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JWST Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS)
Browse Database
Reference Type:
abvegaoffset -- AB to Vega magnitude offset
all -- All NIRSPEC reference file types.
amplifier -- Detector Amplifier Readout Parameters
apcorr -- Aperture Correction
area -- Pixel-Area Map
badshutter -- Flagging bad shutters step
barshadow -- Bar Shadow Correction
calver -- Calibration Software Component Versions
camera -- Camera Model
collimator -- Collimator
crdscfg -- Parameters for CRDS
cubepar -- IFU Cube defaults
dark -- Dark Frame
datalvl -- Reference Type to Processing Data Level
dflat -- Detector Flat Field
disperser -- Disperser
distortion -- Distortion
drizpars -- Drizzle Parameters used in Image Distortion Correction and Combination
emicorr -- EMI correction
extract1d -- 1-D Spectral Extraction
fflat -- Fore-optics Flat Field
filteroffset -- Filter Offset
flat -- Flat Field
fore -- Transform through the FORE optics
fpa -- Transform in the Focal Plane Array
fringe -- Spectral Fringing Correction Factors
fringefreq -- Residual Fringe
gain -- Gain
ifufore -- IFU fore
ifupost -- IFU post
ifuslicer -- IFU slicer
ipc -- Interpixel Capacitance
lastframe -- Last Frame
linearity -- Detector Linearity Correction Coefficients
mask -- Bad Pixel Mask
mrsptcorr -- MIRI MRS Point Source Extraction Corrections
mrsxartcorr -- MRS Cross Artifact Correction
msa -- Transform on the Multi Shutter Array
msaoper -- Micro-Shutter Assembly Operability, Bad Shutters
nrm -- Numerical representation of the non-redundant mask in the pupil wheel of NIRISS.
ote -- Transform through the Optical Telescope Element
pars-alignrefsstep -- AlignRefsStep runtime parameters
pars-ami3pipeline -- Ami3Pipeline runtime parameters
pars-amianalyzestep -- AmiAnalyzeStep runtime parameters
pars-amiaveragestep -- AmiAverageStep runtime parameters
pars-aminormalizestep -- AmiNormalizeStep runtime parameters
pars-assignmtwcsstep -- AssignMTWcsStep runtime parameters
pars-assignwcsstep -- AssignWcsStep runtime parameters
pars-backgroundstep -- BackgroundStep runtime parameters
pars-badpixselfcalstep -- Base rmap for nirspec-badpixselfcalstep
pars-barshadowstep -- BarShadowStep runtime parameters
pars-chargemigrationstep -- Parameters to correct charge migration and the jump detection step interaction.
pars-cleanflickernoisestep -- Base rmap for nirspec_pars-cleanflickernoisestep
pars-combine1dstep -- Combine1dStep runtime parameters
pars-coron3pipeline -- Coron3Pipeline runtime parameters
pars-cubebuildstep -- CubeBuildStep runtime parameters
pars-cubeskymatchstep -- CubeSkyMatchStep runtime parameters
pars-darkcurrentstep -- DarkCurrentStep runtime parameters for nirspec
pars-darkpipeline -- DarkPipeline runtime parameters
pars-detector1pipeline -- Step parameters for Detector1Pipeline
pars-dqinitstep -- DQInitStep runtime parameters
pars-emicorrstep -- Emicorrstep runtime parameters
pars-extract1dstep -- Extract1dStep runtime parameters
pars-extract2dstep -- Extract2dStep runtime parameters
pars-firstframestep -- FirstFrameStep runtime parameters
pars-flatfieldstep -- FlatFieldStep runtime parameters
pars-fringestep -- FringeStep runtime parameters
pars-gainscalestep -- GainScaleStep runtime parameters
pars-groupscalestep -- GroupScaleStep runtime parameters
pars-guidercdsstep -- GuiderCdsStep runtime parameters
pars-guiderpipeline -- GuiderPipeline runtime parameters
pars-hlspstep -- HlspStep runtime parameters
pars-image2pipeline -- Image2Pipeline runtime parameters
pars-image3pipeline -- Image3Pipeline runtime parameters
pars-imprintstep -- ImprintStep runtime parameters
pars-ipcstep -- IPCStep runtime parameters
pars-jumpstep -- JumpStep runtime parameters
pars-klipstep -- KlipStep runtime parameters
pars-lastframestep -- LastFrameStep runtime parameters
pars-linearitystep -- LinearityStep runtime parameters
pars-linearpipeline -- LinearPipeline runtime parameters
pars-masterbackgroundmosstep -- MasterBackgroundMosStep runtime parameters
pars-masterbackgroundnrsslitsstep -- MasterBackgroundNrsSlitsStep runtime parameters
pars-masterbackgroundstep -- MasterBackgroundStep runtime parameters
pars-mrsimatchstep -- MRSIMatchStep runtime parameters
pars-msaflagopenstep -- MSAFlagOpenStep runtime parameters
pars-nscleanstep -- New reference type for pars-nscleanstep
pars-outlierdetectionscaledstep -- OutlierDetectionScaledStep runtime parameters
pars-outlierdetectionstackstep -- OutlierDetectionStackStep runtime parameters
pars-outlierdetectionstep -- OutlierDetectionStep runtime parameters
pars-pathlossstep -- PathLossStep runtime parameters
pars-persistencestep -- PersistenceStep runtime parameters
pars-photomstep -- PhotomStep runtime parameters
pars-pixelreplacestep -- Pixel Replacement Step runtime parameters
pars-rampfitstep -- RampFitStep runtime parameters
pars-refpixstep -- RefPixStep runtime parameters
pars-resamplespecstep -- NIRSpec Baseline parameters for resampling
pars-resamplestep -- NIRISS default parameters for the resample step.
pars-resetstep -- ResetStep runtime parameters
pars-residualfringestep -- ResidualFringeStep runtime parameters
pars-rscdstep -- RscdStep runtime parameters
pars-saturationstep -- SaturationStep runtime parameters
pars-skymatchstep -- SkyMatchStep runtime parameters
pars-sourcecatalogstep -- SourceCatalogStep runtime parameters
pars-sourcetypestep -- SourceTypeStep runtime parameters
pars-spec2pipeline -- Spec2Pipeline runtime parameters
pars-spec3pipeline -- Spec3Pipeline runtime parameters
pars-spectralleakstep -- New reference type for pars-spectralleakstep
pars-stackrefsstep -- StackRefsStep runtime parameters
pars-straylightstep -- StraylightStep runtime parameters
pars-subtractimagesstep -- SubtractImagesStep runtime parameters
pars-superbiasstep -- SuperBiasStep runtime parameters
pars-tso3pipeline -- Tso3Pipeline runtime parameters
pars-tsophotometrystep -- TSOPhotometryStep runtime parameters
pars-tweakregstep -- TweakRegStep runtime parameters
pars-undersamplecorrectionstep -- UndersampleCorrectionStep runtime parameters
pars-wavecorrstep -- WavecorrStep runtime parameters
pars-wfscombinestep -- WfsCombineStep runtime parameters
pars-wfsscontamstep -- WfssContamStep runtime parameters
pars-whitelightstep -- WhiteLightStep runtime parameters
pastasoss -- NIRISS SOSS trace location reference file
pathloss -- Path loss correction
persat -- Persistence Saturation Threshold
photom -- Absolute Calibration
psf -- A wavelength array to be used for spectral extraction
psfmask -- PSF Mask
readnoise -- Read Noise
refpix -- Reference Pixels
regions -- Regions
reset -- Reset Correction
resol -- MRS Spectral Resolution File
rscd -- Reset Switch Charge Decay correction
saturation -- Saturation
sflat -- Spectrograph Flat Field
sirskernel -- Convolution kernel for the Simple Improved Reference Subtraction approach.
speckernel -- GR700XD Grism Spectrum Kernel File
specprofile -- GR700XD Grism Trace Profile Mapping File
spectrace -- GR700XD Grism Trace Centre Table
specwcs -- Spectroscopic World Coordinate System
straymask -- Stray Light Mask
superbias -- Super Bias
throughput -- Throughput
trapdensity -- Trap Density For Persistence Step
trappars -- Trap Capture and Decay Parameters
tsophot -- TSO Aperture Photometry Parameters
v2v3 -- v2-v3 map
wavecorr -- Wavelength Zero-point Correction
wavelengthrange -- Spectral Configurations
wavemap -- GR700XD Grism Wavelength Mapping File
wcsregions -- World Coordinate System Regions
wfssbkg -- WFSS master background reference images
Start Date:
Stop Date:
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