This is the CRDS Context currently in use by the pipeline calibration software.
Each cal version is associated - and guaranteed to work with - a specific build context. For JWST users, the default context is determined based on the version of JWST software you have installed, unless you explicitly override this by setting the "CRDS_CONTEXT" environment variable to a specific context or virtual context, e.g. "jwst-latest".Start Date | Context | Status | Description |
2025-03-24 | jwst_1361.pmap | latest | Affected data - NIRCam, DHS modes, dark, pars-detector1pipeline, readnoise, and superbias reference files. Delivered new imaps, pmap, and rmaps that define the new bkg and sirskernel reference types for NIRISS, and pictureframe and sirskernel reference types for NIRSpec. New bkg reference files were delivered and enabled to supersede the wfssbkg reference file type in Build 12.0, which will allow a single reference file type to be used for both SOSS and WFSS background correction reference files. New dark, readnoise, and superbias reference files for NIRCam DHS observations are being delivered to support pipeline processing of the initial in-flight observations using the new SUB41STRIPE1_DHS, SUB82STRIPE2_DHS, SUB164STRIPE4_DHS, and SUB260STRIPE4_DHS apertures. All pixels in the dark reference files are set to zero. Data in the readnoise and superbias files were extracted from existing full frame reference files, and therefore may not be the most accurate measure of the true readnoise or superbias levels. This NIRCam detector1pipeline parameter reference file specifies detector1 parameters for NIRCam DHS exposures. The jump step is on, but snowball flagging is turned off. Neighbor pixel flagging in the saturation and jump steps is left on, since both cases only affect immediate neighbors to bad pixels. New system_calver file for jwst software version 1.18.0, which corresponds to DMS Build 11.3. This file contains the new pinned context for Build 11.3, jwst_13XX.pmap, to be used for processing and reprocessing of all JWST data upon installation of jwst version 1.18.0 into operations. |
2025-03-24 | jwst_1351.pmap | archived | Delivering a new MIRI mask rmap that sets NGROUPS to N/A for jwst_miri_mask_0067.fits. This file was previously delivered with this keyword missing, so NGROUPS was wrongly populated with UNDEFINED. |
2025-03-17 | jwst_1350.pmap | archived | Affected data: MIRI, MRS, bad pixel reference files. NIRISS, WFSS, background reference files MIRI: Shallow observations, defined as FASTR1 data with NGROUPS less than 50, use the least aggressive bad and warm pixel masking. Medium-depth observations, defined as FASTR1 data with NGROUPS greater than or equal to 50, use a slightly more aggressive flagging. Deep observations, defined as all SLOWR1 data, use the most aggressive flagging thresholds. This hybrid scheme is designed to help flag known bad pixels at the level actually required by different science cases. Each of the new bad pixel masks is based upon a thresholding analysis of multiple deep MRS background sky observations. With this delivery we are changing to 3 month cadence of updates, from a 6 month cadence. NIRISS: This delivery re-normalizes the NIRISS WFSS- GR150C and GR150R grisms- background reference files for the F090W, F115W, F150W, F200W filters. This delivery is needed to ensure that the reference files have medians of exactly 1 DN/s. |
2025-03-13 | jwst_1346.pmap | archived | Affected data: NIRCam, all modes, saturation reference files These NIRCam saturation reference files are designed to work in concert with the recently delivered mask reference files jwst_nircam_mask_0080 through jwst_nircam_mask_0089. Pixels flagged as DEAD or RC in those mask files have had their saturation values in these files set to 65535 such that they should never be flagged as saturated. This is because dead and RC pixels do not spill charge into their neighbors when they are saturated. Therefore we do not want the adaptive saturation flagging method to also flag their neighbors as saturated. The dead and RC pixels themselves will always be flagged as DO_NOT_USE, and therefore will be given values of NaN during ramp fitting. |