives the encircled energy radius values and the photometric corrections associated with them, corrected for stellar light outside the given aperture but within the sky background aperture, plus the radius values for the sky background aperture. The radius values are inputs to the source catalogue step. The photometric correction factors are given for encircled energy fractions from 0.2 to 0.8 in steps of 0.1.
2020-05-07 jwst_0596.pmap archived Initial rmap for FGS APCORR reference files.
2020-05-06 jwst_0595.pmap archived Update to NIRCam FILTEROFFSET rmap to USEAFTERs from 2019-12-01 to 2015-06-01
2020-05-06 jwst_0594.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of the new NIRCam filter offset reference files to be used in the assign WCS step of the stage 2 pipelines. This is a new reference file for NIRCam, but not a new reference file type. The filter offset data model used by MIRI was updated to allow for NIRCam filter and pupil combinations. The tables in the file contain columns for filter and pupil, along with the corresponding row and column offset. This delivery is needed as the exposures will have a WCS that is not completely correct without this change.
2020-05-06 jwst_0593.pmap archived Initial rmap for NIRCam FILTEROFFSET reference files.
2020-05-05 jwst_0592.pmap archived Update CALVER for Build 7.5, version 0.16 of JWST package
2020-04-21 jwst_0591.pmap archived Adding asdf_standard_requirement to the header to restrict the ASDF Standard version to less than 1.5 in deliveries of .asdf and .fits files with an ASDF extension. This is needed to prevent delivery of files that will be incompatible with current calibration code, which cannot yet handle ASDF Standard 1.5.0.
2020-04-10 jwst_0589.pmap archived As per JIRA issue CRDS 323, these are NRS1 SUB512 bias and dark files for non PRISM modes. SUB512 is only recommended for PRISM modes, but pipeline testing requires that these reference files exist, since the subarray is selectable in APT for other modes.
2020-04-02 jwst_0588.pmap archived The rmap for nirspec sflats had an entry for all exposure types that are not to be flatfielded with an sflat except for the NRS_LAMP and NRS_AUTOFLAT. This made calspec2 processing of NRS_LAMP and NRS_AUTOFLAT exposures fail at the first hurdle. These exposure types were added to the rmap, which returns an sflat reference file of NA.
2020-03-13 jwst_0587.pmap archived Update of CALVER for the 0.15.x releases of the JWST calibration software.
2020-03-03 jwst_0586.pmap archived A new FGS PHOTOM rmap delivery is necessary because exposures with EXP_TYPE=FGS_FOCUS in the current rmap are triggering an error in the calwebb_image2 pipeline when trying to run the PHOTOM step. This exposure type specification selects a very old PHOTOM reference file, jwst_fgs_photom_0011.fits, that is missing the DATAMODL keyword in its header, which confuses the pipeline and causes an error in the PHOTOM step process. Since the new FGS PHOTOM reference files get used for EXP_TYPE=FGS_IMAGE, the exposure criteria in the rmap needs to be updated to include FGS_FOCUS because focus images and regular images should receive the same processing. Also, old FGS PHOTOM reference files should be removed from the rmap because they are no longer compatible with the latest pipeline software. See JIRA issue CRDS-333 for more details.
2020-02-25 jwst_0585.pmap archived These files replace previous REFPIX files were delivered without DQ extensions. In addition, the TZERO3 keyword in the DQ extension has been changed to an integer.
2020-02-17 jwst_0584.pmap archived The MIRI LRS PHOTOM files are being updated after corrections to the analysis procedure used to create them. Specifically the implementation of slit loss factors and extraction aperture were inaccurate. This problem should now be fixed
2020-02-07 jwst_0583.pmap archived As described in the JIRA tickets listed above, a number of NIRSpec biases and darks for the SUB1024A, SUB1024B, SUB512, SUB512s, and SUB32 subarrays were either missing, or had been previously delivered with the wrong subarray corners or orientation. This delivery contains corrected files to supply or replace these. Note that many of the files are placeholders, and the data arrays have been set to 0. Future deliveries will provide actual reference file data, once it has been received by NIRSpec.
2020-01-24 jwst_0582.pmap archived This NIRCam readnoise delivery derived from CV3 data is to correct cosmic ray flagging for data without reference pixels. Data taken with subarrays that dont have reference pixels, and thus no reference pixel correction, were getting almost entirely flagged as cosmic ray hits when run through the pipeline due to our current readnoise reference files. For this reason, we created new readnoise reference files for use on all data without reference pixels. We also redeliver the old readnoise reference files from the corresponding detectors, but the only change in these old files is the addition of the P_SUBARR keyword.
2020-01-15 jwst_0581.pmap archived CRDS weighted matching logic for reference files has jwst_miri_flat_0472.fits and jwst_miri_flat_0535.fits weighted equally, causing there to be two valid files for some cases. The rmap is being updated to remove the NA from READPATT and replace it with specific values FAST, FASTGRPAVG, and SLOW using or-bars. Additionally, the READPATT value of NA for jwst_miri_flat_0473.fits is being replaced by SLOW in order to avert any future problems.
2020-01-08 jwst_0580.pmap archived Removing MIRI flats with READPATT = ANY. These were meant to be replaced with files containing READPATT = N/A. See JIRA ticket CRDS-328.
2019-12-13 jwst_0579.pmap archived Per ticket JP 834 cube build has been modified to allow for an exponential falloff to the radial weight function. This update requires a corresponding update to the reference files to provide the default parameters for the choice of an exponential profile. Pull request 4313 cannot be merged until this updated file is present in crds, as it will otherwise cause a pipeline crash. The new reference file is backwards compatible, in that it will not crash the current pipeline, just provide extra information that the current pipeline will ignore.
2019-12-10 jwst_0578.pmap archived Fixes jira ticket JWSTDMS-216. Datasets with MIRI EXP_TYPE TACONFIRM are failing in build 7.4 of the data pipeline. The rmap changes here should fix these problems.
2019-12-10 jwst_0577.pmap archived Removes the SUBPRISM subarray from the MIRI dark file jwst_miri_dark_0048.fits.
2019-12-09 jwst_0576.pmap archived CRDS and pipeline have now been updated to use the SLITLESSPRISM subarray name rather than SUBPRISM, therefore remove the SUBPRISM specific reference files.
2019-12-06 jwst_0575.pmap archived We have a list of MIRI reference files that are still valid in the current context and showing up on the jwst-crds pages. Many of these had mismatched USEAFTER dates that prevented them from being replaced with the more recent versions during deliveries of updated files. The files should be removed from the context as they are not current and have been replaced by updated files.
2019-12-04 jwst_0574.pmap archived These files are being redelivered after testing by J. Schreiber, MPIA Heielberg and MIRI IDT member, revealed an error in how the values in the table were derived. The spectral response values are supposed to be provided on a per pixel basis, whereas the previous version still assumed a spectral extraction aperture. In this new table, the values were divided by the number of pixels assumed in the aperture, so as to represent the spectral response conversion per pixel, which is how the calibration step is applied. There were no changes to the format of the file, or how the reference data are supposed to be applied to the science data.
2019-12-03 jwst_0573.pmap archived The NIRCam PHOTOM reference files, jwst_nircam_photom_0053.fits - jwst_nircam_photom_0061.fits and jwst_nircam_photom_0063.fits are being removed due to duplicate matching rules with EXP_TYPEs NRC_CORON, NRC_FLAT, NRC_IMAGE, NRC_TACONFIRM, NRC_TACQ, NRC_TSIMAGE for files activated on 2019-12-03
2019-12-02 jwst_0572.pmap archived Update to NIRISS PHOTOM rmap to include NIS_FOCUS due to failures seen in Level2b processing failures. See JIRA issue CRDS-322 for more information.
2019-12-02 jwst_0571.pmap archived These photom reference files replace those delivered two months ago. Their data in the tables are identical to those in the files being replaced. The only difference is the addition of NRC_FOCUS to the P_EXP_TY header keywords. This is added so that these reference files will be selected for NRC_FOCUS observations. In the previous version of these files without NRC_FOCUS in the exp_type list, the photom reference files selected for NRC_FOCUS data were dummy files with a file format that no longer matches what the pipeline expects.
2019-11-20 jwst_0570.pmap archived These are dummy PSFMASK files to fill in the missing modes for SUBARRAY FULL and SUB320A335R in the NIRCam F444W filter.
2019-11-14 jwst_0569.pmap archived Update to NIRCam PSFMASK rmap where obsolete MASK values MASK210R, MASK335R, MASK430R, MASKLWB, and MASKSWB were updated to MASKA210R, MASKA335R, MASKA430R, MASKALWB, and MASKASWB, respectively. See JIRA issue JWSTDMS-63 for more information.
2019-11-12 jwst_0568.pmap archived This is a redelivery of the FGS dark and superbias rmaps. The previous versions of the files had had the subarray names inadvertently changed back to their old names after validation errors occurred during a reprocessing run. This delivery restores the rmaps to what they were previous to the last delivery - the subarray names are now correct.
2019-11-11 jwst_0567.pmap archived Updated photom parameter to fix Level2a failures were seen with the following msg for some NIRISS cases in nOPS6
2019-11-08 jwst_0566.pmap archived Update to the naming of the sub arrays in the JWST FSG dark and superbias. This should correct the bug that was found in JIRA issue CRDS-321
2019-11-08 jwst_0565.pmap archived Updates to the NIRSpec photom rmap to change the USEAFTER dates to 2010-01-01. See JIRA issue CRDS-310 for more information.
2019-11-07 jwst_0564.pmap archived Removes files from the NIRSpec PHOTOM rmap that needed to be replaced with updated reference files that were delivered on October 23, 2019. Sets the updated reference files to 2010-01-01.
2019-10-31 jwst_0563.pmap archived Updated NIRCam distortion mapping to remove old files that contain incorrect astrometric solutions and should not be used.
2019-10-31 jwst_0562.pmap archived These new NIRCam distortion reference files were created using the astrometric solution contained in the PRD as of 24 Oct 2019. Using pysiaf version 0.6.1, the polynomial coefficients and other aspects of the distortion model were placed into these reference files. Previous coefficients, and the previous reference files that used them, were incorrect in that coordinates did not round trip from science x, y to v2, v3, and back to science x, y properly. These new files contain coefficients that correct that error. Details of this correction are documented in the JIRA tickets JWSTSIAF-161 and JWSTSIAF-123. In addition, these new files correctly reflect the possible exposure types for each astrometric solution. Target acquisition and TA confirmation images can be taken either with or without the coronagraphic wedge in the pupil, and therefore the NRC_TACQ and NRC_TACONFIRM exposure types must be included in both the imaging and coronagraphy reference files. Also included in this delivery are distortion reference files for coronagraphic observations using the module B detectors. Observers are not currently allowed to take coronagraphic observations using module B, but this may change in the future.
2019-10-29 jwst_0561.pmap archived jwst_miri_flat_0245.fits has a USEAFTER of 2014, which is more recent than the USEAFTER of a newer file, which has a 2013 date, and would keep the new file from being used for any new data, and so it should be removed. See JIRA issue CRDS-268 for more information.
2019-10-25 jwst_0560.pmap archived The MIRI MRS PHOTOM files were updated to be a multiplicative correction rather than a division in order to work with build 7.4 of the photom step. These files comply with the format specified in JP-1018. This update was necessary to have reference files that worked with an update to the pipeline. The MIRI Instrument Design Team has changed their approach to creating the pixel flats, and no longer believes that the pixel flats used previously are properly representative of the actual relative responsivity of the detectors. In particular, any benefits provided by percent-level pixel-to-pixel corrections were dwarfed by about ten percent level systematics in the previous algorithm near the edges of the IFU slices. In a continuing effort to better characterize the instrument performance the flatfield and PHOTOM analysis efforts have been merged together. While analysis is ongoing the values in the pixel flats have been replaced by dummy values, 1.0, so that they do not degrade the quality of the calibrated data products using the new PHOTOM reference files. This change should produce improved performance for both ground test data and simulated data. The MIRI data simulator will soon also be adopting the updated FLAT and PHOTOM files.
2019-10-25 jwst_0559.pmap archived Failure to process LOS Jitter data using module B revealed that the current reference files for module A, SUB8FP1A, is actually a DUMMY file that will never be replaced. This type of data is used by the WFSC team and they do not require to have DARK correction as they are going to use their own tools to analyze the data. As such, we decided that rather than adding yet another Dummy file for module B we should remove the existing one for module A and change the RMAP so the DARK correction is not applied to this type of data.
2019-10-24 jwst_0558.pmap archived Initial delivery of NIRSpec PHOTOM reference files with datamodels separated by mode. See JIRA ticket JP 1018 for specifications.
2019-10-24 jwst_0557.pmap archived This is the first delivery of separate MIRI LRS fixed slit and slitless files. The single file previously delivered was split into separate parts in order to allow different pixel area keyword values for the two modes. There are now individual files for fixed slit mode and for slitless mode
2019-10-24 jwst_0556.pmap archived The MIRI PHOTOM reference file, jwst_miri_photom_0043.fits, is being removed due to EXP_TYPE overlaps with files soon to be delivered.
2019-10-24 jwst_0555.pmap archived These files will not work with the new version of the calibration code for Build 7.4. They can be used with the old pipeline code by using an old context.
2019-10-24 jwst_0554.pmap archived New NIRISS PHOTOM reference files with EXP_TYPE as a new selection criteria - AMI, WFSS, and SOSS. Most of the values in the tables are unchanged, but for the SOSS case, the PHOTMJSR value has been changed to PHOTMJ. The values of the PHOMJ keyword are different by a factor of 1.e-09 due to a change in units from milliJansky to megaJansky.
2019-10-24 jwst_0553.pmap archived This delivery is using the new MirImgPhotomModel and MirLrsPhotomModel data models for the MIRI PHOTOM files. An update has been made to separate out the Imager modes and the LRS modes. The columns nelem, wavelength, relresponse and relresperror have been removed from the Imager file, and the column relresperror has been renamed to reluncertainty in the LRS file. The LRS file is being delivered as a separate file for the first time, and has added PIXAR_SR and PIXAR_A2 keywords to the header. The MIRI Imager file has added the EXP_TYPEs to the header MIR_IMAGE, MIR_4QPM, MIR_LYOT, MIR_TACQ, MIR_TACONFIRM, while the LRS file has the EXP_TYPEs MIR_LRS FIXEDSLIT and MIR_LRS SLITLESS. These files are being delivered to the JWST TEST server until the pipeline is updated to be able to use the new format files.
2019-10-24 jwst_0552.pmap archived The JWST pipeline will begin using EXP TYPE as a selection criteria for the photom reference files, so the EXP TYPE header keyword has been updated to reflect the exposure types that will be run through the photometric correction step. The photmjsr value in the data has also been replaced with a more updated value, although it was already multiplicative, so the old value wasnt bad, just out of date.
2019-10-24 jwst_0551.pmap archived These photom reference files are the first set of NIRCam flux calibration reference files with realistic values in them. Previous versions contained dummy data. These files also match the new file format decided upon in Sept 2019, where EXP_TYPE is included in the selection criteria. The column names are EXP_TYPE dependent. Also, the photmjsr values are multiplicative in this file. These values should be multiplied to the science data in order to convert from counts per second to MJy per sterradian. This differs from previous versions, where the data were divided by photmjsr. Synphot was used with filter throughput curves and a spectrum of Vega in order to calculate flux densities and count rates. In the WFSS files, in the few places where the throughput was exactly zero, such as in the area between the main bandpass and a red leak, the photmjsr value was set to zero. This will cause pixels seeing these wavelengths to be set to zero after the photom file is applied. The only entries in these files that still contain dummy values are those for the PINHOLES pupil element.
2019-10-24 jwst_0550.pmap archived New MIRI RESET reference files.
2019-10-24 jwst_0549.pmap archived First empty MIRI RESET .rmap
2019-10-23 jwst_0548.pmap archived Update to the NIRISS PHOTOM rmap to add EXP_TYPE as a matching parameter.
2019-10-23 jwst_0547.pmap archived Update to the NIRCAM PHOTOM rmap to add EXP_TYPE as a matching parameter.
2019-10-23 jwst_0546.pmap archived Update to the MIRI PHOTOM rmap to add EXP_TYPE as a matching parameter.
2019-10-23 jwst_0545.pmap archived Update to the FGS PHOTOM rmap to add EXP_TYPE as a matching parameter.
2019-10-15 jwst_0544.pmap archived SYSTEM CALVER placeholder reference file for JWST DMS 7.4.
2019-10-08 jwst_0543.pmap archived Updated DQ array to mask out 4 quadrant phase masks as non-science for MIRI full frame imager data.
2019-10-08 jwst_0542.pmap archived All FULL Frame FLAT files in CRDS with a USEAFTER of 1900-01-01 should be deleted. These files should all have a counterpart dated 2000-01-01 and the older dated files are no longer needed to be active in the system, as they were delivered three years ago and we have newer versions delivered.
2019-07-23 jwst_0541.pmap archived As per Jira issues CRDS-287, REDCAT-52, and CRDS-153, the rmaps for the following NIRSpec reference types were updated to include READPATT values of NRSRAPIDD1, NRSRAPIDD2, and NRSRAPIDD6. This rmaps submission includes changes to the following DARK, READNOISE, REFPIX and SUPERBIAS.
2019-07-19 jwst_0540.pmap archived New MRS REGIONS files for all channel-band combinations are being delivered to fix an issue where a few slices were incorrectly a fraction of an arcsec too long. There are no header format changes, no necessary pipeline revisions, and everything has been tested to work cleanly using the current conda-dev with these new reference files.
2019-07-19 jwst_0539.pmap archived CRDS-285 adds additional NIRCam science and engineering pupil filter parings to the flat rmap for time series. Missing coverage was revealed from a DMS processing run of SOR4B Time Series grism data.
2019-07-08 jwst_0538.pmap archived As per JIRA ticket CRDS286, JP-830 and JWSTDMS-32 reported a failure of CRDS when selecting reference files for the MIRI Target Acq exposures, during calwebb_spec3 processing. This map submission is to define EXTRACT1D=N/A for MIR_TACQ cases.
2019-06-28 jwst_0537.pmap archived NIRSpec area rmap where NRS_MSATA and NRS_WATA were added to the list of EXP_TYPEs that do not need this type of reference file applied. See JIRA CRDS-284 for more information.
2019-06-26 jwst_0536.pmap archived These bias and dark files were created using data from OTIS testing in advance of the CDP4 delivery, for GSEG3 testing. The files have 88 frames, which provides more than enough data to be frame averaged for NRS data, as per JIRA issue CRDS 282.
2019-06-21 jwst_0535.pmap archived Per CRDS 220, initial delivery of NIRCam coronagrphic flats based on CV3 imaging flats.
2019-06-07 jwst_0534.pmap archived Adding EXP_TYPE to the selection criteria for the NIRCam psfmask reference file. Where EXP_TYPE is NRC_TACONFIRM or NRC_TACQ, FILTER = N/A, CORONOGRAPH = N/A , SUBARRAY = N/A, and REFERENCE = N/A. For all other FILTER, CORONOGRAPH, and SUBARRAY combinations, EXP_TYPE = N/A See JIRA CRDS-280 for more information. Adding EXP_TYPE to the selection criteria for the NIRCam dark reference files. Where EXP_TYPE is NRC_TACONFIRM, DETECTOR = ANY, SUBARRAY = ANY, and REFERENCE = N/A. For all other DETECTOR and SUBARRAY combinations, EXP_TYPE = N/A. For more information, see JIRA CRDS-279.
2019-06-07 jwst_0533.pmap archived Adding EXP_TYPE to the selection criteria for the MIRI psfmask reference file. Where EXP_TYPE is MIR_TACQ, FILTER = N/A, CORONOGRAPH = N/A , SUBARRAY = N/A, and REFERENCE = N/A. For all other FILTER, CORONOGRAPH, and SUBARRAY combinations, EXP_TYPE = N/A
2019-06-03 jwst_0532.pmap archived As per JIRA ticket CRDS277, this map submission is to support the SLITLESSPRISM subarray which will replace the SUBPRISM subarray in the future. In addition, FASTGRPAVG readout pattern support was added to both subarrays.
2019-05-31 jwst_0531.pmap archived The NIRCam science team has requested that two new filters be offered in combination with the 8-wave weak lens in the NIRCam Grism Time Series template. This update was to the NIRCam flat reference rmap to include the WL8 in combination with F070W and F140M flat reference files. See CRDS 274 for further details.
2019-05-30 jwst_0530.pmap archived New delivery of updated files from the MIRI IDT. Distortion file has improvements in spatial and spectral dimensions, fixes a trace curvature issue in previous files, convert directly to V2,V3 rather than XAN, YAN, and has an update to the slice mask file format. Instead of being 2d images for each detector, file is now 3d array of images with different throughput thresholds. Delivered by Misty Cracraft for MIRI.
2019-05-29 jwst_0529.pmap archived As per JIRA ticket JP667, these reference files were created from data taken during OTIS testing, and received in advance of the full CDP4 delivery. The files with a subarray keyword of GENERIC have subarray corner values which were updated between CV3 and OTIS testing, and now match those used by OSS.
2019-05-24 jwst_0528.pmap archived This file is a merged Imager and LRS PHOTOM file. The LRS modes have a new column called relresperror which gives the response error. The column is available for all rows, but only has valid data for rows 15 and 16, the LRS modes.
2019-05-23 jwst_0527.pmap archived Updates for CDP7 for MIRI single dichroic files, slice mask of 10 percent transmission added, cdp7 Fringe flat applied, and addition of new cross dichroic files.
2019-05-20 jwst_0526.pmap archived Support CAL version 0.13 for SYSTEM VERSIONS web service
2019-05-16 jwst_0525.pmap archived Adding NIRCam reference files to the dead branch jwst_0521.pmap used for GSEG testing. See CRDS 272 for further details. This NIRCam delivery is to provide flat coverage for F070W and F090W. CV3 F115W flat data is used for these reference files since ground data from F070W and F090W shows low S/N and the presence of structure possibly due to the illumination source.
2019-05-15 jwst_0524.pmap archived This NIRCam delivery is to provide flat coverage for F070W and F090W. CV3 F115W flat data is used for these reference files since ground data from F070W and F090W shows low S/N and the presence of structure possibly due to the illumination source.
2019-05-13 jwst_0523.pmap archived The MIRI Team just delivered a set of new MRS Fringe Flats that should replace multiple files in the current context. The USEAFTER dates of the files being delivered match a set of current files with USEAFTER of 2000-01-01, but the older set of files with USEAFTER 1900 should also be removed from the mapping but not labeled bad.
2019-05-13 jwst_0522.pmap archived Adding READPATT value of NRS to NIRSpec readnoise rmap for FULL data in both the NRS1 and NRS2 detectors. This rmap is being added to the live context branch.
2019-05-13 jwst_0521.pmap archived Adding READPATT value of NRS to NIRSpec readnoise rmap for FULL data in both the NRS1 and NRS2 detectors. This rmap is being delivered to the GSEG3 DEAD branch.
2019-05-10 jwst_0520.pmap archived Header updates changing DETSETNG and READPATT from ANY to N/A updated DESCRIP updated HISTORY, indicated CV2 files used, not FM Added CHANNEL = N/A
2019-05-10 jwst_0519.pmap archived Broke out MIRIFUSHORT into files per test run. Updated header with FILTER=N/A, DATAMODL = FringeModel. EXPTYPE=MIR_FLAT-MRS instead of MIR_FLATMRS.
2019-05-09 jwst_0518.pmap archived Headers were updated to add BAND=N/A, CHANNEL=N/A, DATAMODL=FlatModel, P_READPATT=FAST and FASTGRPAVG.
2019-05-08 jwst_0517.pmap archived Reactivate references which were previously removed. Some regression tests were failing due to lack of reference files for older data.
2019-05-07 jwst_0516.pmap archived MIRI files were removed from the context as they are not current and have been replaced by updated files. Many of these had mismatched USEAFTER dates that prevented them being replaced with the more recent versions during deliveries of updated files. See CRDS 264 for more information.
2019-04-29 jwst_0515.pmap archived Added EXP_TYPE of NRS_TACONFIRM for NIRSpec pixel area reference rmap.
2019-04-29 jwst_0514.pmap archived Added EXP_TYPE of NRS_TACONFIRM for NIRSpec pixel area reference rmap.
2019-04-25 jwst_0513.pmap archived Updated flats using CDP7 fringe flats. Header updates to replace ANY with N/A, added DATAMODL, changed EXP_TYPE from MIR_MRS to MIR_FLAT-MRS
2019-04-24 jwst_0512.pmap archived Removed MIRI AREA updates tied to files in context 501 to extend DEAD END context 511 for GSEG3 testing.
2019-04-24 jwst_0511.pmap archived Reverted MIRI DISTORTION, FILTEROFFSET, and SPECWCS changes from context 501 to support GSEG3 testing running CAL code from DMS 7.2.2 which is incompatible with those changes. This is nominally a DEAD END branch for supporting GSEG3 only.
2019-04-24 jwst_0510.pmap archived These SUPERBIAS and DARK reference files were taken during OTIS testing with the ALLSLITS subarray. During preparations for GSEG3 testing, DMS and OSS determined that the existing ALLSLITS reference files had incorrect values for subarray corners. This was determined to be caused by an update to the read method between CV3 testing and OTIS testing. These files were created from OTIS testing in advance of the official CDP4 delivery for use by DMS during GSEG3 testing.
2019-04-23 jwst_0509.pmap archived These superbias files were created using data from FM2 ground tests. Previous files were delivered with an incorrect orientation, which has been corrected in the new files.
2019-04-23 jwst_0508.pmap archived Removing NIRSPEC bias files due to incorrect subarray definitions jwst_nirspec_superbias_0026.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0027.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0028.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0029.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0030.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0050.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0034.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0035.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0036.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0037.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0038.fits jwst_nirspec_superbias_0049.fits
2019-04-23 jwst_0507.pmap archived This file was calculated using CDP-7 distortion transforms and included reference columns which are now set to unity. This should be used with the Distortion files delivered in February 2019. Also updated DATAMODL keyword to be PixelAreaModel.
2019-04-22 jwst_0506.pmap archived This NIRCam delivery is to provide dummy subarray dark reference files for GSEG3 End to End test in regards to level 2b of the JWST pipeline.
2019-04-22 jwst_0505.pmap archived Updated headers for all readnoise files.
2019-04-12 jwst_0504.pmap archived Currently in CRDS, there exists a set of flat field reference files that have FILTER and PUPIL keyword values of ANY. These were delivered to CRDS by the pipeline developers during the initial development phase of the pipeline and contain dummy data. These files should be removed from CRDS or flagged in such a way that they are never selected. Currently they are selected in cases where a valid flat is not found.
2019-03-07 jwst_0503.pmap archived An error in the SOSS mode photometric calibration has been corrected in the new version delvered here. An error in the bad pixel mask has been corrected in the new version delivered here. Delivered by Kevin Volk for NIRISS.
2019-03-04 jwst_0502.pmap archived These full frame dark cubes were created with data from CV3 ground testing. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2019-02-26 jwst_0501.pmap archived CDP7 new reference files delivery. The distortion solution has been updated based on new ground test data. Delivered by Katie Murray for MIRI.
2018-12-13 jwst_0500.pmap archived Recently all NIRSPEC rmaps changed exposure type equals NRS BOTA to NRS MSATA and NRS WATA. By appearances NIRSPEC BARSHADOW was missed and this rmap is the updated version.
2018-11-08 jwst_0499.pmap archived These files are the initial delivery of NIRSpec bias and dark for the SUB512S subarray, which was previously not included in the datamodel schema. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2018-11-05 jwst_0498.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec linearity reference rmap where jwst_nirspec_linearity_0004.fits and jwst_nirspec_linearity_0005.fits were removed due to incorrect orientations.
2018-11-02 jwst_0497.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec linearity reference rmap where jwst_nirspec_linearity_0004.fits and jwst_nirspec_linearity_0005.fits were removed due to incorrect orientations. See JIRA ticket CRDS 240
2018-11-02 jwst_0496.pmap archived Updated useafter dates to 2013/01/01 for NIRSpec gain reference files jwst_nirspec_gain_0008.fits and jwst_nirspec_gain_0009.fits. See JIRA Ticket CRDS 241.
2018-10-25 jwst_0495.pmap archived New rmaps for the NIRSpec camera, collimator, dflat, disperser, extract1d, fflat, flat, fore, fpa, mas, ote, sflat, and wavelengthrange reference files where the EXP_TYPE NRS_BOTA was replaced with NRS_MSATA orbar NRS_WATA. This is in support of Build 7.2. See JIRA issue CRDS 239 for more details.
2018-10-25 jwst_0494.pmap archived Added support for NRSIRS2 to NIRSPEC READPATT rmap as described in Jira CRDS-237.
2018-10-08 jwst_0493.pmap archived New SYSTEM CALVER reference file for AUI CAL Step version reporting for 0.12.x.
2018-10-04 jwst_0492.pmap archived Delivery of new PSFMASK files for NIRCam in support of build 7.2
2018-10-04 jwst_0491.pmap archived NIRCam dark reference file for MASKA335R was missing. This delivery is to provide a dummy reference file for the missing subarray. Delivered by Alicia Canipe for NIRCAM.
2018-10-04 jwst_0490.pmap archived Initial delivery of PSFMASK files to support build 7.2
2018-10-01 jwst_0489.pmap archived Updated FGS dark and superbias with new short subarray names. CENTER changed to CNTR, DIAGONAL changed to DIAG, and LLCORNER changed to LL. See JIRA issue CRDS 236 for more information.
2018-09-26 jwst_0488.pmap archived Initial delivery. Needed for latest JWST delivery Build 7.3. Enables Pathloss correction step for NIRISS SOSS. Delivered by Robert Jedrzejewski for NIRISS.
2018-09-25 jwst_0487.pmap archived Added first empty MIRI and NIRCAM PSFMASK rmaps.
2018-09-25 jwst_0486.pmap archived Added PSFMASK is N/A for all instruments.
2018-09-24 jwst_0485.pmap archived First empty NIRISS PATHLOSS rmap.
2018-09-24 jwst_0484.pmap archived Support for pipeline update and redesigned for more clarity. Delivered by Megan Sosey for NIRISS.
2018-09-24 jwst_0483.pmap archived Support for pipeline update and redesigned for more clarity. Delivered by Megan Sosey for NIRCam.
2018-09-04 jwst_0482.pmap archived Niew NIRCam wavelengthrange reference file which supports pipeline update to NRC TSGRISM mode.
2018-08-31 jwst_0481.pmap archived Revamped rmap for the NIRCam wavelengthrange reference type. See JIRA issue CRDS 232 for more information.
2018-08-15 jwst_0480.pmap archived The files were recreated with an addtional dataset not included in the previous versions of this particular pair of reference files. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-08-02 jwst_0479.pmap archived The current verson of the JWST Calibration pipeline can now do a reference pixel correction for subarrays. This was emplyed in making the new dark reference files. Even though, the biases are no reference pixel corrected new biases were gnerated anyway and need to be delivered. This was also done for full frame biases and darks. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-07-27 jwst_0478.pmap archived SCSB has defined a new DQ flag condition REFERENCE PIXEL, which needs to be added to the reference pixel locations in the MASK reference files for all instruments and detectors. The new files are the same as the old versions except that reference pixels are now flagged with the new REFERENCE PIXEL value and the DQ DEF table includes the new REFERENCE PIXEL flag. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2018-07-19 jwst_0477.pmap archived The current version of NIRISS subarray darks and biases have the PREADPA NIS NISRAPID Readout pattern header keyword, various symbols are missing from the header keyword, but was added outside of the pipeline that creates the dark and bias reference files originally. These files have been created from the darks and biases pipeline. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-07-17 jwst_0476.pmap archived The current version of the reference files were found to have an incorrect orientation in the DQ extension. This has been fixed and these corrected files need to redilivered. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-07-17 jwst_0475.pmap archived This is a new reference file type. Previously, tsounderscorephotometry used hard coded values for the aperture radii. Delivered by Philip E Hodge for MIRI.
2018-07-17 jwst_0474.pmap archived This is a new reference file type. Previously, tsounderscorephotometry used hard coded values for the aperture radii. Delivered by Philip E Hodge for NIRCAM.
2018-07-13 jwst_0473.pmap archived Added empty rmaps for MIRI and NIRCAM TSOPHOT.
2018-07-13 jwst_0472.pmap archived Added TSOPHOT to all instruments as N/A for Jira CCD-119.
2018-07-11 jwst_0471.pmap archived There is an updated version of the flat datamodel and new flat reference files nneded to be generated using the new datamodel. Futhermore, the DQ extension was updated to have UNRELIABLE FLAT DQ of 4096 and CDP INTERNAL FLAT DQ of 2, this is an informational DQ flag. Delivered by Michael Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-06-20 jwst_0470.pmap archived NIRISS has changed the DQ extensions for dark and biases to contain only DEAD pixels. These darks and biases have this change in them. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-06-20 jwst_0469.pmap archived These new bad pixel masks contain the different flavors of bad pixels, while in the past the masks only contained 0s and 1s for good and bad pixels. These new files also contain a flag for the reference pixels which is needed for upcoming additions to the JWST Calibration Pipeline. The header keywords EXP TYPE and DETECTOR used in the selection criteria for these files will be the same as in the current files. Delivered by Shannon Osborne for FGS.
2018-06-06 jwst_0468.pmap archived Removing MIRI 3D dark references because they will no longer work in the pipeline. This will also prevent illusory coverage.
2018-06-06 jwst_0467.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC gain rmap to add jwst_nirspec_gain_0019.fits and jwst_nirspec_gain_0018.fits for NETA.SUBARRAY.NAME equal to GENERIC for the NRS1 and NRS2 detectors, respectively, so that they will apply to all subarray data taken before April 1 2017 where the gain was 1. For subarray data taken after April 1 2017 where the gain is set to 2, jwst_nirspec_gain_0017.fits for NRS1 and jwst_nirspec_gain_0016.fits for NRS2 will be used.
2018-06-06 jwst_0466.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC gain rmap where jwst_nirspec_gain_0019.fits and jwst_nirspec_0018.fits had their META.SUBARRAY.NAME values changed from GENERIC to FULL for the NRS1 and NRS2 detectors, respectively. See JiRA issue CRDS 216 for more details.
2018-05-31 jwst_0465.pmap archived New NIRSPEC OTE and IFUPOST rmaps where the USEAFTERs for the newest files, jwst_nirspec_ifupost_0004.asdf and jwst_nirspec_ote_0005.asdf, were changed to 2015 11 01 in order for CV3 data to be fully covered by the new files. See JIRA issue CRDS 218 for more information..
2018-05-31 jwst_0464.pmap archived New NIRCAM wfssbkg, wavelengthrange, and specwcs rmaps where the EXP_TYPE was changed from NRC_GRISM to NRC_WFSS. See JIRA issue CRDS 214 for more details.
2018-05-25 jwst_0463.pmap archived New NIRCam subarray dark reference files are being delivered for missing subarray SUB400P for detectors NRCB1, NRCB2 and NRCB4. These new darks were generated using CV3 data and are being delivered for use with the JWST Build 7.1 calibration pipeline. Delivered by Brian Brooks for NIRCAM.
2018-05-22 jwst_0462.pmap archived The new reference file was delivered because the distortion coefficients have been updated using the center of the NIRISS detector. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-05-18 jwst_0461.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC sflat rmap where EXP_TYPE NRS_AUTOWAVE was added to entries containing NRS_MSASPEC so that these types of exposures will have the sflat applied to them when running the calwebb_spec2 pipeline. See JIRA issue CRDS 142 for more information.
2018-05-16 jwst_0460.pmap archived Updated NIRISS linearity rmap. Removed jwst_niriss_linearity_0006.fits due to jwst_niriss_linearity_0011.fits having updated coefficients, albeit a different subarray name.
2018-05-16 jwst_0459.pmap archived Updated MIRI photom reference rmap where the entries for the MIRIFULONG and MIRIFUSHORT detectors with BAND set to NA were removed.
2018-05-15 jwst_0458.pmap archived There was typo in the bad pixel mask that has been corrected and new linearity coefficients were derived for the linearity reference file. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-05-11 jwst_0457.pmap archived New SYSTEM CALVER reference file for JWST B7.1.3 and CAL 0.9.3.
2018-05-10 jwst_0456.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC sflat and fflat rmaps for the OPAQUE filter for exposure types NRS_MSASPEC, NRS_FIXEDSLIT, and NRS_IFU.
2018-05-07 jwst_0455.pmap archived The new photom reference file is being delivered because there was a typo in the FILTER name F277W. The name was F227W and this has now been corrected. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-04-25 jwst_0454.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC rmap to include NRS_AUTOWAVE as an exposure type for the OTE reference jwst_nirspec_ote_0005.asdf
2018-04-25 jwst_0453.pmap archived New NIRSPEC OTE reference file containing new distortions to the model already in the file, and a new IFUPOST reference file with output units in arcsec, as per JIRA issues CRDS 200 and 201 respectively.
2018-04-24 jwst_0452.pmap archived Replace subarray mode, going from SLITLESSPRISM to SUBPRISM to match CRDS modes Delivered by Misty Cracraft for MIRI.
2018-04-19 jwst_0451.pmap archived RSCD files completely changed format, going from 7 columns to 17 in table extension. Delivered by Misty Cracraft for MIRI.
2018-04-19 jwst_0450.pmap archived The master background reference files for WFSS are an initial delivery. The bad pixel mask has been updated with a new DQ value for reference pixels, 2048 for NIRISS, and the bias and darks sre being delviered because there was found in the dark about 500 pixels with anamolous values between 20,000 and 35,000 counts. This is enough to throw of statistics. This has been corrected by using 144 instead of 65 raw darks in the creation of the dark reference file. The bias has to be delivered because it is now made with 144 raw darks instead of 65. Therefore, the dark and bias reference files are made from the same datasets. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-04-19 jwst_0449.pmap archived Saturation files had reference pixel values changed from 0 to 65535. Delivered by Misty Cracraft for MIRI.
2018-04-19 jwst_0448.pmap archived Mask files had reference pixel flags added to the files, and DATAMODL added to the headers. Delivered by Misty Cracraft for MIRI.
2018-04-17 jwst_0447.pmap archived Initial NIRISS WFSS rmap.
2018-04-13 jwst_0446.pmap archived SCSB has defined a new DQ flag condition REFERENCE PIXEL, which needs to be added to the reference pixel locations in the MASK reference files for all instruments and detectors. The new files are the same as the old versions except that reference pixels are now flagged with the new REFERENCE PIXEL value and the DQ DEF table includes the new REFERENCE PIXEL flag. The updated reference files should be in place in time for the final rounds of B7.2 development testing in July 2017. Delivered by Alicia Canipe for NIRCAM.
2018-04-02 jwst_0445.pmap archived Initial delivery of NIRCam WFSS background reference files, created by Nor Pirzkal using the default ETC background spectrum. Files are located at github.com slash npirzkal slash GRISM underscore NIRCAM. Delivered by Bryan Hilbert for NIRCAM.
2018-04-02 jwst_0444.pmap archived Initial NIRCAM WFSSBKG rmap.
2018-03-30 jwst_0443.pmap archived Manually updated pmap for new imap entries for WFSSBKG per Jira CRDS-184.
2018-03-26 jwst_0442.pmap archived The current version of the GUIDER1 and GUIDER2 Distortion reference files in CRDS were not set up in the way the JWST Calibration Pipeline expects and do not work in the pipeline. These 2 new files will be able to be used in the pipeline. The header keywords EXP TYPE and DETECTOR used in the selection criteria for this file will be the same as in the current files. Delivered by Shannon Osborne for FGS.
2018-03-23 jwst_0441.pmap archived An inconsistency was found in that the IPC inverse kernal was not updated the last time IPC kernal values were derived from CV3 darks. This was found in the current IPC reference file that needed to be corrected. This is now been removed. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-03-20 jwst_0440.pmap archived Update to the NIRSpec superbias rmap, which or bars the READPATT NRSRAPID to NRS for files 135 through 150. Bias 0098 was removed due to being a duplicate of 148 after the READPATT update.
2018-03-16 jwst_0439.pmap archived These NIRSpec biases and darks are replacing biases darks which were delivered in 2016 and 2017 with incorrect values for the SUBSTRT2 keyword. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2018-03-14 jwst_0438.pmap archived Jane Morrison said to deliver the file to CRDS. Currently, her pipeline cube building code is only configured to make use of the first 2 extensions, but she will design her code to make use of the third extension as well. She said to go ahead and deliver the file to CRDS, and she will write the necessary code. Delivered by Benjamin Sargent sargent stsci.edu for MIRI.
2018-03-13 jwst_0437.pmap archived Jane Morrison said to deliver the file to CRDS. Currently, her pipeline cube building code is only configured to make use of the first 2 extensions, but she will design her code to make use of the other extensions as well. She said to go ahead and deliver the file to CRDS, and she will write the necessary code. Delivered by Benjamin Sargent sargent stsci.edu for NIRSPEC.
2018-03-07 jwst_0436.pmap archived Updated NIRCam gain reference files from CV3 data, produced using the new dPTC method, and accounting for low epoxy regions on the detectors. These gain maps are more accurate than the previous version. Delivered by Bryan Hilbert for NIRCAM.
2018-03-01 jwst_0435.pmap archived New FGS mask and flat rmaps where META.EXPOSURE.TYPE has been added as a matching parameter. See JIRA issue CRDS 174 for more information.
2018-02-20 jwst_0434.pmap archived change the old PUPIL values of GRISMV2 and GRISMV3 to GRISMR and GRISMC, and also added several new rows so that there is coverage for both grisms using all 12 possible FILTER values. All actual data values are still dummies, as before. They are essentially updated versions of the previous files. Delivered by R. Diaz for NIRCAM.
2018-02-19 jwst_0433.pmap archived The newly minted bad pixel mask reference file has had the DQ values updated to reflect currently agreed upon DQ values. These current DQ values are thought to be appropriate for the current understanding of bad pixels associated with NIRISS. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-02-08 jwst_0432.pmap archived Manual update of the JWST pmap. The update included changing the NIRSPEC imap to version 0159, which has the rmap entries for the persat, trapdensity, and trappars references set to NA.
2018-01-23 jwst_0431.pmap archived The new reference file was delivered because the original had units of electrons instead of ADUs in the science extension. Now the science extension has units of ADUs. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2018-01-18 jwst_0430.pmap archived Revised NIRSPEC SUBARRAY names again, adding missing S, e.g. SUBS200A1 not SUB200A1.
2018-01-17 jwst_0429.pmap archived New NIRSPEC dark and superbias rmaps which contain updated subarray names.
2018-01-12 jwst_0428.pmap archived New Bad Pixel Mask and Pixel Flat reference files are needed for FGS ID STACKED images, which have a different size than FGS Calibration and FGS ID IMAGE images. The header keywords SUBSIZE1, EXP TYPE, and FILENAME also needed to be changed to 2304, FGS ID STACK, and the file name respectively. Delivered by Shannon Osborne for FGS.
2018-01-10 jwst_0427.pmap archived Four flat reference files are being replaced because the header keyword PPUPIL is being changed to include a trialing OR bar. One flat file was created from CV3 data and has an updated USEAFTER date to encompass CV3 data. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2017-12-19 jwst_0426.pmap archived Contains new imap entries for FGS, MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRISS, and NIRSPEC, which have had their V2V3 entries removed per JIRA issue CRDS 160.
2017-12-18 jwst_0425.pmap archived NIRCam pixel flats were derived from CV3 data taken after October 2015. The files were updated since there were issues with the error extension having values of zeros. Delivered by Brian Brooks for NIRCAM.
2017-12-15 jwst_0424.pmap archived NIRCam persistence saturation files were derived from CV3 data taken after October 2015. Previous NIRCam persistence saturation reference files were dummy values. These files contain real measured saturation values and were generated using the NIRCam calibration software. Delivered by Alicia Canipe for NIRCAM.
2017-12-13 jwst_0423.pmap archived The rmap needed to be updated to support NIS WFSS exposure type.
2017-11-10 jwst_0422.pmap archived Updated NIRCAM flat rmap for coronagraphic observations.
2017-11-09 jwst_0421.pmap archived Changed NIRSPEC SUPERBIAS rmap to convert new ALLIRS2 and NRS entries to equivalent forms. See diffs, continuation of preceding submission correcting rmap.
2017-11-09 jwst_0420.pmap archived These reference files were created from data in the CDP3 delivery from ESA. In addition, several IRS2 DARK and BIAS files have been updated to fix the SUBSTRT1 keyword to be no greater than the maximum allowed value of 2048. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2017-11-09 jwst_0419.pmap archived NIRCAM DARK rmap update related to Jira-CRDS-151 and restoring backward compatible values for SUBARRAY names for MASKA210R, MASKA430R, MASKBSWB, MASKBLWB.
2017-11-09 jwst_0418.pmap archived The linearity reference file has new linearity coefficients and the new saturation reference file has new values in the science extension to match the linearity reference file. The distortion reference file has been updated with the correct 2D polynomial transformation from real to ideal pixels and back. The photom reference file values have been updated to include contamination along the light path of JWST for NIRISS. The drizzle paramters reference file has been newly created and is for calibration steps Level 2B and Level 3. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2017-11-09 jwst_0417.pmap archived Updated NIRISS distortion rmap so that the selector/Match line has NIS_WFSS in it.
2017-11-08 jwst_0416.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC DARK rmap to be compliant with JIRA ISSUE CRDS 155. Subarray sizes were changed from 3200 to 2048 for files 0058 through 0064.
2017-11-08 jwst_0415.pmap archived This is a new rmap for NIRISS drizz pars reference file.
2017-11-03 jwst_0414.pmap archived Update to NIRCAM DARK rmap for SUBARRAY renamings discussed in Jira CRDS-151, also related to DR 3863 and Jira JWSTKD-111.
2017-11-01 jwst_0413.pmap archived Updated the FGS rmap to include FGS60, FGS840, and FGS8370 which were omitted from the rmap update on October 31 2017.
2017-10-31 jwst_0412.pmap archived While running SIC DIL data with Build 7.1, it was discovered that all the data where READPATT was FGS was crashing because there are no-reference files. The FGS team cannot deliver the needed files now, so they requested to revive the previous dummy files so that testing can proceed.
2017-10-27 jwst_0411.pmap archived Approximate CAL s/w versions from 2017-10-27 for SYSTEM CALVER for 0.7.8rc6 - rc9.
2017-10-19 jwst_0410.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC DARK rmap. The rmap was updated for the recently delivered darks, 0066 through 0084, to have NRS or barred with NRSRAPID.
2017-10-17 jwst_0409.pmap archived Resubmission of the NIRSPEC REFPIX rmap which was generated as a result of the delivery of reference files in December 2016. The references and calibration code should now work together.
2017-10-16 jwst_0408.pmap archived A new FGS READNOISE rmap. The files where READPATT was NA were removed. The subarrays FGS60, FGS840, and FGS8370 were added and use the READPATT value FGSRAPID. See JIRA issue REDCAT 38 for more details.
2017-10-13 jwst_0407.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC MASK rmap to address issues found in testing. See JIRA issue REDCAT 37 for details.
2017-10-11 jwst_0406.pmap archived New detectors were installed in NIRSpec since the last batch of reference file deliveries. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2017-10-09 jwst_0405.pmap archived The FGS bad pixel mask reference file used to have a DQ value of 1 for reference pixels and this causes the current version of regression testing to fail. This has been changed to reference pixels having 0 DQ flag. Delivered by Michael A. Wolfe for NIRISS.
2017-10-06 jwst_0404.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC superbias rmap to include NRS with NRSRAPID references.
2017-10-03 jwst_0403.pmap archived These bias files were created for the new NIRSpec detectors. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2017-10-03 jwst_0402.pmap archived These dark files were created for the new NIRSpec detectors. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2017-10-03 jwst_0401.pmap archived Manual .pmap update to install manual imap updates for BARSHADOW as N/A for FGS, MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRISS.
2017-09-29 jwst_0400.pmap archived New detectors were installed in NIRSpec since the previous versions of these IPC, MASK, and REFPIX files were delivered. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2017-09-29 jwst_0399.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC superbias rmap to include READPATT NRS with NRSRAPID files.
2017-09-29 jwst_0398.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC extract1d rmap. See JIRA issue CRDS 144 for details.
2017-09-29 jwst_0397.pmap archived rmap to reenable NIRSPEC flats. See JIRA issue CRDS 107.
2017-09-28 jwst_0396.pmap archived Initial delivery of barshadow reference file. Reference files created by ESA, documented in ESA Technical Note 2016,016. Data collected into 1 ref file by R. Jedrzejewski, runs using barshadow step v 0.7.1 initial delivery. Delivered by Robert Jedrzejewski for NIRSPEC.
2017-09-28 jwst_0395.pmap archived SYSTEM CALVER manual rmap update 2, need literal versions.
2017-09-28 jwst_0394.pmap archived Manual rmap update for SYSTEM CALVER baseline reference file for B7.1 pre-release CAL code versions.
2017-09-28 jwst_0393.pmap archived These imaging flats were created for the new NIRSpec detectors, which were installed after the last round of reference files was delivered. These should be used for all NIRSpec imaging modes, which are primarily TA images. Delivered by Graham Kanarek for NIRSPEC.
2017-09-28 jwst_0392.pmap archived First empty NIRSPEC BARSHADOW rmap Jira-CRDS-145.
2017-09-25 jwst_0391.pmap archived NIRCAM SPECWCS and WAVELENGTHRANGE for Jira-jp-133 restricting NRC_TSGRISM support to MODULE=A and PUPIL=GRISMR.
2017-09-22 jwst_0390.pmap archived Updates for NIRSPEC DFLAT, FFLAT, and SFLAT to support imaging modes by returning N/A. Partial support for NRS_AUTOWAVE but updates still required for SFLAT. See Jira-CRDS-142.
2017-09-22 jwst_0389.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC WCS rmaps for NRS_AUTOWAVE, per Jira-crds-141.
2017-09-22 jwst_0388.pmap archived Restored NIRSPEC FLAT rmap per Jira-crds-107, setting spectroscopic modes, including AUTOWAVE to N/A. All existing references were removed so imaging references are needed.
2017-09-22 jwst_0387.pmap archived NIRCAM and NIRISS rmap updates for SPECWCS and WAVELENGTHRANGE for Jira-CRDS-135. Adds cases where these types are N/A.
2017-09-21 jwst_0386.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC SATURATION rmap per Jira-CRDS-140.
2017-09-20 jwst_0385.pmap archived NIRSPEC masoper rmap to include exposure type.
2017-09-19 jwst_0384.pmap archived Pmap corresponding to FGS, MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRISS imap updates for instrument level MSAOPER=N/A.
2017-09-18 jwst_0383.pmap archived These files replace the previously delivered CV3 gain reference files. The method used to create the previous files was found to give unreliable results. These files were created with a more robust method developed by Armin Rest, which found CV3 gain values different compared to those in the previous files by 20 to 30 percent. Each gain file has been created from a pair of CV3 flat field ramps.
2017-09-15 jwst_0382.pmap archived The NIRCAM distortion rmap is missing NRC FOCUS. The distortion files for NRC IMAGE are also valid for NRC FOCUS. This was confirmed with the NIRCAM science team.
2017-09-14 jwst_0381.pmap archived These wavecorr files are for applying the zero point correction in the extract 2d step of the pipeline for nirspec fixed slit, mos and bright object exptypes. Please refer to JIRA ticket CRDS 125
2017-09-12 jwst_0380.pmap archived These are updated persistence reference files and have different values in the persistence saturation and trap density. The trap parameters have the same values but a different USEAFTER date. All six files have the same USEAFTER date.
2017-09-12 jwst_0379.pmap archived NIRSpec will be taking all subarrays with gain of 2. These reference files are for the dark, superbias, saturation, and linearity pipeline steps, which will affected by this change. The gain value is stored in the GAINFACT keyword. The selection criteria for these files is listed in the JIRA ticket CRDS 120.
2017-09-12 jwst_0378.pmap archived Initial delivery of NIRSS Grism mode wavelengthrange reference files
2017-09-12 jwst_0377.pmap archived Initial delivery of NIRCAM Grism mode wavelengthrange reference files
2017-09-11 jwst_0376.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of NIRCAM specwcs reference files for the grism mode, generated using jwreftools.nircam.create_grism_config.
2017-09-11 jwst_0375.pmap archived Adding missing distortion files to mapping
2017-09-11 jwst_0374.pmap archived This is the initial delivery of NIRISS specwcs reference file for the WFSS mode, generated using jwreftoolsniriss.create_grism_config
2017-09-11 jwst_0373.pmap archived These pixel area maps have been created using photom.py and SIAF data dating from 28 March 2017 and contain the maps for all of NIRCams flight detectors. Previous NIRCam pixel area maps delivered to CRDS were dummies.
2017-09-10 jwst_0372.pmap archived First empty rmaps for NIRCAM, NIRISS WAVELENGTHRANGE per Jira JP-133.
2017-09-07 jwst_0371.pmap archived The extract1D and persistence reference files are needed for Build 7.1 and regression testing and are being delivered by the NIRISS Team for the first time. The other 2 reference files have just been updated with new reference pixel values and have added a new FILTER and PUPIL wheel combination and the new ones need to replace the old ones.
2017-08-23 jwst_0370.pmap archived The new biases are made from the y-intercept rather than the first group method. The darks are bias subtracted using these new bias reference files. The result is that the science extensions in these new reference files have completely new values and this is why they need to delivered.
2017-08-23 jwst_0369.pmap archived Updated NIRISS superbias rmap for subarray READPATT to have NIS bar ored with NISRAPID
2017-08-22 jwst_0368.pmap archived Added missing translation for SUBARRAY=GENERIC to NIRSPEC SATURATION rmap.
2017-08-22 jwst_0367.pmap archived The reference pixels in the current flat reference files are set to 0 instead of 1. The new flat reference files have the reference pixels set to 1.
2017-08-18 jwst_0366.pmap archived The rmap for NIRISS SPECWCS was modified to support the submission of new references for WFSS.
2017-08-17 jwst_0365.pmap archived Added empty rmap for NIRSPEC WAVECORR.
2017-08-17 jwst_0364.pmap archived Restored NIRSPEC and SYSTEM imaps removed during WAVECORR update.
2017-08-17 jwst_0363.pmap archived Manually updated .pmap for WAVECORR imap updates.
2017-08-17 jwst_0362.pmap archived Initial empty rmap for NIRCAM SPECWCS.
2017-08-17 jwst_0361.pmap archived Removed files 0047 through 0056 from the NIRCAM distortion rmap due to replacement files covering more exposure types.
2017-08-17 jwst_0360.pmap archived Added NRC GRISM and NRC TSGRISM to the list of exp types that these distortion files are to be used with. This is being done in conjunction with grism pipeline WCS work being done by Megan Sosey.
2017-08-16 jwst_0359.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC rmap for the area reference file which contains exposure types that were not accounted for in previous versions.
2017-08-08 jwst_0358.pmap archived NIRSpec will be taking all subarrays with gain of 2. These reference files are for the pipeline steps dark, superbias, saturation, and linearity, that will affected by this change. The gain value is stored in the GAINFACT keyword.
2017-08-03 jwst_0357.pmap archived Added SUBARRAY to NIRSPEC SATURATION matching criteria per Jira CRDS-120.
2017-08-02 jwst_0356.pmap archived New NIRSPEC rmaps for the PERSAT, TRAPPARS, and TRAPDENSITY references which now utilize USEAFTER as a search criterion.
2017-08-02 jwst_0355.pmap archived New NIRISS rmaps for the PERSAT, TRAPPARS, and TRAPDENSITY references which now utilize USEAFTER as a search criterion.
2017-08-02 jwst_0354.pmap archived New NIRCAM rmaps for the PERSAT, TRAPPARS, and TRAPDENSITY references which now utilize USEAFTER as a search criterion.
2017-08-02 jwst_0353.pmap archived New FGS rmaps for the PERSAT, TRAPPARS, and TRAPDENSITY references which now utilize USEAFTER as a search criterion.
2017-07-28 jwst_0352.pmap archived Updated rmaps for the NIRSpec ifu references. Added the match rule for UseAfter and put in 2015 11 01 as the USEAFTER for the references.
2017-07-28 jwst_0351.pmap archived Updating NIRSpec rmaps to include all CV3 data.
2017-07-26 jwst_0350.pmap archived New dark and superbias rmaps for NIRSpec containing SUBSTRT and SUBSIZE information.
2017-07-19 jwst_0349.pmap archived A new version of the instrument model has been created to reduce data taken during the CV3 test. NIRSpec
2017-07-10 jwst_0348.pmap archived Manual update for MIRI .pmap setting TRAPPARS, TRAPDENSITY, and PERSAT to N/A until references are available.
2017-06-30 jwst_0347.pmap archived The persistence step is included in calwebb sloper.py, but it is turned off via, skip equals True, in calwebb sloper.cfg. The persistence step itself is also turned off, i.e. it will print a message and return the input if the step is explicitly run. However, an updated version of the persistence step that could actually be run for testing is wanted, so there should be files in CRDS to ensure that the step will not fail due to missing reference files. The files being delivered are dummy in the sense that the trapdensity files are all zero. If the persistence step is run with these reference files, the calculated persistence will be zero, and the output will be the same as the input except for the primary header keywords being updated.
2017-06-30 jwst_0346.pmap archived The persistence step is included in calwebb sloper.py, but it is turned off via, skip equals True, in calwebb sloper.cfg. The persistence step itself is also turned off, i.e. it will print a message and return the input if the step is explicitly run. However, an updated version of the persistence step that could actually be run for testing is wanted, so there should be files in CRDS to ensure that the step will not fail due to missing reference files. The files being delivered are dummy in the sense that the trapdensity files are all zero. If the persistence step is run with these reference files, the calculated persistence will be zero, and the output will be the same as the input except for the primary header keywords being updated.
2017-06-29 jwst_0345.pmap archived The persistence step is included in calwebb sloper.py, but it is turned off via, skip equals True, in calwebb sloper.cfg. The persistence step itself is also turned off, i.e. it will print a message and return the input if the step is explicitly run. However, an updated version of the persistence step that could actually be run for testing is wanted, so there should be files in CRDS to ensure that the step will not fail due to missing reference files. The files being delivered are dummy in the sense that the trapdensity files are all zero. If the persistence step is run with these reference files, the calculated persistence will be zero, and the output will be the same as the input except for the primary header keywords being updated.
2017-06-29 jwst_0344.pmap archived The persistence step is included in calwebb sloper.py, but it is turned off via, skip equals True, in calwebb sloper.cfg. The persistence step itself is also turned off, i.e. it will print a message and return the input if the step is explicitly run. However, an updated version of the persistence step that could actually be run for testing is wanted, so there should be files in CRDS to ensure that the step will not fail due to missing reference files. The files being delivered are dummy in the sense that the trapdensity files are all zero. So if the persistence step is run with these reference files, the calculated persistence will be zero, the output will be the same as the input except for the primary header keywords being updated.
2017-06-22 jwst_0343.pmap archived Manual .pmap update to include MIRI .imap with PERSAT, TRAPDENSITY, TRAPPARS manually set to N/A.
2017-06-22 jwst_0342.pmap archived Initial empty rmaps for Jira 114,115,116 PERSAT, TRAPDENSITY, and TRAPPARS for all NIR instruments. Specs exist for MIRI as well but these types will be set to N/A in the MIRI imap until references are available.
2017-06-07 jwst_0341.pmap archived Removed older versions of MIRI DISTORTION and FILTEROFFSET from rmaps manually.
2017-06-07 jwst_0340.pmap archived Rmap modifications to re-classify new files in MIRI FILTEROFFSET and DISTORTION to match existing parameter cases.
2017-06-05 jwst_0339.pmap archived New NIRCam Distortion Correction files for Build 7.1
2017-06-05 jwst_0338.pmap archived Redelivery of jwst_nircam_distortion_0011.rmap to remove bad distortion reference files.
2017-06-02 jwst_0337.pmap archived New MIRI WCS delivery incorporates new file format and minor modifications to the distortion model for Build 7.1
2017-06-01 jwst_0336.pmap archived Distortion files in the correct format to comply with the needs of the post Build 7 pipeline.
2017-06-01 jwst_0335.pmap archived This is an initial set of grism flats for NIRCam
2017-06-01 jwst_0334.pmap archived Refactored NIRCAM DISTORTION rmap to add PUPIL and FILTER as matching parameters for Jira CRDS-93. FILTER is currently unused but anticipated for flight references.
2017-06-01 jwst_0333.pmap archived Added NIRSPEC AREA references to context using Add References
2017-05-31 jwst_0332.pmap archived Removed NOT MRS_IMAGE is N/A, added GRATING to matching parameters and re-ordered with EXP_TYPE first, for NIRSPEC AREA in preparation for spectroscopic tables.
2017-05-31 jwst_0331.pmap archived Clarification to MIRI RESOL rmap, removal of obsolete references 0001 and 0002.
2017-05-30 jwst_0330.pmap archived Added NOT NRS_IFU is N/A for NIRSPEC CUBEPAR, again, correct rmap.
2017-05-30 jwst_0329.pmap archived Added NOT MIR_MRS is N/A for MIRI CUBEPAR, again, correct rmap.
2017-05-30 jwst_0328.pmap archived Added NOT NRS_IFU is N/A for NIRSPEC CUBPAR.
2017-05-30 jwst_0327.pmap archived Added NOT MIR_MRS is N/A.
2017-05-30 jwst_0326.pmap archived Manual .pmap update for CUBPAR, RESOL .imap updates
2017-05-17 jwst_0325.pmap archived This NIRCAM subarray dark file must be delivered so that DMS testing of cryocooler data can proceed.
2017-05-03 jwst_0324.pmap archived New MIRI spectral resolution file for both long and short detector modes, containing information relevant to the spectral and spatial resolution of the MRS. They are derived from simulations and are to be used by cube build step in pipeline in order to weight data properly. Replacing old RESOL files to simplify reduction process for all modes.
2017-05-02 jwst_0323.pmap archived Once the pipeline is modified by Jane Morrison to require this file, it will be needed for the cube_build step. That step, when Jane modifies it, will require the default values of platescale, wavelength sampling, and spatial and spectral regions of interest that are contained in this file, in order to build cubes for all disperser/filter combinations for NIRSpec IFU data.
2017-05-02 jwst_0322.pmap archived First empty rmap for NIRSPEC CUBEPAR per Jira CRDS-110
2017-05-02 jwst_0321.pmap archived MIRI requires new file. Once the pipeline is modified by Jane Morrison to require this file, it will be needed for the cube_build step. That step, when Jane modifies it, will require the default values of platescale, wavelength sampling, and spatial and spectral regions of interest that are contained in this file, in order to build cubes from all sub-bands of MIRI MRS data.
2017-05-01 jwst_0320.pmap archived Correcting MIRI values of SUBSTRT1 and SUBSIZE1 in file headers so the pipeline does not crash.
2017-04-13 jwst_0319.pmap archived New rmap containing MIRI MRS photom files.
2017-04-12 jwst_0318.pmap archived New MIRI spectral resolution files for both long and short detector modes, containing information relevant to the spectral and spatial resolution of the MRS. They are derived from simulations and are to be used by cube build step in pipeline in order to weight data properly
2017-04-10 jwst_0317.pmap archived These NIRCam files are being delivered in support of an updated NircamPhotomModel datamodel that has not yet been delivered. Since these files predate the data model in the pipeline, they cannot be tested. After discussions with Howard, we decided to deliver the files before the updated data model in order to prevent the photom pipeline step from immediately failing when the new data model attempts to access the old format photom reference files.
2017-04-07 jwst_0316.pmap archived New MIRI CUBEPAR empty rmap per Jira CRDS-109.
2017-04-07 jwst_0315.pmap archived New MIRI RESOL empty rmap per Jira CRDS-108.
2017-02-24 jwst_0314.pmap archived A new MIRI pixel area rmap where jwst miri area 0001.fits has been removed due it being a bad file.
2017-02-09 jwst_0313.pmap archived MIRI Replace Dummy files
2017-02-08 jwst_0312.pmap archived Added BAND as a matching criteria for MIRI PHOTOM.
2017-01-29 jwst_0311.pmap archived Removed NIRCAM FLATS 0000 and 0010 per Jira CRDS-96
2017-01-27 jwst_0310.pmap archived Demoted NIRCAM FLATs that matched on FILTER,PUPIL=ANY to N/A to remove conflict with more specific references.
2017-01-25 jwst_0309.pmap archived New NIRCam pixel flats.
2017-01-20 jwst_0308.pmap archived NIRCAM SSB and ReDCaT team request.
2017-01-14 jwst_0307.pmap archived Updated MIRI WCSREGIONS rmap to support MIR_FLATIMAGE and MIR_FLAT-MRS per Jira CRDS-90.
2017-01-13 jwst_0306.pmap archived New MIRI Linearity and Fringe Reference Files
2017-01-12 jwst_0305.pmap archived Added FILTER and BAND as matching parameters for MIRI LINEARITY per Jira CRDS-87.
2017-01-06 jwst_0304.pmap archived Updated for CDP6 from CV3 data
2016-12-09 jwst_0303.pmap archived Updated SYSTEM CALVER reference for final B7 cal code versions 0.7.0rc6, rc7, rc8, rc9, identical with rc5.
2016-12-08 jwst_0302.pmap archived Modified MIRI FLAT rmap to reclassify remaining cases of READPATT=FAST to apply to FASTGRPAVG as well per Jira CRDS-77.
2016-12-08 jwst_0301.pmap archived Reverted NIRSPEC REFPIX based on problems with CDP4 related references.
2016-12-08 jwst_0300.pmap archived Changed NIRSPEC PATHLOSS rmap to handle NRS_BRIGHTOBJ same as NRS_FIXEDSLIT and make NRS_AUTOWAVE N/A.
2016-12-07 jwst_0299.pmap archived Manual pmap update for adding modified FGS, MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRISS PATHLOSS as N/A.
2016-12-07 jwst_0298.pmap archived Deliver updated RMAPs for superbias and extract1d. The Superbias had to change to allow for OR option for IRS2 readout. The Extract1d rmap to resolve a conflict with the latest delivery.
2016-12-07 jwst_0297.pmap archived Delivery of updated NIRSpec Superbias to correct and issues with the SUBSIZE values. Also an updated Extract1d file to be used with extract_1d step for NRS_BRIGHTOBJ data
2016-12-07 jwst_0296.pmap archived Fixed READPATT in NIRSPEC MASK and REFPIX RMAPs.
2016-12-07 jwst_0295.pmap archived Delivery NIRSpec REFPIX files for IRS2 mode. These are produced by the IDTs and delivered with CDP4
2016-12-07 jwst_0294.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC SUPERBIAS rmap to recategorize new superbias files as REAPATT = NRSIRS2 or NRSIRS2RAPID replacing prior files in that category.
2016-12-07 jwst_0293.pmap archived NIRSPEC updated the existing IRS2 superbias files to have SUBSIZE=2048 in accordance with what the pipeline expects.
2016-12-07 jwst_0292.pmap archived Updated SYSTEM CALVER rmap for cal code 0.7.0rc5
2016-12-06 jwst_0291.pmap archived Modified NIRSPEC REFPIX rmap instances of ALLIRS2 to NRSIRS2 or NRSIRS2RAPID.
2016-12-05 jwst_0290.pmap archived New NIRSpec ALLSLITS superbias reference files.
2016-12-02 jwst_0289.pmap archived New NIRSpec bias and dark reference files.
2016-12-02 jwst_0288.pmap archived SYSTEM CALVER reference for Build-7 rc4
2016-12-01 jwst_0287.pmap archived First NIRSPEC PATHLOSS references, IFU, MSASPEC, FIXEDSLIT
2016-12-01 jwst_0286.pmap archived First NIRSPEC PATHLOSS rmap
2016-11-28 jwst_0285.pmap archived Changed FGS DISTORTION USEAFTER from 2016-01-01 to 2015-06-01 per CRDS Trac-462 and feedback from SDP on 2016-11-21.
2016-11-28 jwst_0284.pmap archived Modified NIRCAM DARK USEAFTER from 2015-10-01 to 2015-06-01 per CRDS Trac-462 and test feedback from SDP on 2016-11-21.
2016-11-28 jwst_0283.pmap archived New MIRI MASK files.
2016-11-21 jwst_0282.pmap archived Modified NIRSPEC EXTRACT1D rmap to classify NRS_BRIGHTOBJ like NRS_FIXEDSLIT.
2016-11-21 jwst_0281.pmap archived Updated NIRSPEC AREA USEAFTER to 2014-07-01 per Jira JP-104.
2016-11-21 jwst_0280.pmap archived Mapped NIRISS DISTORTION AMI WCS to same references as IMAGE per Jira CRDS-56.
2016-11-21 jwst_0279.pmap archived Removed oldest NIRISS SATURATION reference. Reapplied remaining reference to all test data by changing USEAFTER to 2014-07-01 per Jira CRDS-81.
2016-11-17 jwst_0278.pmap archived Updated SYSTEM CALVER to support 0.7.0rc3.
2016-11-16 jwst_0277.pmap archived Adjusted MIRI DISTORTION and FILTEROFFSET rmaps manually to map MIR_IMAGE to more cases and remove replaced files.
2016-11-16 jwst_0276.pmap archived MIRI DISTORTION and FILTEROFFSET replacements for MIRIMAGE.
2016-11-16 jwst_0275.pmap archived Mapped NIRSPEC DARK NRSRAPID cases to NRS+NRSRAPID per Jira CRDS-80.
2016-11-16 jwst_0274.pmap archived Dummy NIRISS DARK files for NRS2 SUB512 and SUB32 for NRSRAPID.
2016-11-16 jwst_0273.pmap archived NIRISS DARK, remove NIS+NISRAPID for SUBARRAY=FULL, Jira CRDS-79.
2016-11-16 jwst_0272.pmap archived Applies NISRAPID cases to NIS for NIRISS DARK per Jira CRDS-79.
2016-11-16 jwst_0271.pmap archived NIRSPEC WCS files.
2016-11-15 jwst_0270.pmap archived FGS MASK USEAFTER adjustment to 2014-07-01 per Jira JP-94.
2016-11-15 jwst_0269.pmap archived To deliver new FGS reference files for subarrays and read patterns and to deliver corrected reference files.
2016-11-14 jwst_0268.pmap archived MIRI WCS MIR_CORONCAL + MIR_LYOT for EXTRACT1D and WCSREGIONS per Jira CRDS-57.
2016-11-14 jwst_0267.pmap archived Applied NIRSPEC NRS_FIXEDSLIT references to NRS_BRIGHTOBJ per Jira CRDS-73.
2016-11-14 jwst_0266.pmap archived Added more cases of FASTGRPAVG for MIRI FLAT MIRIMAGE, FULL instances per Jira CRDS-59
2016-11-14 jwst_0265.pmap archived Adjust MIRI DARK IFUSHORT USEAFTER per Jira CRDS-64.
2016-11-12 jwst_0264.pmap archived New NIRCAM subarray darks.
2016-11-11 jwst_0263.pmap archived Updated MIRI WCS rmaps related to github JWST pull 435.
2016-11-11 jwst_0262.pmap archived Updated WCS files for build-7 CV3 data. NIRCAM, NIRSPEC, NIRISS, FGS, not MIRI.
2016-11-11 jwst_0261.pmap archived New MIRI extract1d reference files.
2016-11-11 jwst_0260.pmap archived NIRISS SOSS extract1d reference file.
2016-11-11 jwst_0259.pmap archived NIRSPEC extract1d reference files.
2016-11-11 jwst_0258.pmap archived New NIRSPEC dark reference files.
2016-11-11 jwst_0257.pmap archived Jira CRDS-57 MIRI WCS REGIONS expand MIR_FLAT*.
2016-11-11 jwst_0256.pmap archived More Jira CRDS-57 MIRI WCS DISTORTION MIR_FLAT* expansion.
2016-11-11 jwst_0255.pmap archived Expanded instances of MIR_FLAT* in MIRI WCS files into explicit or-group of FLAT types to pass bestrefs value screening. Jira-CRDS-57
2016-11-11 jwst_0254.pmap archived More MIRI WCS for REGIONS and DISTORTION mapped MIR_FLAT* to N/A per Jira CRDS-57.
2016-11-11 jwst_0253.pmap archived Applied MIR_IMAGE references to other cases MIR_CORONCAL, MIR_LYOT for WCS types, per Jira CRDS-57. Also mapped MIRI WCS EXP_TYPE=FLAT* to N/A.
2016-11-11 jwst_0252.pmap archived New NIRCAM distortion files.
2016-11-11 jwst_0251.pmap archived Manually added jwst_miri_0103.imap to jwst_0250.pmap.
2016-11-11 jwst_0250.pmap archived Changed READPATT match of NIRISS SUPERBIAS jwst_niriss_superbias_0003.fits from ANY to N/A to avoid overlapping matches with NIS for Jira-72
2016-11-11 jwst_0249.pmap archived Change MIRI DARK MIRIFUSHORT FULL USEAFTER to 2014-07-01 per Jira CRDS-64.
2016-11-10 jwst_0248.pmap archived Adjusted USEAFTER for NIRISS MASK to cover CV2 data per Jira CRDS-63.
2016-11-10 jwst_0247.pmap archived NIRCAM DISTORTION EXP_TYPE= NRC_FOCUS, CORON, TACQ, TSI, TSS, and SLITLESS to use the same files as NRC_IMAGING.
2016-11-10 jwst_0246.pmap archived Changed USEAFTER for NIRISS DISTORTION NIS_IMAGE mode to 2015-01-01 for JWST DR 3517.
2016-11-09 jwst_0245.pmap archived Updated MIRI FLAT MIRIMAGE FULL FAST cases for F1000W, F2100W, F1280W.
2016-11-09 jwst_0244.pmap archived Changed NIRCAM AREA USEAFTER to 2014-01-01 to add support for CV2 data.
2016-11-07 jwst_0243.pmap archived Convert NIRISS FLAT, AMI Assign WCS correction, PUPIL=CLEARP to PUPIL=CLEARP or NRM for F277W, F380M, F430M, F480M. Jira CRDS-56.
2016-11-03 jwst_0242.pmap archived New SYSTEM CALVER reference for v0.7.0rc2
2016-11-03 jwst_0241.pmap archived Added translation from CAL_VER to META.CALBRATION_SOFTWARE_VERSION to SYSTEM CALVER rmap to support automatic updates from .json formatted files.
2016-11-02 jwst_0240.pmap archived NIRCAM distortion asdf files as per ReDCaT Team and SSB request.
2016-11-02 jwst_0239.pmap archived There were mistaken values in some of the reference files, values were updated, and a new reference file needs to be delivered
2016-11-02 jwst_0238.pmap archived First NIRISS SPECWCS rmap.
2016-10-31 jwst_0237.pmap archived Updated FGS DISTORTION rmap to include FGS_FOCUS as equivalent to FGS_IMAGE for CRDS-445 and PR-85469.
2016-10-31 jwst_0236.pmap archived Manual pmap update to incorporate manual imap update for NIRSPEC FLAT transition to N/A.
2016-10-28 jwst_0235.pmap archived New type of reference file.
2016-10-27 jwst_0234.pmap archived Initial rmap for NIRSPEC MSAOPER
2016-10-19 jwst_0233.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec FFLAT to change useafter date from 2016-06-xx t0 4014-01-01 in order to be able to calibrate CV2 and Cv3 data
2016-10-19 jwst_0232.pmap archived Updated NIRSpec sflat rmap to change the useafter date to 2016-06-xx to 2014-01-01 to cover all CV2 and CV3 data
2016-10-13 jwst_0231.pmap archived Added SYSTEM CALVER mapping for 0.6.0.
2016-10-10 jwst_0230.pmap archived Manually updated pmap for DFLAT, FFLAT, SFLAT as N/A for FGS, MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRISS.
2016-10-10 jwst_0229.pmap archived First NIRSPEC FFLAT and SFLAT references.
2016-10-10 jwst_0228.pmap archived First NIRSPEC DFLAT references.
2016-10-10 jwst_0227.pmap archived First empty NIRSPEC DFLAT, FFLAT, SFLAT rmaps.
2016-10-05 jwst_0226.pmap archived Updataed MIRI flat rmap to change the filter value ANY to N/A. With this change we should not have duplicated matches.
2016-10-05 jwst_0225.pmap archived MIRI CDP-6 updated version of files.
2016-10-05 jwst_0224.pmap archived NIRISS The files that are currently in place have the wrong bias counts in them. When making the reference files originally the bias counts were scaled by frame time since this is a cut out of a full frame bias. This was wrong to do so the new files fix this error.
2016-09-28 jwst_0223.pmap archived MIRI rmaps delivered to correct problems. Dark RMAP now have FASTGRPAVG. Flat rmaps remove subarray GENERIC
2016-09-28 jwst_0222.pmap archived New MIRI readnoise files which replace previous versions.
2016-09-26 jwst_0221.pmap archived Initial delivery of MIRI FASTGRPAVG READNOISE files.
2016-09-21 jwst_0220.pmap archived New flat files delivered as part of CDP-6
2016-09-21 jwst_0219.pmap archived Add new orphan MIRI PHOTOM references into CRDS rules
2016-09-20 jwst_0218.pmap archived Updated MIRI Dark rmap delivered to change READPATT from FAST to N/A such that the data with READPATT=FASTGRPAVG can be calibrated using these files
2016-09-16 jwst_0217.pmap archived New bias and new algorithm, so new saturation files for all modes. Delivery of updated CDP 6 darks. Initial delivery of files for CDP 6.
2016-09-16 jwst_0216.pmap archived Updated jwst_0213.pmap for the correct MIRI imap and resubmitted. Should now include MIRI RSCD lost in between 214 and 215.
2016-09-16 jwst_0215.pmap archived Manually updated imaps for FGS, NIRSPEC, NIRISS, NIRCAM for RSCD type addition.
2016-09-16 jwst_0214.pmap archived First empty rmap for MIRI RSCD
2016-09-12 jwst_0213.pmap archived First SYSTEM DATALVL reference file defining mapping from data processing level to reference type.
2016-09-12 jwst_0212.pmap archived First empty SYSTEM DATALVL rmap
2016-09-07 jwst_0211.pmap archived Removed jwst_niriss_distortion_0002.asdf from the rmap as it can no longer be used in calibration.
2016-09-07 jwst_0210.pmap archived New NIRISS distortion correction, photometric calibration, and pixel area reference files.
2016-08-26 jwst_0209.pmap archived Changed SYSTEM CALVER lookup keyword CAL_VER to META.CALIBRATION_SOFTWARE_VERSION since it is a data modeled parameter.
2016-08-26 jwst_0208.pmap archived Preliminary build-7 development version of SYSTEM CALVER calibration s/w component version tracking reference.
2016-08-26 jwst_0207.pmap archived Hand made .pmap update to add SYSTEM pseudo-instrument .imap
2016-08-25 jwst_0206.pmap archived Updated header keyword values
2016-08-24 jwst_0205.pmap archived Updated header keyword values
2016-08-18 jwst_0204.pmap archived New FGS Guider1 and Guider2 reference files.
2016-08-16 jwst_0203.pmap archived New reference files created from CV3 data that can reduce CV3 observations and needed for the first part of commisioning.
2016-08-11 jwst_0202.pmap archived Refactored NIRISS and FGS DARK rmaps to add READPATT, partly to differentiate different values of NFRAMES and GROUPGAP. MIRI and NIRSPEC already have READPATT, NIRCAM remains to be converted.
2016-08-11 jwst_0201.pmap archived Change values of SUBARRAY=FULL to SUBARRAY=GENERIC in rmaps for newer FGS references for GAIN, LINEARITY, MASK, READNOISE, SUPERBIAS.
2016-08-04 jwst_0200.pmap archived Delivery of NIRSpec saturation rmap to correct a problem with the useafter date of the most current files, which prevented them from being selected.
2016-08-04 jwst_0199.pmap archived New reference files created from CV3 data that can reduce CV3 observations and needed for the first part of commissioning.
2016-08-03 jwst_0198.pmap archived Extended B6 final context 192 for testing by adding in NIRSPEC DISPERSER files from context 197.
2016-08-01 jwst_0197.pmap archived Delivery of new NIRSpec Disperser reference files needed for Build 6 testing. These files were redelivered to put them in the science frame rather than the detector frame.
2016-07-25 jwst_0196.pmap archived New NIRCAM dark reference files.
2016-07-20 jwst_0195.pmap archived New NIRSPEC PHOTOM references for NRS_FIXEDSLIT, NRS_IFU, NRS_MSASPEC. Prior PHOTOM references obsoleted and removed.
2016-07-18 jwst_0194.pmap archived For NIRSPEC PHOTOM, added USEAFTER support and mapping for unsupported EXP_TYPE values to N/A.
2016-07-18 jwst_0193.pmap archived Modified NIRSPEC PHOTOM to select on EXP_TYPE and removed all references.
2016-05-24 jwst_0192.pmap archived Delivery of new NIRSPEC FPA reference files to correct the extraction location of NRS2 spectra.
2016-05-17 jwst_0191.pmap archived Corrected MIR_MRS-FLAT to MIR_MRSFLAT in MIRI distortion, regions, specwcs, and wcsregions.
2016-05-17 jwst_0190.pmap archived Corrected column value SLITLESSPRISM to SUBPRISM in jwst_miri_photom_0013.fts
2016-05-16 jwst_0189.pmap archived Changed MIRI SUBARRAY value SLITLESSPRISM to SUBPRISM in all MIRI rmaps.
2016-05-14 jwst_0188.pmap archived Change to MIRI FLAT rmap to resolve match overlap causing multi-match failure. Changed ANY to N/A.
2016-05-13 jwst_0187.pmap archived Correction to MIRI FLAT USEAFTER time syntax for several entries. Some corrections resulted in replacements by newer files.
2016-05-12 jwst_0186.pmap archived Updated pmap for hand-made NIRSPEC IMAP 0074.
2016-05-06 jwst_0185.pmap archived New MIRI AREA CDP5 reference file.
2016-05-05 jwst_0184.pmap archived New MIRI CP5 Flats to replace CP4 Flats
2016-05-04 jwst_0183.pmap archived Changes to NIRSPEC CAMERA, COLLIMATOR, DISPERSER, FORE, FPA, IFUFORE, IFUPOST, IFUSLICER, MSA, OTE, WAVELENGTHRANGE changing handling of various EXP_TYPE.
2016-05-04 jwst_0182.pmap archived Delivery of NIRISS rmaps for pixel area map and photom to remove old file that had different useafter and that were not removed with the new delivery.
2016-05-04 jwst_0181.pmap archived Delivery FGS rmaps for photom and pixel area reference files to remove old files that had a different useafter date and were not replaced with the last delivery when they should have.
2016-05-03 jwst_0180.pmap archived Changed READPATT=ANY to READPATT=N/A for FGS SUPERBIAS.
2016-05-03 jwst_0179.pmap archived Delivery of NIRISS pixel area and photom reference files. The pixel area only corrects header keywords
2016-05-03 jwst_0178.pmap archived Delivery of FGS pixel area maps and photometric reference files. This delivery corrects the headers of the pixel area files
2016-05-02 jwst_0177.pmap archived Delivery of new NIRSpec camera, collimator, disperser, fore, fpa, ifufore, ifupost, ifuslicer, msa, ote, and wavelengthrange reference files derived from CDP4
2016-05-02 jwst_0176.pmap archived Delivery of new MIRI MRS distortion, regions, specwcs, v2v3 and wavelengthrange reference files derived from CDP5 data and converted to the right format by N. Dencheva
2016-04-29 jwst_0175.pmap archived Hand edited to add FGS, MIRI, NIRISS, NIRCAM types ifufore, ifupost, ifuslicer as N/A. pmap only
2016-04-29 jwst_0174.pmap archived Empty rmaps for new NIRSPEC IFU types.
2016-04-28 jwst_0173.pmap archived Defined EXP_TYPE=MIR_IMAGE as N/A for MIRI EXTRACT1D.
2016-04-28 jwst_0172.pmap archived Delivery of Combined PHOTOM file for MIRI Imager from CDP5
2016-04-27 jwst_0171.pmap archived Delivery Dummy NIRSpec FLAT reference files for MOS data
2016-04-26 jwst_0170.pmap archived Redefined USEAFTER for MIRI FLAT SLITLESSPRISM cases as 2013-09-26
2016-04-26 jwst_0169.pmap archived Added READPATT as a matching parameter for NIRSPEC DARK per jira-crds-19 defining missing values of READPATT in early files as N/A.
2016-04-22 jwst_0168.pmap archived Added MIRI FLAT SLITLESSPRISM references back into rmap.
2016-04-18 jwst_0167.pmap archived Defined MIRIMAGE modes as N/A for MIRI FRINGE and STRAYMASK
2016-04-18 jwst_0166.pmap archived Defined missing NIRSPEC types as N/A. DRIZPARS, STRAYMASK, THROUGHPUT, FRINGE
2016-04-18 jwst_0165.pmap archived Defined missing types of all instruments as N/A, where missing means present in the union of all types but absent for that instrument.
2016-04-16 jwst_0164.pmap archived Delivery IRSpec MOS refpix reference files
2016-04-14 jwst_0163.pmap archived Delivery of NIRSPEC IMAGING flats
2016-04-14 jwst_0162.pmap archived Changed incorrect SUBARRAY from GENERIC to FULL for DARK RMAP.
2016-04-07 jwst_0161.pmap archived Delivery of NIRSpec Dark reference files delivered with CDP2
2016-04-07 jwst_0160.pmap archived Delivery of RMAPS for NIRSpec Gain and Mask reference files to change SUBARRAY=FULL to GENERIC so the new files can be properly selected.
2016-04-07 jwst_0159.pmap archived Delivery to modify USEAFTER of NIRSpec Gain and Mask reference files so new files are selected correctly.
2016-04-04 jwst_0158.pmap archived Delivery NIRSpec Gain and readnoise reference files to add only EXTNAME SCI keyword in ext 1
2016-04-04 jwst_0157.pmap archived Delivery of NIRSpec Bias reference files form CDP2
2016-04-04 jwst_0156.pmap archived Delivery NIRSpec gain, IPC, saturation, readnoise, mask, linearity reference files from CDP2 delivery
2016-03-31 jwst_0155.pmap archived Delivery of NIRISS BIAS and DARKS needed to support build 6
2016-03-31 jwst_0154.pmap archived Delivery of NIRISS Flat reference files derived from CDP-1 flats
2016-03-23 jwst_0153.pmap archived Added USEAFTER support to all NIRSPEC rmaps.
2016-03-23 jwst_0152.pmap archived Added USEAFTER support to all NIRISS rmaps.
2016-03-23 jwst_0151.pmap archived Added USEAFTER support to all NIRCAM rmaps.
2016-03-22 jwst_0150.pmap archived Added USEAFTER support to all MIRI rmaps.
2016-03-21 jwst_0149.pmap archived Modified all FGS rmaps to include USEAFTER as a selection criteria.
2016-03-18 jwst_0148.pmap archived Delivery of the fist FGS Distortion reference files with COMDEV NIRISS data
2016-03-17 jwst_0147.pmap archived First empty FGS DISTORTION rmap
2016-03-16 jwst_0146.pmap archived Delivery of NIRISS Distortion reference file derived from COMDEV data
2016-03-15 jwst_0145.pmap archived Delivery of NIRSpec Dark reference files from CDP-1
2016-03-14 jwst_0144.pmap archived Delivery NIRSpec Bias referencef files from CDP-1
2016-03-10 jwst_0143.pmap archived Adding latest delivered NIRSpec MASK and GAIN reference files from CDP-1 delivery to PMAP
2016-03-10 jwst_0142.pmap archived First empty NIRSPEC REFPIX rmap.
2016-03-08 jwst_0141.pmap archived Redelivery of MIRI FLAT RMAP which removes the 6 SLITLESSPRISM lines. There was an benign issue with the previously delivered version though we want to have the correct version being used by future deliveries of this type of reference files. The file was updated by Todd but delivered by R. Diaz
2016-03-07 jwst_0140.pmap archived Delivery of the MIRI FLAT RMAP to temporarily remove all the SLITLESSPRISM reference files which have a new size and location and hence crashing for all data pre CV2
2016-03-07 jwst_0139.pmap archived Delivery of new FGS dark, flat, read noise, bias and photom reference files derived from NIRISS CV2 data and for the purpose of testing the pipeline.
2016-03-02 jwst_0138.pmap archived Removed invalid MIR_MSA value from WCS rmaps per CRDS ticket #287
2016-02-20 jwst_0137.pmap archived Restructured NIRSPEC DARK and SUPERBIAS to use USEAFTER
2016-02-20 jwst_0136.pmap archived First empty FGS DARK rmap, Jira-14
2016-02-20 jwst_0135.pmap archived First empty FGS FLAT rmap, Jira-17
2016-02-20 jwst_0134.pmap archived First empty FGS PHOTOM rmap, Jira-18
2016-02-18 jwst_0133.pmap archived Delivery of reference files for linearity, dark, gain, area, ipc, saturation, mask for FGS
2016-02-18 jwst_0132.pmap archived Empty FGS AREA .rmap added
2016-02-18 jwst_0131.pmap archived Delivery of FLAT reference files from CDP4 delivery
2016-02-18 jwst_0130.pmap archived Delivery of FRINGE Flat reference files
2016-02-17 jwst_0129.pmap archived Deliver of MIRI linearity, reset,gain and last frame reference files from CDP4
2016-02-17 jwst_0128.pmap archived Delivery of mask, saturation, and IPC MIRI reference files from CDP4
2016-02-17 jwst_0127.pmap archived Substituted SUBARRAY=FULL to GENERIC for FGS and NIRCAM LINEARITY
2016-02-15 jwst_0126.pmap archived Corrected NIRSPEC LINEARITY SUBARRAY=FULL values to GENERIC. CRDS #377
2016-02-13 jwst_0125.pmap archived Changed NIRISS FLAT PUPIL=CLEARP to PUPIL=N/A
2016-02-11 jwst_0124.pmap archived Added SUBARRAY=GENERIC to SUBARRAY=N/A substitution for DARK, GAIN, MASK of all instruments, where missing.
2016-02-10 jwst_0123.pmap archived Delivery NIRCam reference darks created with CV2 data
2016-02-10 jwst_0122.pmap archived Delivery of NIRCam readnoise and IPC reference files created wit CV2 data
2016-02-09 jwst_0121.pmap archived Removed NIRCAM linearity SUBARRAY=FULL files as only the GENERIC should be active
2016-02-09 jwst_0120.pmap archived NIRCam Gain, Linearity and Saturation reference files derived from CV2 data
2016-02-09 jwst_0113.pmap archived Set FGS, NIRCAM, NIRISS, NIRSPEC parkey to DETECTOR, READPATT, SUBARRAY and added GENERIC substitution. Jira CRDS-21.
2016-02-09 jwst_0112.pmap archived New NIRCam superbias files derived with CV2 data
2016-02-05 jwst_0111.pmap archived Set matching criteria for FGS, NIRCAM, NIRISS, NIRSPEC GAIN to DETECTOR, SUBARRAY. Jira CRDS-20.
2016-02-05 jwst_0110.pmap archived Added PUPIL to NIRISS FLAT matching criteria Jira-CRDS-22.
2016-02-05 jwst_0109.pmap archived Set FGS, NIRCAM, NIRISS, NIRSPEC MASK matching criteria to DETECTOR, SUBARRAY from Jira CRDS-9. All cases of SUBARRAY=FULL in stubs were reinterpreted as SUBARRAY=GENERIC.
2016-02-04 jwst_0108.pmap archived Deleted FILTER from FGS SATURATION matching criteria, CRDS-10.
2016-02-04 jwst_0107.pmap archived Added SUBARRAY=GENERIC to N/A substitution for FGS, NIRCAM, NIRISS, NIRSPEC LINEARITY rmaps
2016-02-01 jwst_0106.pmap archived Refactored LINEARITY rmaps for FGS, NIRCAM, NIRISS, NIRSPEC to match on DETECTOR, SUBARRAY.
2015-11-17 jwst_0105.pmap archived Removed all NRS_FIXEDSLIT .json files from NIRSPEC REGIONS, rendering all known cases N/A at the rmap level.
2015-11-16 jwst_0104.pmap archived Declared various EXP_TYPE as N/A for 15 WCS types for MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRSPEC.
2015-11-13 jwst_0103.pmap archived Defined NRS_IMAGE as N/A for NIRSPEC REGIONS.
2015-11-12 jwst_0102.pmap archived Replacement MIRI distortion references for ticket #238.
2015-11-04 jwst_0101.pmap archived Hand edited pmap for NIRCAM WAVELEGTH range.
2015-10-31 jwst_0100.pmap archived Manually spliced in NIRSPEC 0042 to add V2V3 is N/A.
2015-10-31 jwst_0099.pmap archived Corrected WCS rmaps for parameter value typos detected by certify
2015-10-30 jwst_0098.pmap archived Explicitly declared some EXP_TYPE values as N/A for some WCS types of all instruments except FGS.
2015-10-30 jwst_0097.pmap archived Manual PMAP update for preceding WCS IMAP manual changes to declare types N/A.
2015-10-30 jwst_0096.pmap archived Added MIRI and NIRSPEC LRS and FS.
2015-10-27 jwst_0095.pmap archived Fixed new WCS rmaps which had META.INSTRUMENT.EXP_TYPE instead of META.EXPOSURE.TYPE
2015-10-27 jwst_0094.pmap archived ASDF references for MIRI REGIONS
2015-10-27 jwst_0093.pmap archived Prepped MIRI REGIONS rmap for ASDF files, removed corresponding .FITS files
2015-10-26 jwst_0092.pmap archived First ASDF references for NIRISS and NIRCAM DISTORTION.
2015-10-26 jwst_0091.pmap archived First empty rmaps for NIRISS and NIRCAM DISTORTION.
2015-10-26 jwst_0090.pmap archived Reference files for new nirspec spectral calibration steps
2015-10-26 jwst_0089.pmap archived Reference files for new miri spectral calibration steps
2015-10-26 jwst_0088.pmap archived First version of new spectral calibration step for miri
2015-10-26 jwst_0087.pmap archived Initial delivery of rules files for new spectral calibration steps
2015-10-25 jwst_0086.pmap archived Manually removed .json versions of MIRI DISTORTION and SPECWCS files from corresponding rmaps.
2015-10-25 jwst_0085.pmap archived Build-5 ASDF and FITS references for MIRI DISTORTION and SPECWCS.
2015-10-20 jwst_0084.pmap archived First EXTRACT1D references for MIRI, NIRISS, NIRSPEC.
2015-10-20 jwst_0083.pmap archived First EXTRACT1D rmaps for MIRI, NIRISS, NIRSPEC.
2015-10-02 jwst_0082.pmap archived NIRSpec flat-field reference files from the instrument team to support the Build 5 pipeline.
2015-09-30 jwst_0081.pmap archived Added jwst_miri_regions_0006.fits back to rules, MIRIFUSHORT SHORT case accidentally deleted during parameter schema change.
2015-09-15 jwst_0080.pmap archived Added DETECTOR=MIRFULONG BAND=N/A REFERENCE=N/A for MIRI STRAYMASK
2015-09-09 jwst_0079.pmap archived Fixed / redefined NOT NRS_IMAGE case of NIRSPEC AREA to be N/A.
2015-09-08 jwst_0078.pmap archived Added EXP_TYPE to AREA rmaps for MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRISS, NIRSPEC.
2015-09-04 jwst_0077.pmap archived Generic PIXEL AREA reference for NIRISS
2015-09-04 jwst_0076.pmap archived First PIXEL AREA references for MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRSPEC.
2015-09-04 jwst_0075.pmap archived Empty initial rmaps for PIXEL AREA for MIRI, NIRCAM, NIRSPEC.
2015-08-07 jwst_0074.pmap archived Copies of of the 15 currently active photom ref files for MIRI, NIRCam, and NIRSpec modified to make them compliant with the new Build 5 spec. Taken from Delivery_2015-08-05.
2015-08-06 jwst_0073.pmap archived Set READPATT=ANY for NIRISS SUPERBIAS latest reference version, removed old version from rmap.
2015-08-06 jwst_0072.pmap archived Reassigned NIRISS FLAT from FILTER=CLEAR to ANY, removed old file matching ANY after discussion with Bushouse.
2015-08-06 jwst_0070.pmap archived Added existing jwst_niriss_dark_0005.fits to current branch of rules.
2015-08-06 jwst_0069.pmap archived First suite of real references for NIRISS, minus ILLUM FLAT. bad pixel mask, bias, gain, pixel flat, ipc, linearity, photometric calibration, pixel area, read noise, saturation. Omitted dark since submitted earlier out of sequence, identical, already jwst_niriss_dark_0005.fits
2015-08-06 jwst_0068.pmap archived Added empty NIRISS AREA spec .rmap to bootstrap type.
2015-08-06 jwst_0067.pmap archived Removed FILTER as matching parameter from SATURATION, READNOISE, MASK, LINEARITY, GAIN, and DARK for all instruments.
2015-07-31 jwst_0066.pmap archived Manually removed FILTER as selection criteria in NIRISS DARK rmap. Removed original stub version of NIRISS DARK.
2015-07-31 jwst_0065.pmap archived Added NIRISS DARK from 2015-07-13 with SUBARRAY changed from GENERIC to FULL per instructions from bushouse.
2015-07-16 jwst_0064.pmap archived Removed FILTER as matching criteria from all PHOTOM rmaps.
2015-07-02 jwst_0063.pmap archived New .pmap to use immediately preceding MIRI SUPERBIAS=N/A .imap
2015-07-02 jwst_0062.pmap archived New hand adjusted .pmap to add the immediately preceding LASTFRAME=N/A and RESET=N/A .imaps.
2015-06-25 jwst_0061.pmap archived N/A .rmaps for MIRI and NIRSPEC which designate particular instrument modes as not applicable for these WCS types.
2015-06-25 jwst_0060.pmap archived Hand derived .pmap to utilize immediately prior .imaps
2015-05-04 jwst_0059.pmap archived Modified SUPERBIAS rmaps to support SUBARRAY=GENERIC.
2015-05-04 jwst_0058.pmap archived Corrected initial SUPERBIAS references for FGS and NIRSPEC.
2015-05-04 jwst_0057.pmap archived Initial SUPERBIAS references for FGS and NIRSPEC were incorrect, reverting to empty rmaps.
2015-05-04 jwst_0055.pmap archived First stub references for SUPERBIAS for FGS, NIRISS, NIRCAM, NIRSPEC.
2015-05-04 jwst_0054.pmap archived First stub references for SUPERBIAS for FGS, NIRISS, NIRCAM, NIRSPEC.
2015-03-31 jwst_0053.pmap archived Modified MIRI FLAT rmap 0014 to consistently handle ANY and to remove obsolete references 0029 and 0030.
2015-03-31 jwst_0052.pmap archived All MIRI references from 03-29-2015, new FLAT cases, replacement PHOTOM and FRINGE files.
2015-03-17 jwst_0051.pmap archived Added MIRI reference updates from jwst_0050.pmap to jwst_0048.pmap test context by splicing in the .imap
2015-03-16 jwst_0050.pmap archived Reverted MIRI DARK rmap in development context so that FULL is not translated to GENERIC.
2015-03-16 jwst_0049.pmap archived Deriving from development context 0046, modified relevant MIRI rmaps with SUBARRAY=FULL to SUBARRAY=GENERIC and added GENERIC to N/A substitution for SUBARRAY. References should now specify GENERIC instead of FULL. Datasets can specify subarrays which are explicitly handled or anything else including FULL.
2015-03-13 jwst_0048.pmap archived Level-2a files from the MIRI IDT CDP-3 delivery from November, 2014 to jwst_0047.pmap build-4 testing context tree. readnoise files already included
2015-03-13 jwst_0047.pmap archived Added READPATT to MIRI READNOISE by adding rmap from jwst_0046.pmap to jwst_0044.pmap
2015-03-13 jwst_0046.pmap archived Level-2a files from the MIRI IDT CDP-3 delivery from November, 2014.
2015-03-13 jwst_0045.pmap archived Added READPATT as MIRI READNOISE matching parameter.
2015-03-09 jwst_0044.pmap archived Modified NIRISS DETECTOR=NIRISS to DETECTOR=NIS for all relevant types in CRDS rules matching PRD SOC Release 3. Reference files are unchanged and still read DETECTOR=NIRISS.
2015-02-13 jwst_0043.pmap archived Modified NIRISS THROUGHPUT references fixing corrupt PRIMARY header EXTNAME.
2015-02-10 jwst_0042.pmap archived Added NIRISS THROUGHPUT references for AMI modes F277W, F380M, F430M, F480M.
2015-02-10 jwst_0041.pmap archived Added empty NIRISS THROUGHPUT rmap.
2015-01-08 jwst_0040.pmap bad Modified MIRI DARK rmap replacing FULL with N/A.
2015-01-08 jwst_0039.pmap archived Hand edit of MIRI DARK rmap to remove obsolete references.
2015-01-08 jwst_0038.pmap archived New MIRI DARK references covering SUBARRAY modes.
2014-11-14 jwst_0036.pmap archived Modified FGS rmaps to match on DETECTOR=GUIDER1 or GUIDER2 instead of FGS1 or FGS2.
2014-11-10 jwst_0035.pmap archived Added rmap_relevance expressions to MIRI REGIONS, SPECWCS, WCSREGIONS and NIRSPEC REGIONS, SPECWCS to avoid exceptions in Step pre-fetch for irrelevant types which are explicitly requested.
2014-09-24 jwst_0034.pmap archived Build 3 Delivery 3 First references for MIRI distortion, specwcs, regions, wcsregions and NIRSPEC distortion, specwcs, regions.
2014-09-24 jwst_0033.pmap archived Build 3 Delivery 3 Empty .rmaps for MIRI distortion, specwcs, regions, wcsregions and NIRSPEC distortion, specwcs, and regions.
2014-09-24 jwst_0032.pmap archived build3 jwst_miri_flat_slitlessprism.fits detector=MIRIMAGE, filter=P750L, subarray=SLITLESSPRISM, BAND=N/A, READPATT=ANY
2014-09-23 jwst_0031.pmap archived MIRI PHOTOM IFUSHORT and IFULONG, build 3 delivery 4.
2014-09-20 jwst_0030.pmap archived Re-added jwst_miri_flat_0006.fits through jwst_miri_flat_0015.fits, 10 files intentionally dropped by parameter changes.
2014-09-20 jwst_0029.pmap archived All references from JWST build 3 delivery 2. Update MIRI flats, fringes, straymasks, resets, lastframes, NIRSPEC flat.
2014-09-20 jwst_0028.pmap archived Updated or new empty rmaps for MIRI flat, fringe, lastframe, reset, straymask, NIRSPEC flat. Matching parameter set changes for build 3.
2014-09-17 jwst_0027.pmap archived All references for build 3 delivery 1, nominally replacements with no change in selection criteria. ALL saturation, NIRISS linearity mask flat dark, MIRI dark and bad.
2014-08-29 jwst_0026.pmap archived First Drizzle Parameters references for MIRI and NIRCAM.
2014-07-24 jwst_0025.pmap archived NIRISS PHOTOM reference replacement
2014-07-24 jwst_0024.pmap archived NIRSPEC PHOTOM reference replacements for nrs1 and nrs2 from Delivery_2014-07-24
2014-07-18 jwst_0023.pmap archived Macarena Garcia Marin, Silvia Scheithauer
2014-07-08 jwst_0022.pmap archived Added one reference MIRI_FM_IM_P750L_PixFlat_02.00.00.fits for DETECTOR=MIRIMAGE, FILTER=P750L, SUBARRAY=FULL.
2014-07-08 jwst_0021.pmap archived Added SUBARRAY to MIRI FLAT matching parameters. Existing ref files defined as SUBARRAY=FULL.
2014-06-04 jwst_0020.pmap archived New MIRI FLAT IFU references differentiated by grating.
2014-06-04 jwst_0019.pmap archived Updated MIRI FLAT .rmap to include GRATINGA and GRATINGB as matching parameters, removed IFU references which will be replaced in next context.
2014-06-02 jwst_0018.pmap archived Added back MIRI FLATS for MIRIFUSHORT and MIRIFULONG, 0003 and 0004.
2014-06-02 jwst_0017.pmap bad New MIRI flats from David Grumm authored by Eva Bauwens, Joris Blommaert adding readout pattern as an assignment parameter.
2014-06-02 jwst_0016.pmap bad Hand edited jwst_miri_flat_0001.rmap to add META.EXPOSURE.READPATT and remove all files.
2014-05-22 jwst_0015.pmap archived First MIRI FRINGE references, spectral fringing correction factors.
2014-05-22 jwst_0014.pmap archived Empty rmap for bootstrapping MIRI FRINGE type.
2014-03-26 jwst_0013.pmap archived Generated contexts for interpixel capacitance rmaps from jwst_0012.pmap
2014-03-14 jwst_0012.pmap archived First pmap for saturation
2014-04-05 jwst_0011.pmap archived NIRSPEC linearity references from JWST/data/ref_files/Delivery_2014-02-28
2014-04-05 jwst_0010.pmap archived NIRISS linearity references from JWST/data/ref_files/Delivery_2014-02-28
2014-04-05 jwst_0009.pmap archived NIRCAM linearity references from JWST/data/ref_files/Delivery_2014-02-28
2014-04-05 jwst_0008.pmap archived MIRI linearity references from JWST/data/ref_files/Delivery_2014-02-28
2014-04-05 jwst_0007.pmap archived FGS linearity references from JWST/data/ref_files/Delivery_2014-02-28/
2014-03-26 jwst_0006.pmap archived Changed META.INSTRUMENT.TYPE to META.INSTRUMENT.NAME in .pmap
2013-11-25 jwst_0005.pmap archived Initial mass file import
2013-09-30 jwst_0004.pmap archived Initial mass file import
2013-09-04 jwst_0003.pmap archived Initial mass file import
2013-11-25 jwst_0002.pmap archived Initial mass file import
2014-03-26 jwst_0001.pmap archived Initial mass file import
2014-03-26 jwst_0000.pmap archived Initial mass file import
2014-03-26 jwst.pmap archived Initial mass file import